Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright 2016 The Cartographer Authors
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include <cmath>
18 #include <fstream>
19 #include <string>
22 #include "cartographer/ground_truth/proto/relations.pb.h"
25 #include "cartographer/mapping/proto/pose_graph.pb.h"
27 #include "gflags/gflags.h"
28 #include "glog/logging.h"
31  pose_graph_filename, "",
32  "Proto stream file containing the pose graph used to generate ground truth "
33  "data.");
34 DEFINE_string(output_filename, "", "File to write the ground truth proto to.");
35 DEFINE_double(min_covered_distance, 100.,
36  "Minimum covered distance in meters before a loop closure is "
37  "considered a candidate for autogenerated ground truth.");
38 DEFINE_double(outlier_threshold_meters, 0.15,
39  "Distance in meters beyond which constraints are considered "
40  "outliers.");
41 DEFINE_double(outlier_threshold_radians, 0.02,
42  "Distance in radians beyond which constraints are considered "
43  "outliers.");
45 namespace cartographer {
46 namespace ground_truth {
47 namespace {
49 std::vector<double> ComputeCoveredDistance(
50  const mapping::proto::Trajectory& trajectory) {
51  std::vector<double> covered_distance;
52  covered_distance.push_back(0.);
53  CHECK_GT(trajectory.node_size(), 0)
54  << "Trajectory does not contain any nodes.";
55  for (int i = 1; i < trajectory.node_size(); ++i) {
56  const auto last_pose = transform::ToRigid3(trajectory.node(i - 1).pose());
57  const auto this_pose = transform::ToRigid3(trajectory.node(i).pose());
58  covered_distance.push_back(
59  covered_distance.back() +
60  (last_pose.inverse() * this_pose).translation().norm());
61  }
62  return covered_distance;
63 }
65 // We pick the representative node in the middle of the submap.
66 //
67 // TODO(whess): Should we consider all nodes inserted into the submap and
68 // exclude, e.g. based on large relative linear or angular distance?
69 std::vector<int> ComputeSubmapRepresentativeNode(
70  const mapping::proto::PoseGraph& pose_graph) {
71  std::vector<int> submap_to_node_index;
72  for (const auto& constraint : pose_graph.constraint()) {
73  if (constraint.tag() !=
74  mapping::proto::PoseGraph::Constraint::INTRA_SUBMAP) {
75  continue;
76  }
77  CHECK_EQ(constraint.submap_id().trajectory_id(), 0);
78  CHECK_EQ(constraint.node_id().trajectory_id(), 0);
80  const int next_submap_index = static_cast<int>(submap_to_node_index.size());
81  const int submap_index = constraint.submap_id().submap_index();
82  if (submap_index <= next_submap_index) {
83  continue;
84  }
86  CHECK_EQ(submap_index, next_submap_index + 1);
87  submap_to_node_index.push_back(constraint.node_id().node_index());
88  }
89  return submap_to_node_index;
90 }
92 proto::GroundTruth GenerateGroundTruth(
93  const mapping::proto::PoseGraph& pose_graph,
94  const double min_covered_distance, const double outlier_threshold_meters,
95  const double outlier_threshold_radians) {
96  const mapping::proto::Trajectory& trajectory = pose_graph.trajectory(0);
97  const std::vector<double> covered_distance =
98  ComputeCoveredDistance(trajectory);
100  const std::vector<int> submap_to_node_index =
101  ComputeSubmapRepresentativeNode(pose_graph);
103  int num_outliers = 0;
104  proto::GroundTruth ground_truth;
105  for (const auto& constraint : pose_graph.constraint()) {
106  // We're only interested in loop closure constraints.
107  if (constraint.tag() ==
108  mapping::proto::PoseGraph::Constraint::INTRA_SUBMAP) {
109  continue;
110  }
112  // For some submaps at the very end, we have not chosen a representative
113  // node, but those should not be part of loop closure anyway.
114  CHECK_EQ(constraint.submap_id().trajectory_id(), 0);
115  CHECK_EQ(constraint.node_id().trajectory_id(), 0);
116  if (constraint.submap_id().submap_index() >=
117  static_cast<int>(submap_to_node_index.size())) {
118  continue;
119  }
120  const int matched_node = constraint.node_id().node_index();
121  const int representative_node =
124  // Covered distance between the two should not be too small.
125  double covered_distance_in_constraint =
126  std::abs( -
128  if (covered_distance_in_constraint < min_covered_distance) {
129  continue;
130  }
132  // Compute the transform between the nodes according to the solution and
133  // the constraint.
134  const transform::Rigid3d solution_pose1 =
135  transform::ToRigid3(trajectory.node(representative_node).pose());
136  const transform::Rigid3d solution_pose2 =
137  transform::ToRigid3(trajectory.node(matched_node).pose());
138  const transform::Rigid3d solution =
139  solution_pose1.inverse() * solution_pose2;
141  const transform::Rigid3d submap_solution = transform::ToRigid3(
142  trajectory.submap(constraint.submap_id().submap_index()).pose());
143  const transform::Rigid3d submap_solution_to_node_solution =
144  solution_pose1.inverse() * submap_solution;
145  const transform::Rigid3d node_to_submap_constraint =
146  transform::ToRigid3(constraint.relative_pose());
147  const transform::Rigid3d expected =
148  submap_solution_to_node_solution * node_to_submap_constraint;
150  const transform::Rigid3d error = solution * expected.inverse();
152  if (error.translation().norm() > outlier_threshold_meters ||
153  transform::GetAngle(error) > outlier_threshold_radians) {
154  ++num_outliers;
155  continue;
156  }
157  auto* const new_relation = ground_truth.add_relation();
158  new_relation->set_timestamp1(
159  trajectory.node(representative_node).timestamp());
160  new_relation->set_timestamp2(trajectory.node(matched_node).timestamp());
161  *new_relation->mutable_expected() = transform::ToProto(expected);
162  new_relation->set_covered_distance(covered_distance_in_constraint);
163  }
164  LOG(INFO) << "Generated " << ground_truth.relation_size()
165  << " relations and ignored " << num_outliers << " outliers.";
166  return ground_truth;
167 }
169 void Run(const std::string& pose_graph_filename,
170  const std::string& output_filename, const double min_covered_distance,
171  const double outlier_threshold_meters,
172  const double outlier_threshold_radians) {
173  LOG(INFO) << "Reading pose graph from '" << pose_graph_filename << "'...";
174  mapping::proto::PoseGraph pose_graph =
175  io::DeserializePoseGraphFromFile(pose_graph_filename);
177  LOG(INFO) << "Autogenerating ground truth relations...";
178  const proto::GroundTruth ground_truth =
179  GenerateGroundTruth(pose_graph, min_covered_distance,
180  outlier_threshold_meters, outlier_threshold_radians);
181  LOG(INFO) << "Writing " << ground_truth.relation_size() << " relations to '"
182  << output_filename << "'.";
183  {
184  std::ofstream output_stream(output_filename,
185  std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary);
186  CHECK(ground_truth.SerializeToOstream(&output_stream))
187  << "Could not serialize ground truth data.";
188  output_stream.close();
189  CHECK(output_stream) << "Could not write ground truth data.";
190  }
191 }
193 } // namespace
194 } // namespace ground_truth
195 } // namespace cartographer
197 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
198  google::InitGoogleLogging(argv[0]);
199  FLAGS_logtostderr = true;
200  google::SetUsageMessage(
201  "\n\n"
202  "This program semi-automatically generates ground truth data from a\n"
203  "pose graph proto.\n"
204  "\n"
205  "The input should contain a single trajectory and should have been\n"
206  "manually assessed to be correctly loop closed. Small local distortions\n"
207  "are acceptable if they are tiny compared to the errors we want to\n"
208  "assess using the generated ground truth data.\n"
209  "\n"
210  "All loop closure constraints separated by long covered distance are\n"
211  "included in the output. Outliers are removed.\n");
212  google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
214  if (FLAGS_pose_graph_filename.empty() || FLAGS_output_filename.empty()) {
215  google::ShowUsageWithFlagsRestrict(argv[0], "autogenerate_ground_truth");
216  return EXIT_FAILURE;
217  }
219  FLAGS_pose_graph_filename, FLAGS_output_filename,
220  FLAGS_min_covered_distance, FLAGS_outlier_threshold_meters,
221  FLAGS_outlier_threshold_radians);
222 }
DEFINE_double(min_covered_distance, 100., "Minimum covered distance in meters before a loop closure is " "considered a candidate for autogenerated ground truth.")
transform::Rigid3d ToRigid3(const proto::Rigid3d &rigid)
proto::Rigid2d ToProto(const transform::Rigid2d &transform)
const Vector & translation() const
mapping::proto::PoseGraph DeserializePoseGraphFromFile(const std::string &file_name)
FloatType GetAngle(const Rigid3< FloatType > &transform)
Definition: transform.h:34
void Run(const std::string &configuration_directory, const std::string &configuration_basename)
transform::Rigid3d pose
DEFINE_string(pose_graph_filename, "", "Proto stream file containing the pose graph used to generate ground truth " "data.")
int main(int argc, char **argv)

Author(s): The Cartographer Authors
autogenerated on Mon Feb 28 2022 22:00:58