laser_filters Namespace Reference

LaserScanMaskFilter removes points on directions defined in a mask from a laser scan. More...


class  DistanceWindowValidator
class  InterpolationFilter
class  LaserArrayFilter
 A class to provide median filtering of laser scans in time. More...
class  LaserMedianFilter
 A class to provide median filtering of laser scans in time. More...
class  LaserScanAngularBoundsFilter
class  LaserScanAngularBoundsFilterInPlace
class  LaserScanBoxFilter
 This is a filter that removes points in a laser scan inside of a cartesian box. More...
class  LaserScanFootprintFilter
class  LaserScanIntensityFilter
class  LaserScanMaskFilter
class  LaserScanPolygonFilter
class  LaserScanPolygonFilterBase
 This is a filter that removes points in a laser scan inside of a polygon. More...
class  LaserScanRangeFilter
class  LaserScanSectorFilter
class  LaserScanSpeckleFilter
 This is a filter that removes speckle points in a laser scan based on consecutive ranges. More...
class  PointCloudFootprintFilter
class  RadiusOutlierWindowValidator
class  ScanBlobFilter
class  ScanShadowDetector
class  ScanShadowsFilter
class  StaticLaserScanPolygonFilter
 This is a filter that removes points in a laser scan inside of a polygon. It assumes that the transform between the scanner and the robot base remains unchanged, i.e. the position and orientation of the laser filter should not change. A typical use case for this filter is to filter out parts of the robot body or load that it may carry. More...
class  WindowValidator

Detailed Description

LaserScanMaskFilter removes points on directions defined in a mask from a laser scan.

Tully Foote ScanFootprintFilter takes input scans and corrects for footprint angle assuming a flat target. This is useful for ground plane extraction
Eitan Marder-Eppstein InterpolationFilter takes input scans and for readings that come back as errors, interpolates between valid readings to generate range values for them.
Tully Foote ScanFootprintFilter takes input scans and corrects for footprint angle assuming a flat target.
This is useful for ground plane extraction
Yohei Kakiuchi ScanRangeFilter takes input scans and filters within indicated range.
Atsushi Watanabe (SEQSENSE, Inc.)

Author(s): Tully Foote
autogenerated on Mon Apr 3 2023 02:51:57