Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CMotionPolynomialsThree arrays of TypeIIRMLMath::TypeIIRMLPolynomial
 CTypeIIRMLPolynomialThis class realizes polynomials of degree three as required for the Type II On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 CReflexxesAPIThis class constitutes the API of the Reflexxes Motion Libraries
 CRMLFlagsData structure containing flags to parameterize the execution of the On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 CRMLInputParametersClass for the input parameters of the On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 CRMLOutputParametersClass for the output parameters of the On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 CRMLPositionFlagsData structure containing flags to parameterize the execution of the position-based On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 CRMLPositionInputParametersClass for the input parameters of the position-based On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 CRMLPositionOutputParametersClass for the output parameters of the position-based On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 CRMLVectorThis is a minimalistic dynamic vector class implementation used for the Reflexxes Motion Libraries
 CRMLVelocityFlagsData structure containing flags to parameterize the execution of the velocity-based On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 CRMLVelocityInputParametersClass for the input parameters of the velocity-based On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 CRMLVelocityOutputParametersClass for the output parameters of the velocity-based On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 CTypeIIRMLPositionThis class constitutes the low-level user interface of the Reflexxes Type II Motion Library, which contains the Type II On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 CTypeIIRMLVelocityThis class constitutes the user interface of velocity-based the Type II On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm

autogenerated on Sat Nov 21 2020 03:17:35