Go to the documentation of this file.
39 #include <OgrePrerequisites.h>
42 #include <rviz/rviz_export.h>
51 class ViewportMouseEvent;
69 static QString formatClassId(
const QString& class_id);
73 QVariant getViewData(
int column,
int role)
const override;
76 Qt::ItemFlags getViewFlags(
int column)
const override;
86 virtual void update(
float dt,
float ros_dt)
101 virtual void handleKeyEvent(QKeyEvent* event,
RenderPanel* panel);
104 void lookAt(
float x,
float y,
float z);
109 virtual void lookAt(
const Ogre::Vector3& point)
116 virtual void reset() = 0;
145 void emitConfigChanged();
164 class_id_ = class_id;
167 void load(
const Config& config)
168 void save(
Config config)
const override;
182 void configChanged();
186 void updateNearClipDistance();
187 void updateStereoProperties();
188 void updateInvertZAxis();
217 void setCursor(CursorType cursor_type);
222 cursor_ = std::move(cursor);
242 void setStatus(
const QString& message);
virtual void onInitialize()
Do subclass-specific initialization. Called by ViewController::initialize after context_ and camera_ ...
virtual void lookAt(const Ogre::Vector3 &point)
This should be implemented in each subclass to aim the camera at the given point in space (relative t...
void setCursor(QCursor cursor)
virtual void onActivate()
called by activate().
FloatProperty * near_clip_property_
Property specialized to provide getter for booleans.
virtual QCursor getCursor()
virtual void handleMouseEvent(ViewportMouseEvent &evt)
DisplayContext * context_
BoolProperty * stereo_enable_
Property specialized to enforce floating point max/min.
A single element of a property tree, with a name, value, description, and possibly children.
QMap< CursorType, QCursor > standard_cursors_
virtual void transitionFrom(ViewController *previous_view)
Called by ViewManager when this ViewController is being made current.
Pure-virtual base class for objects which give Display subclasses context in which to work.
virtual void setClassId(const QString &class_id)
Set the class identifier used to create this instance. Typically this will be set by the factory obje...
virtual void update(float dt, float ros_dt)
Called at 30Hz by ViewManager::update() while this view is active. Override with code that needs to r...
Ogre::Camera * getCamera() const
EnumProperty * type_property_
ROSCONSOLE_DECL void initialize()
FloatProperty * stereo_focal_distance_
FloatProperty * stereo_eye_separation_
virtual QString getClassId() const
Return the class identifier which was used to create this instance. This version just returns whateve...
BoolProperty * stereo_eye_swap_
Configuration data storage class.
virtual void mimic(ViewController *source_view)
Configure the settings of this view controller to give, as much as possible, a similar view as that g...
Author(s): Dave Hershberger, David Gossow, Josh Faust, William Woodall
autogenerated on Fri Dec 13 2024 03:31:03