File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 01_RMLPositionSampleApplication.cppTest application number 1 for the Reflexxes Motion Libraries (basic position-based interface)
 02_RMLPositionSampleApplication.cppTest application number 2 for the Reflexxes Motion Libraries (position-based interface, complete description of output values)
 03_RMLPositionSampleApplication.cppTest application number 3 for the Reflexxes Motion Libraries (position-based interface, time- and phase-synchronization)
 04_RMLVelocitySampleApplication.cppTest application number 1 for the Reflexxes Motion Libraries (basic velocity-based interface)
 05_RMLVelocitySampleApplication.cppTest application number 2 for the Reflexxes Motion Libraries (basic velocity-based interface, complete description of output values)
 06_RMLVelocitySampleApplication.cppTest application number 3 for the Reflexxes Motion Libraries (basic velocity-based interface)
 07_RMLPositionSampleApplication.cppTest application number 2 for the Reflexxes Motion Libraries (position-based interface, complete description of output values)
 08_RMLVelocitySampleApplication.cppTest application number 2 for the Reflexxes Motion Libraries (basic velocity-based interface, complete description of output values)
 ReflexxesAPI.cppImplementation file for the user interface (API)
 ReflexxesAPI.hHeader file for the class ReflexxesAPI (API of the Reflexxes Motion Libraries)
 RMLFlags.hHeader file for the class RMLFlags
 RMLInputParameters.hHeader file for the class RMLInputParameters
 RMLOutputParameters.hHeader file for the class RMLOutputParameters
 RMLPositionFlags.hHeader file for the class RMLPositionFlags
 RMLPositionInputParameters.hHeader file for the class RMLPositionInputParameters
 RMLPositionOutputParameters.hHeader file for the class RMLPositionOutputParameters
 RMLVector.hHeader file for the dynamic vector class used for the Reflexxes Motion Libraries
 RMLVelocityFlags.hHeader file for the class RMLVelocityFlags
 RMLVelocityInputParameters.hHeader file for the class RMLVelocityInputParameters
 RMLVelocityOutputParameters.hHeader file for the class RMLVelocityOutputParameters
 TypeIIRMLCalculatePositionalExtrems.cppImplementation file for the Type II On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 TypeIIRMLDecisions.cppImplementation file for decisions of the two decision trees of the Type II On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 TypeIIRMLDecisions.hHeader file for decisions of the two decision trees of the Type II On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 TypeIIRMLDecisionTree1A.cppImplementation file for the Step 1 decision tree 1A of the Type II On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 TypeIIRMLDecisionTree1A.hHeader file for the Step 1 decision tree 1A of the Type II On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 TypeIIRMLDecisionTree1B.cppImplementation file for the Step 1 decision tree 1B of the Type II On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 TypeIIRMLDecisionTree1B.hHeader file for the Step 1 decision tree 1B of the Type II On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 TypeIIRMLDecisionTree1C.cppImplementation file for the Step 1 decision tree 1C of the Type II On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 TypeIIRMLDecisionTree1C.hHeader file for the Step 1 decision tree 1C of the Type II On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 TypeIIRMLDecisionTree2.cppImplementation file for the Step 2 decision tree of the Type II On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm (time-synchronized case)
 TypeIIRMLDecisionTree2.hHeader file for the Step 2 decision tree of the Type II On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm (time-synchronized case)
 TypeIIRMLFallBackStrategy.cppImplementation file for the Type II On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 TypeIIRMLIsPhaseSynchronizationPossible.cppImplementation file for the Type II On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 TypeIIRMLMath.hHeader file for functions and definitions of constant values and macros
 TypeIIRMLPolynomial.cppImplementation file for for the class TypeIIRMLMath::TypeIIRMLPolynomial
 TypeIIRMLPolynomial.hHeader file for the class TypeIIRMLMath::TypeIIRMLPolynomial and the struct TypeIIRMLMath::MotionPolynomials
 TypeIIRMLPosition.cppMain implementation file for the Type II On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 TypeIIRMLPosition.hHeader file for the class TypeIIRMLPosition, which constitutes the actual interface of the Type II Reflexxes Motion Library
 TypeIIRMLQuicksort.cppImplementation file for the Quicksort algorithm
 TypeIIRMLQuicksort.hHeader file for the Quicksort algorithm
 TypeIIRMLSetupModifiedSelectionVector.cppImplementation file for the Type II On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 TypeIIRMLStep1.cppImplementation file for the Type II On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 TypeIIRMLStep1IntermediateProfiles.cppImplementation file for the Step 1 intermediate velocity profiles of the Type II On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 TypeIIRMLStep1IntermediateProfiles.hHeader file for intermediate profile segments of Step 1
 TypeIIRMLStep1Profiles.cppImplementation file for the calculation of all Step 1 motion profiles for the Type II On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 TypeIIRMLStep1Profiles.hHeader file for the Step 1 motion profiles
 TypeIIRMLStep2.cppImplementation file for the method TypeIIRMLPosition::Step2()
 TypeIIRMLStep2IntermediateProfiles.cppImplementation file for the Step 2 intermediate velocity profiles of the Type II On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 TypeIIRMLStep2IntermediateProfiles.hHeader file for intermediate profile segments of Step 2
 TypeIIRMLStep2PhaseSynchronization.cppImplementation file for the method TypeIIRMLPosition::Step2PhaseSynchronization()
 TypeIIRMLStep2Profiles.cppImplementation file for the calculation of all Step 2 motion profiles for the Type II On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 TypeIIRMLStep2Profiles.hHeader file for the Step 2 motion profiles
 TypeIIRMLStep2WithoutSynchronization.cppImplementation file for the function TypeIIRMLMath::Step2WithoutSynchronization()
 TypeIIRMLStep2WithoutSynchronization.hHeader file file for the declaration of the function TypeIIRMLMath::Step2WithoutSynchronization()
 TypeIIRMLStep3.cppImplementation file for the Type II On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 TypeIIRMLVelocity.cppMain implementation file for the velocity-based Type II On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 TypeIIRMLVelocity.hHeader file for the class TypeIIRMLVelocity
 TypeIIRMLVelocityCalculatePositionalExtrems.cppImplementation file for the Type II On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 TypeIIRMLVelocityFallBackStrategy.cppImplementation file for the Type II On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 TypeIIRMLVelocityIsPhaseSynchronizationPossible.cppImplementation file for the Type II On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 TypeIIRMLVelocityMethods.cppImplementation file for specific tools used for the velocity-based Type II On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm
 TypeIIRMLVelocitySetupPhaseSyncSelectionVector.cppImplementation file for the Type II On-Line Trajectory Generation algorithm

autogenerated on Sat Nov 21 2020 03:17:35