| tf2::ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED16 (class) QuadWord |
| The QuadWord class is base class for Vector3 and Quaternion. Some issues under PS3 Linux with IBM 2.1 SDK, gcc compiler prevent from using aligned quadword. More...
TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE Vector3 | tf2::lerp (const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2, const tf2Scalar &t) |
| Return the linear interpolation between two vectors. More...
TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE Vector3 | tf2::operator* (const tf2Scalar &s, const Vector3 &v) |
| Return the vector scaled by s. More...
TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE Vector3 | tf2::operator* (const Vector3 &v, const tf2Scalar &s) |
| Return the vector scaled by s. More...
TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE Vector3 | tf2::operator* (const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2) |
| Return the elementwise product of two vectors. More...
TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE Vector3 | tf2::operator+ (const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2) |
| Return the sum of two vectors (Point symantics) More...
TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE Vector3 | tf2::operator- (const Vector3 &v) |
| Return the negative of the vector. More...
TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE Vector3 | tf2::operator- (const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2) |
| Return the difference between two vectors. More...
TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE Vector3 | tf2::operator/ (const Vector3 &v, const tf2Scalar &s) |
| Return the vector inversely scaled by s. More...
TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE Vector3 | tf2::operator/ (const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2) |
| Return the vector inversely scaled by s. More...
TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE tf2Scalar | tf2::tf2Angle (const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2) |
| Return the angle between two vectors. More...
TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE Vector3 | tf2::tf2Cross (const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2) |
| Return the cross product of two vectors. More...
TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE tf2Scalar | tf2::tf2Distance (const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2) |
| Return the distance between two vectors. More...
TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE tf2Scalar | tf2::tf2Distance2 (const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2) |
| Return the distance squared between two vectors. More...
TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE tf2Scalar | tf2::tf2Dot (const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2) |
| Return the dot product between two vectors. More...
TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void | tf2::tf2PlaneSpace1 (const Vector3 &n, Vector3 &p, Vector3 &q) |
TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void | tf2::tf2SwapScalarEndian (const tf2Scalar &sourceVal, tf2Scalar &destVal) |
| tf2SwapVector3Endian swaps vector endianness, useful for network and cross-platform serialization More...
TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void | tf2::tf2SwapVector3Endian (const Vector3 &sourceVec, Vector3 &destVec) |
| tf2SwapVector3Endian swaps vector endianness, useful for network and cross-platform serialization More...
TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE tf2Scalar | tf2::tf2Triple (const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2, const Vector3 &v3) |
TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void | tf2::tf2UnSwapVector3Endian (Vector3 &vector) |
| tf2UnSwapVector3Endian swaps vector endianness, useful for network and cross-platform serialization More...