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octomap::OcTreeStamped Class Reference

#include <OcTreeStamped.h>

Inheritance diagram for octomap::OcTreeStamped:
Inheritance graph


class  StaticMemberInitializer

Public Member Functions

OcTreeStampedcreate () const
void degradeOutdatedNodes (unsigned int time_thres)
unsigned int getLastUpdateTime ()
std::string getTreeType () const
 returns actual class name as string for identification More...
void integrateMissNoTime (OcTreeNodeStamped *node) const
 OcTreeStamped (double resolution)
 Default constructor, sets resolution of leafs. More...
virtual void updateNodeLogOdds (OcTreeNodeStamped *node, const float &update) const
 update logodds value of node by adding to the current value. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from octomap::OccupancyOcTreeBase< OcTreeNodeStamped >
bool bbxSet () const
virtual bool castRay (const point3d &origin, const point3d &direction, point3d &end, bool ignoreUnknownCells=false, double maxRange=-1.0) const
KeyBoolMap::const_iterator changedKeysBegin () const
KeyBoolMap::const_iterator changedKeysEnd () const
 Iterator to traverse all keys of changed nodes. More...
void computeDiscreteUpdate (const Pointcloud &scan, const octomap::point3d &origin, KeySet &free_cells, KeySet &occupied_cells, double maxrange)
void computeUpdate (const Pointcloud &scan, const octomap::point3d &origin, KeySet &free_cells, KeySet &occupied_cells, double maxrange)
void enableChangeDetection (bool enable)
 track or ignore changes while inserting scans (default: ignore) More...
point3d getBBXBounds () const
point3d getBBXCenter () const
point3d getBBXMax () const
point3d getBBXMin () const
bool getNormals (const point3d &point, std::vector< point3d > &normals, bool unknownStatus=true) const
virtual bool getRayIntersection (const point3d &origin, const point3d &direction, const point3d &center, point3d &intersection, double delta=0.0) const
bool inBBX (const OcTreeKey &key) const
bool inBBX (const point3d &p) const
virtual void insertPointCloud (const Pointcloud &scan, const octomap::point3d &sensor_origin, double maxrange=-1., bool lazy_eval=false, bool discretize=false)
virtual void insertPointCloud (const Pointcloud &scan, const point3d &sensor_origin, const pose6d &frame_origin, double maxrange=-1., bool lazy_eval=false, bool discretize=false)
virtual void insertPointCloud (const ScanNode &scan, double maxrange=-1., bool lazy_eval=false, bool discretize=false)
virtual void insertPointCloudRays (const Pointcloud &scan, const point3d &sensor_origin, double maxrange=-1., bool lazy_eval=false)
virtual bool insertRay (const point3d &origin, const point3d &end, double maxrange=-1.0, bool lazy_eval=false)
virtual void integrateHit (OcTreeNodeStamped *occupancyNode) const
 integrate a "hit" measurement according to the tree's sensor model More...
virtual void integrateMiss (OcTreeNodeStamped *occupancyNode) const
 integrate a "miss" measurement according to the tree's sensor model More...
bool isChangeDetectionEnabled () const
virtual void nodeToMaxLikelihood (OcTreeNodeStamped &occupancyNode) const
 converts the node to the maximum likelihood value according to the tree's parameter for "occupancy" More...
virtual void nodeToMaxLikelihood (OcTreeNodeStamped *occupancyNode) const
 converts the node to the maximum likelihood value according to the tree's parameter for "occupancy" More...
size_t numChangesDetected () const
 Number of changes since last reset. More...
 OccupancyOcTreeBase (const OccupancyOcTreeBase< OcTreeNodeStamped > &rhs)
 Copy constructor. More...
 OccupancyOcTreeBase (double resolution)
 Default constructor, sets resolution of leafs. More...
std::istream & readBinaryData (std::istream &s)
std::istream & readBinaryNode (std::istream &s, OcTreeNodeStamped *node)
void resetChangeDetection ()
 Reset the set of changed keys. Call this after you obtained all changed nodes. More...
void setBBXMax (const point3d &max)
 sets the maximum for a query bounding box to use More...
void setBBXMin (const point3d &min)
 sets the minimum for a query bounding box to use More...
virtual OcTreeNodeStampedsetNodeValue (const OcTreeKey &key, float log_odds_value, bool lazy_eval=false)
virtual OcTreeNodeStampedsetNodeValue (const point3d &value, float log_odds_value, bool lazy_eval=false)
virtual OcTreeNodeStampedsetNodeValue (double x, double y, double z, float log_odds_value, bool lazy_eval=false)
virtual void toMaxLikelihood ()
void updateInnerOccupancy ()
virtual OcTreeNodeStampedupdateNode (const OcTreeKey &key, bool occupied, bool lazy_eval=false)
virtual OcTreeNodeStampedupdateNode (const OcTreeKey &key, float log_odds_update, bool lazy_eval=false)
virtual OcTreeNodeStampedupdateNode (const point3d &value, bool occupied, bool lazy_eval=false)
virtual OcTreeNodeStampedupdateNode (const point3d &value, float log_odds_update, bool lazy_eval=false)
virtual OcTreeNodeStampedupdateNode (double x, double y, double z, bool occupied, bool lazy_eval=false)
virtual OcTreeNodeStampedupdateNode (double x, double y, double z, float log_odds_update, bool lazy_eval=false)
void useBBXLimit (bool enable)
 use or ignore BBX limit (default: ignore) More...
std::ostream & writeBinaryData (std::ostream &s) const
std::ostream & writeBinaryNode (std::ostream &s, const OcTreeNodeStamped *node) const
virtual ~OccupancyOcTreeBase ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from octomap::OcTreeBaseImpl< OcTreeNodeStamped, AbstractOccupancyOcTree >
OcTreeKey adjustKeyAtDepth (const OcTreeKey &key, unsigned int depth) const
key_type adjustKeyAtDepth (key_type key, unsigned int depth) const
iterator begin (unsigned char maxDepth=0) const
leaf_iterator begin_leafs (unsigned char maxDepth=0) const
leaf_bbx_iterator begin_leafs_bbx (const OcTreeKey &min, const OcTreeKey &max, unsigned char maxDepth=0) const
leaf_bbx_iterator begin_leafs_bbx (const point3d &min, const point3d &max, unsigned char maxDepth=0) const
tree_iterator begin_tree (unsigned char maxDepth=0) const
size_t calcNumNodes () const
 Traverses the tree to calculate the total number of nodes. More...
void clear ()
 Deletes the complete tree structure. More...
void clearKeyRays ()
bool computeRay (const point3d &origin, const point3d &end, std::vector< point3d > &ray)
bool computeRayKeys (const point3d &origin, const point3d &end, KeyRay &ray) const
OcTreeKey coordToKey (const point3d &coord) const
 Converts from a 3D coordinate into a 3D addressing key. More...
OcTreeKey coordToKey (const point3d &coord, unsigned depth) const
 Converts from a 3D coordinate into a 3D addressing key at a given depth. More...
key_type coordToKey (double coordinate) const
 Converts from a single coordinate into a discrete key. More...
key_type coordToKey (double coordinate, unsigned depth) const
 Converts from a single coordinate into a discrete key at a given depth. More...
OcTreeKey coordToKey (double x, double y, double z) const
 Converts from a 3D coordinate into a 3D addressing key. More...
OcTreeKey coordToKey (double x, double y, double z, unsigned depth) const
 Converts from a 3D coordinate into a 3D addressing key at a given depth. More...
bool coordToKeyChecked (const point3d &coord, OcTreeKey &key) const
bool coordToKeyChecked (const point3d &coord, unsigned depth, OcTreeKey &key) const
bool coordToKeyChecked (double coordinate, key_type &key) const
bool coordToKeyChecked (double coordinate, unsigned depth, key_type &key) const
bool coordToKeyChecked (double x, double y, double z, OcTreeKey &key) const
bool coordToKeyChecked (double x, double y, double z, unsigned depth, OcTreeKey &key) const
OcTreeNodeStampedcreateNodeChild (OcTreeNodeStamped *node, unsigned int childIdx)
 Creates (allocates) the i-th child of the node. More...
bool deleteNode (const OcTreeKey &key, unsigned int depth=0)
bool deleteNode (const point3d &value, unsigned int depth=0)
bool deleteNode (double x, double y, double z, unsigned int depth=0)
void deleteNodeChild (OcTreeNodeStamped *node, unsigned int childIdx)
 Deletes the i-th child of the node. More...
const iterator end () const
const leaf_iterator end_leafs () const
const leaf_bbx_iterator end_leafs_bbx () const
const tree_iterator end_tree () const
virtual void expand ()
virtual void expandNode (OcTreeNodeStamped *node)
virtual void getMetricMax (double &x, double &y, double &z)
 maximum value of the bounding box of all known space in x, y, z More...
void getMetricMax (double &x, double &y, double &z) const
 maximum value of the bounding box of all known space in x, y, z More...
virtual void getMetricMin (double &x, double &y, double &z)
 minimum value of the bounding box of all known space in x, y, z More...
void getMetricMin (double &x, double &y, double &z) const
 minimum value of the bounding box of all known space in x, y, z More...
virtual void getMetricSize (double &x, double &y, double &z)
 Size of OcTree (all known space) in meters for x, y and z dimension. More...
virtual void getMetricSize (double &x, double &y, double &z) const
 Size of OcTree (all known space) in meters for x, y and z dimension. More...
const OcTreeNodeStampedgetNodeChild (const OcTreeNodeStamped *node, unsigned int childIdx) const
OcTreeNodeStampedgetNodeChild (OcTreeNodeStamped *node, unsigned int childIdx) const
double getNodeSize (unsigned depth) const
size_t getNumLeafNodes () const
 Traverses the tree to calculate the total number of leaf nodes. More...
double getResolution () const
OcTreeNodeStampedgetRoot () const
unsigned int getTreeDepth () const
std::string getTreeType () const
void getUnknownLeafCenters (point3d_list &node_centers, point3d pmin, point3d pmax, unsigned int depth=0) const
 return centers of leafs that do NOT exist (but could) in a given bounding box More...
virtual bool isNodeCollapsible (const OcTreeNodeStamped *node) const
point3d keyToCoord (const OcTreeKey &key) const
point3d keyToCoord (const OcTreeKey &key, unsigned depth) const
double keyToCoord (key_type key) const
double keyToCoord (key_type key, unsigned depth) const
unsigned long long memoryFullGrid () const
virtual size_t memoryUsage () const
virtual size_t memoryUsageNode () const
bool nodeChildExists (const OcTreeNodeStamped *node, unsigned int childIdx) const
bool nodeHasChildren (const OcTreeNodeStamped *node) const
 OcTreeBaseImpl (const OcTreeBaseImpl< OcTreeNodeStamped, AbstractOccupancyOcTree > &rhs)
 Deep copy constructor. More...
 OcTreeBaseImpl (double resolution)
bool operator== (const OcTreeBaseImpl< OcTreeNodeStamped, AbstractOccupancyOcTree > &rhs) const
virtual void prune ()
virtual bool pruneNode (OcTreeNodeStamped *node)
std::istream & readData (std::istream &s)
OcTreeNodeStampedsearch (const OcTreeKey &key, unsigned int depth=0) const
OcTreeNodeStampedsearch (const point3d &value, unsigned int depth=0) const
OcTreeNodeStampedsearch (double x, double y, double z, unsigned int depth=0) const
void setResolution (double r)
virtual size_t size () const
void swapContent (OcTreeBaseImpl< OcTreeNodeStamped, AbstractOccupancyOcTree > &rhs)
double volume ()
std::ostream & writeData (std::ostream &s) const
virtual ~OcTreeBaseImpl ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from octomap::AbstractOccupancyOcTree
 AbstractOccupancyOcTree ()
double getClampingThresMax () const
float getClampingThresMaxLog () const
double getClampingThresMin () const
float getClampingThresMinLog () const
double getOccupancyThres () const
float getOccupancyThresLog () const
double getProbHit () const
float getProbHitLog () const
double getProbMiss () const
float getProbMissLog () const
bool isNodeAtThreshold (const OcTreeNode &occupancyNode) const
 queries whether a node is at the clamping threshold according to the tree's parameter More...
bool isNodeAtThreshold (const OcTreeNode *occupancyNode) const
 queries whether a node is at the clamping threshold according to the tree's parameter More...
bool isNodeOccupied (const OcTreeNode &occupancyNode) const
 queries whether a node is occupied according to the tree's parameter for "occupancy" More...
bool isNodeOccupied (const OcTreeNode *occupancyNode) const
 queries whether a node is occupied according to the tree's parameter for "occupancy" More...
bool readBinary (const std::string &filename)
bool readBinary (std::istream &s)
void setClampingThresMax (double thresProb)
 sets the maximum threshold for occupancy clamping (sensor model) More...
void setClampingThresMin (double thresProb)
 sets the minimum threshold for occupancy clamping (sensor model) More...
void setOccupancyThres (double prob)
 sets the threshold for occupancy (sensor model) More...
void setProbHit (double prob)
 sets the probability for a "hit" (will be converted to logodds) - sensor model More...
void setProbMiss (double prob)
 sets the probability for a "miss" (will be converted to logodds) - sensor model More...
bool writeBinary (const std::string &filename)
bool writeBinary (std::ostream &s)
bool writeBinaryConst (const std::string &filename) const
bool writeBinaryConst (std::ostream &s) const
virtual ~AbstractOccupancyOcTree ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from octomap::AbstractOcTree
 AbstractOcTree ()
virtual double getResolution () const =0
virtual size_t memoryUsage () const =0
virtual size_t memoryUsageNode () const =0
virtual size_t size () const =0
bool write (const std::string &filename) const
 Write file header and complete tree to file (serialization) More...
bool write (std::ostream &s) const
 Write file header and complete tree to stream (serialization) More...
virtual ~AbstractOcTree ()

Static Protected Attributes

static StaticMemberInitializer ocTreeStampedMemberInit
 to ensure static initialization (only once) More...
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from octomap::AbstractOccupancyOcTree
static const std::string binaryFileHeader = "# Octomap OcTree binary file"
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from octomap::AbstractOcTree
static const std::string fileHeader = "# Octomap OcTree file"

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from octomap::OcTreeBaseImpl< OcTreeNodeStamped, AbstractOccupancyOcTree >
typedef leaf_iterator iterator
typedef OcTreeNodeStamped NodeType
 Make the templated NODE type available from the outside. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from octomap::AbstractOcTree
static AbstractOcTreecreateTree (const std::string id, double res)
static AbstractOcTreeread (const std::string &filename)
static AbstractOcTreeread (std::istream &s)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from octomap::OccupancyOcTreeBase< OcTreeNodeStamped >
bool integrateMissOnRay (const point3d &origin, const point3d &end, bool lazy_eval=false)
 OccupancyOcTreeBase (double resolution, unsigned int tree_depth, unsigned int tree_max_val)
OcTreeNodeStampedsetNodeValueRecurs (OcTreeNodeStamped *node, bool node_just_created, const OcTreeKey &key, unsigned int depth, const float &log_odds_value, bool lazy_eval=false)
void toMaxLikelihoodRecurs (OcTreeNodeStamped *node, unsigned int depth, unsigned int max_depth)
void updateInnerOccupancyRecurs (OcTreeNodeStamped *node, unsigned int depth)
OcTreeNodeStampedupdateNodeRecurs (OcTreeNodeStamped *node, bool node_just_created, const OcTreeKey &key, unsigned int depth, const float &log_odds_update, bool lazy_eval=false)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from octomap::OcTreeBaseImpl< OcTreeNodeStamped, AbstractOccupancyOcTree >
void allocNodeChildren (OcTreeNodeStamped *node)
void calcMinMax ()
 recalculates min and max in x, y, z. Does nothing when tree size didn't change. More...
void calcNumNodesRecurs (OcTreeNodeStamped *node, size_t &num_nodes) const
void deleteNodeRecurs (OcTreeNodeStamped *node)
bool deleteNodeRecurs (OcTreeNodeStamped *node, unsigned int depth, unsigned int max_depth, const OcTreeKey &key)
 recursive call of deleteNode() More...
void expandRecurs (OcTreeNodeStamped *node, unsigned int depth, unsigned int max_depth)
 recursive call of expand() More...
size_t getNumLeafNodesRecurs (const OcTreeNodeStamped *parent) const
void init ()
 initialize non-trivial members, helper for constructors More...
 OcTreeBaseImpl (double resolution, unsigned int tree_depth, unsigned int tree_max_val)
void pruneRecurs (OcTreeNodeStamped *node, unsigned int depth, unsigned int max_depth, unsigned int &num_pruned)
 recursive call of prune() More...
std::istream & readNodesRecurs (OcTreeNodeStamped *, std::istream &s)
 recursive call of readData() More...
std::ostream & writeNodesRecurs (const OcTreeNodeStamped *, std::ostream &s) const
 recursive call of writeData() More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from octomap::AbstractOccupancyOcTree
bool readBinaryLegacyHeader (std::istream &s, unsigned int &size, double &res)
 Try to read the old binary format for conversion, will be removed in the future. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from octomap::AbstractOcTree
static bool readHeader (std::istream &s, std::string &id, unsigned &size, double &res)
static void registerTreeType (AbstractOcTree *tree)
- Protected Attributes inherited from octomap::OccupancyOcTreeBase< OcTreeNodeStamped >
point3d bbx_max
OcTreeKey bbx_max_key
point3d bbx_min
OcTreeKey bbx_min_key
KeyBoolMap changed_keys
 Set of leaf keys (lowest level) which changed since last resetChangeDetection. More...
bool use_bbx_limit
 use bounding box for queries (needs to be set)? More...
bool use_change_detection
- Protected Attributes inherited from octomap::OcTreeBaseImpl< OcTreeNodeStamped, AbstractOccupancyOcTree >
std::vector< KeyRaykeyrays
 data structure for ray casting, array for multithreading More...
const leaf_bbx_iterator leaf_iterator_bbx_end
const leaf_iterator leaf_iterator_end
double max_value [3]
 max in x, y, z More...
double min_value [3]
double resolution
 in meters More...
double resolution_factor
 = 1. / resolution More...
 Pointer to the root NODE, NULL for empty tree. More...
bool size_changed
 flag to denote whether the octree extent changed (for lazy min/max eval) More...
std::vector< double > sizeLookupTable
 contains the size of a voxel at level i (0: root node). tree_depth+1 levels (incl. 0) More...
point3d tree_center
const unsigned int tree_depth
 Maximum tree depth is fixed to 16 currently. More...
const tree_iterator tree_iterator_end
const unsigned int tree_max_val
size_t tree_size
- Protected Attributes inherited from octomap::AbstractOccupancyOcTree
float clamping_thres_max
float clamping_thres_min
float occ_prob_thres_log
float prob_hit_log
float prob_miss_log

Detailed Description

Definition at line 78 of file OcTreeStamped.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ OcTreeStamped()

octomap::OcTreeStamped::OcTreeStamped ( double  resolution)

Default constructor, sets resolution of leafs.

Definition at line 38 of file OcTreeStamped.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ create()

OcTreeStamped* octomap::OcTreeStamped::create ( ) const

virtual constructor: creates a new object of same type (Covariant return type requires an up-to-date compiler)

Implements octomap::AbstractOcTree.

Definition at line 86 of file OcTreeStamped.h.

◆ degradeOutdatedNodes()

void octomap::OcTreeStamped::degradeOutdatedNodes ( unsigned int  time_thres)

Definition at line 49 of file OcTreeStamped.cpp.

◆ getLastUpdateTime()

unsigned int octomap::OcTreeStamped::getLastUpdateTime ( )
timestamp of last update

Definition at line 43 of file OcTreeStamped.cpp.

◆ getTreeType()

std::string octomap::OcTreeStamped::getTreeType ( ) const

returns actual class name as string for identification

Implements octomap::AbstractOcTree.

Definition at line 88 of file OcTreeStamped.h.

◆ integrateMissNoTime()

void octomap::OcTreeStamped::integrateMissNoTime ( OcTreeNodeStamped node) const

Definition at line 66 of file OcTreeStamped.cpp.

◆ updateNodeLogOdds()

void octomap::OcTreeStamped::updateNodeLogOdds ( OcTreeNodeStamped occupancyNode,
const float &  update 
) const

update logodds value of node by adding to the current value.

Reimplemented from octomap::OccupancyOcTreeBase< OcTreeNodeStamped >.

Definition at line 61 of file OcTreeStamped.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ ocTreeStampedMemberInit

OcTreeStamped::StaticMemberInitializer octomap::OcTreeStamped::ocTreeStampedMemberInit

to ensure static initialization (only once)

Definition at line 122 of file OcTreeStamped.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Kai M. Wurm , Armin Hornung
autogenerated on Tue Dec 12 2023 03:39:41