Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
octomap_server::TrackingOctomapServer Class Reference

#include <TrackingOctomapServer.h>

Inheritance diagram for octomap_server::TrackingOctomapServer:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

void insertScan (const tf::Point &sensorOrigin, const PCLPointCloud &ground, const PCLPointCloud &nonground)
 update occupancy map with a scan labeled as ground and nonground. The scans should be in the global map frame. More...
void trackCallback (sensor_msgs::PointCloud2Ptr cloud)
 TrackingOctomapServer (const std::string &filename="")
virtual ~TrackingOctomapServer ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from octomap_server::OctomapServer
bool clearBBXSrv (BBXSrv::Request &req, BBXSrv::Response &resp)
virtual void insertCloudCallback (const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr &cloud)
virtual bool octomapBinarySrv (OctomapSrv::Request &req, OctomapSrv::GetOctomap::Response &res)
virtual bool octomapFullSrv (OctomapSrv::Request &req, OctomapSrv::GetOctomap::Response &res)
 OctomapServer (const ros::NodeHandle private_nh_=ros::NodeHandle("~"), const ros::NodeHandle &nh_=ros::NodeHandle())
virtual bool openFile (const std::string &filename)
bool resetSrv (std_srvs::Empty::Request &req, std_srvs::Empty::Response &resp)
virtual ~OctomapServer ()

Protected Member Functions

void trackChanges ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from octomap_server::OctomapServer
void adjustMapData (nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid &map, const nav_msgs::MapMetaData &oldMapInfo) const
void filterGroundPlane (const PCLPointCloud &pc, PCLPointCloud &ground, PCLPointCloud &nonground) const
 label the input cloud "pc" into ground and nonground. Should be in the robot's fixed frame (not world!) More...
virtual void handleFreeNode (const OcTreeT::iterator &it)
 hook that is called when traversing free nodes of the updated Octree More...
virtual void handleFreeNodeInBBX (const OcTreeT::iterator &it)
 hook that is called when traversing free nodes in the updated area (updates 2D map projection here) More...
virtual void handleNode (const OcTreeT::iterator &it)
 hook that is called when traversing all nodes of the updated Octree (does nothing here) More...
virtual void handleNodeInBBX (const OcTreeT::iterator &it)
 hook that is called when traversing all nodes of the updated Octree in the updated area (does nothing here) More...
virtual void handleOccupiedNode (const OcTreeT::iterator &it)
 hook that is called when traversing occupied nodes of the updated Octree More...
virtual void handleOccupiedNodeInBBX (const OcTreeT::iterator &it)
 hook that is called when traversing occupied nodes in the updated area (updates 2D map projection here) More...
virtual void handlePostNodeTraversal (const ros::Time &rostime)
 hook that is called after traversing all nodes More...
virtual void handlePreNodeTraversal (const ros::Time &rostime)
 hook that is called before traversing all nodes More...
bool isInUpdateBBX (const OcTreeT::iterator &it) const
 Test if key is within update area of map (2D, ignores height) More...
bool isSpeckleNode (const octomap::OcTreeKey &key) const
 Find speckle nodes (single occupied voxels with no neighbors). Only works on lowest resolution! More...
bool mapChanged (const nav_msgs::MapMetaData &oldMapInfo, const nav_msgs::MapMetaData &newMapInfo)
unsigned mapIdx (const octomap::OcTreeKey &key) const
unsigned mapIdx (int i, int j) const
virtual void publishAll (const ros::Time &rostime=ros::Time::now())
void publishBinaryOctoMap (const ros::Time &rostime=ros::Time::now()) const
void publishFullOctoMap (const ros::Time &rostime=ros::Time::now()) const
void publishProjected2DMap (const ros::Time &rostime=ros::Time::now())
void reconfigureCallback (octomap_server::OctomapServerConfig &config, uint32_t level)
virtual void update2DMap (const OcTreeT::iterator &it, bool occupied)
 updates the downprojected 2D map as either occupied or free More...

Protected Attributes

std::string change_id_frame
bool listen_changes
int min_change_pub
ros::Publisher pubChangeSet
ros::Publisher pubFreeChangeSet
ros::Subscriber subChangeSet
ros::Subscriber subFreeChanges
bool track_changes
- Protected Attributes inherited from octomap_server::OctomapServer
std::string m_baseFrameId
ros::Publisher m_binaryMapPub
ros::ServiceServer m_clearBBXService
ros::Publisher m_cmapPub
ros::Publisher m_collisionObjectPub
std_msgs::ColorRGBA m_color
double m_colorFactor
std_msgs::ColorRGBA m_colorFree
bool m_compressMap
boost::recursive_mutex m_config_mutex
bool m_filterGroundPlane
bool m_filterSpeckles
ros::Publisher m_fmapPub
ros::Publisher m_fmarkerPub
ros::Publisher m_fullMapPub
nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid m_gridmap
double m_groundFilterAngle
double m_groundFilterDistance
double m_groundFilterPlaneDistance
bool m_incrementalUpdate
bool m_initConfig
octomap::KeyRay m_keyRay
bool m_latchedTopics
bool m_mapOriginChanged
ros::Publisher m_mapPub
ros::Publisher m_markerPub
double m_maxRange
unsigned m_maxTreeDepth
double m_minRange
double m_minSizeX
double m_minSizeY
unsigned m_multires2DScale
ros::NodeHandle m_nh
ros::NodeHandle m_nh_private
double m_occupancyMaxZ
double m_occupancyMinZ
ros::ServiceServer m_octomapBinaryService
ros::ServiceServer m_octomapFullService
octomap::OcTreeKey m_paddedMinKey
double m_pointcloudMaxX
double m_pointcloudMaxY
double m_pointcloudMaxZ
double m_pointcloudMinX
double m_pointcloudMinY
double m_pointcloudMinZ
ros::Publisher m_pointCloudPub
message_filters::Subscriber< sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 > * m_pointCloudSub
bool m_projectCompleteMap
bool m_publish2DMap
bool m_publishFreeSpace
dynamic_reconfigure::Server< OctomapServerConfig > m_reconfigureServer
double m_res
ros::ServiceServer m_resetService
tf::TransformListener m_tfListener
tf::MessageFilter< sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 > * m_tfPointCloudSub
unsigned m_treeDepth
octomap::OcTreeKey m_updateBBXMax
octomap::OcTreeKey m_updateBBXMin
bool m_useColoredMap
bool m_useHeightMap
std::string m_worldFrameId

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from octomap_server::OctomapServer
typedef octomap_msgs::BoundingBoxQuery BBXSrv
typedef octomap_msgs::GetOctomap OctomapSrv
typedef octomap::OcTree OcTreeT
typedef pcl::PointXYZ PCLPoint
typedef pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ > PCLPointCloud
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from octomap_server::OctomapServer
static std_msgs::ColorRGBA heightMapColor (double h)
static void updateMaxKey (const octomap::OcTreeKey &in, octomap::OcTreeKey &max)
static void updateMinKey (const octomap::OcTreeKey &in, octomap::OcTreeKey &min)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 37 of file TrackingOctomapServer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TrackingOctomapServer()

octomap_server::TrackingOctomapServer::TrackingOctomapServer ( const std::string &  filename = "")

Definition at line 37 of file TrackingOctomapServer.cpp.

◆ ~TrackingOctomapServer()

octomap_server::TrackingOctomapServer::~TrackingOctomapServer ( )

Definition at line 86 of file TrackingOctomapServer.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ insertScan()

void octomap_server::TrackingOctomapServer::insertScan ( const tf::Point sensorOrigin,
const PCLPointCloud ground,
const PCLPointCloud nonground 

update occupancy map with a scan labeled as ground and nonground. The scans should be in the global map frame.

sensorOriginorigin of the measurements for raycasting
groundscan endpoints on the ground plane (only clear space)
nongroundall other endpoints (clear up to occupied endpoint)

Reimplemented from octomap_server::OctomapServer.

Definition at line 89 of file TrackingOctomapServer.cpp.

◆ trackCallback()

void octomap_server::TrackingOctomapServer::trackCallback ( sensor_msgs::PointCloud2Ptr  cloud)

Definition at line 141 of file TrackingOctomapServer.cpp.

◆ trackChanges()

void octomap_server::TrackingOctomapServer::trackChanges ( )

Definition at line 97 of file TrackingOctomapServer.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ change_id_frame

std::string octomap_server::TrackingOctomapServer::change_id_frame

Definition at line 51 of file TrackingOctomapServer.h.

◆ listen_changes

bool octomap_server::TrackingOctomapServer::listen_changes

Definition at line 48 of file TrackingOctomapServer.h.

◆ min_change_pub

int octomap_server::TrackingOctomapServer::min_change_pub

Definition at line 50 of file TrackingOctomapServer.h.

◆ pubChangeSet

ros::Publisher octomap_server::TrackingOctomapServer::pubChangeSet

Definition at line 53 of file TrackingOctomapServer.h.

◆ pubFreeChangeSet

ros::Publisher octomap_server::TrackingOctomapServer::pubFreeChangeSet

Definition at line 52 of file TrackingOctomapServer.h.

◆ subChangeSet

ros::Subscriber octomap_server::TrackingOctomapServer::subChangeSet

Definition at line 54 of file TrackingOctomapServer.h.

◆ subFreeChanges

ros::Subscriber octomap_server::TrackingOctomapServer::subFreeChanges

Definition at line 55 of file TrackingOctomapServer.h.

◆ track_changes

bool octomap_server::TrackingOctomapServer::track_changes

Definition at line 49 of file TrackingOctomapServer.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Armin Hornung
autogenerated on Mon Jan 2 2023 03:18:15