Classes | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
psen_scan_v2 Namespace Reference

Root namespace for the ROS part. More...


class  ActiveZonesetNode
 ROS Node that continuously publishes a marker for the active_zoneset. More...
class  ConfigServerNode
 ROS Node that publishes a latched topic containing the configured zonesets. More...
class  ParamMissingOnServer
 Exception thrown if a parameter of a certain type cannot be found on the ROS parameter server. More...
class  ROSScannerNodeT
 ROS Node that continuously publishes scan data of a single PSENscan laser scanner. More...
class  WrongParameterType
 Exception thrown if a parameter can be found on the ROS parameter server but with an unexpected type. More...
class  ZoneSetMsgBuilder


typedef ROSScannerNodeT ROSScannerNode


visualization_msgs::Marker createMarker (const std::string &ns, const std_msgs::ColorRGBA &color, const std::string &frame_id, const std::vector< geometry_msgs::Point32 > &points, const double &z_offset=0)
geometry_msgs::Point createPoint (const double &x, const double &y, const double &z)
std_msgs::ColorRGBA createRGBA (const float &r, const float &g, const float &b, const float &a)
template<class T >
getOptionalParamFromServer (const ros::NodeHandle &node_handle, const std::string &key, const T &default_value)
template<class T >
boost::optional< T > getParam (const ros::NodeHandle &node_handle, const std::string &key)
std::string getRangeInfo (const ZoneSet &zoneset)
template<class T >
getRequiredParamFromServer (const ros::NodeHandle &node_handle, const std::string &key)
psen_scan_v2::IOState toIOStateMsg (const psen_scan_v2_standalone::IOState &io_state, const std::string &frame_id)
sensor_msgs::LaserScan toLaserScanMsg (const LaserScan &laserscan, const std::string &frame_id, const double x_axis_rotation)
std::vector< visualization_msgs::Marker > toMarkers (const ZoneSet &zoneset)
template<typename PinStateType >
PinStateType toPinStateMsg (const psen_scan_v2_standalone::PinState &pin)


static const std::string DEFAULT_ACTIVE_ZONESET_TOPIC = "active_zoneset"
static constexpr double DEFAULT_X_AXIS_ROTATION = psen_scan_v2_standalone::data_conversion_layer::degreeToRadian(137.5)
 The 2D scan will be rotated around the z-axis. More...
static const std::string DEFAULT_ZONECONFIGURATION_TOPIC = "zoneconfiguration"
static const std::string DEFAULT_ZONESET_MARKER_ARRAY_TOPIC = "active_zoneset_markers"
static const std::string DEFAULT_ZONESET_TOPIC = "zoneconfiguration"

Detailed Description

Root namespace for the ROS part.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ROSScannerNode

Definition at line 113 of file ros_scanner_node.h.

Function Documentation

◆ createMarker()

visualization_msgs::Marker psen_scan_v2::createMarker ( const std::string &  ns,
const std_msgs::ColorRGBA &  color,
const std::string &  frame_id,
const std::vector< geometry_msgs::Point32 > &  points,
const double &  z_offset = 0 

Definition at line 62 of file zoneset_to_marker_conversion.h.

◆ createPoint()

geometry_msgs::Point psen_scan_v2::createPoint ( const double &  x,
const double &  y,
const double &  z 

Definition at line 43 of file zoneset_to_marker_conversion.h.

◆ createRGBA()

std_msgs::ColorRGBA psen_scan_v2::createRGBA ( const float &  r,
const float &  g,
const float &  b,
const float &  a 

Definition at line 52 of file zoneset_to_marker_conversion.h.

◆ getOptionalParamFromServer()

template<class T >
T psen_scan_v2::getOptionalParamFromServer ( const ros::NodeHandle node_handle,
const std::string &  key,
const T &  default_value 

Definition at line 48 of file ros_parameter_handler.h.

◆ getParam()

template<class T >
boost::optional<T> psen_scan_v2::getParam ( const ros::NodeHandle node_handle,
const std::string &  key 

Definition at line 30 of file ros_parameter_handler.h.

◆ getRangeInfo()

std::string psen_scan_v2::getRangeInfo ( const ZoneSet &  zoneset)

Definition at line 105 of file zoneset_to_marker_conversion.h.

◆ getRequiredParamFromServer()

template<class T >
T psen_scan_v2::getRequiredParamFromServer ( const ros::NodeHandle node_handle,
const std::string &  key 

Definition at line 59 of file ros_parameter_handler.h.

◆ toIOStateMsg()

psen_scan_v2::IOState psen_scan_v2::toIOStateMsg ( const psen_scan_v2_standalone::IOState io_state,
const std::string &  frame_id 

Definition at line 39 of file io_state_ros_conversion.h.

◆ toLaserScanMsg()

sensor_msgs::LaserScan psen_scan_v2::toLaserScanMsg ( const LaserScan laserscan,
const std::string &  frame_id,
const double  x_axis_rotation 

Definition at line 28 of file laserscan_ros_conversions.h.

◆ toMarkers()

std::vector<visualization_msgs::Marker> psen_scan_v2::toMarkers ( const ZoneSet &  zoneset)

Definition at line 115 of file zoneset_to_marker_conversion.h.

◆ toPinStateMsg()

template<typename PinStateType >
PinStateType psen_scan_v2::toPinStateMsg ( const psen_scan_v2_standalone::PinState pin)

Definition at line 30 of file io_state_ros_conversion.h.

Variable Documentation


const std::string psen_scan_v2::DEFAULT_ACTIVE_ZONESET_TOPIC = "active_zoneset"

Definition at line 31 of file active_zoneset_node.h.


constexpr double psen_scan_v2::DEFAULT_X_AXIS_ROTATION = psen_scan_v2_standalone::data_conversion_layer::degreeToRadian(137.5)

The 2D scan will be rotated around the z-axis.

Definition at line 24 of file default_ros_parameters.h.


const std::string psen_scan_v2::DEFAULT_ZONECONFIGURATION_TOPIC = "zoneconfiguration"

Definition at line 32 of file active_zoneset_node.h.


const std::string psen_scan_v2::DEFAULT_ZONESET_MARKER_ARRAY_TOPIC = "active_zoneset_markers"

Definition at line 33 of file active_zoneset_node.h.


const std::string psen_scan_v2::DEFAULT_ZONESET_TOPIC = "zoneconfiguration"

Definition at line 33 of file config_server_node.h.

Author(s): Pilz GmbH + Co. KG
autogenerated on Sat Jun 22 2024 02:46:12