Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #pragma once
14 {
44  public ref class Accumulator
45  {
46  private:
47  // Pointer to the unmanaged GeographicLib::Accumulator.
49  // The finalizer releases the unmanaged object when this class is destroyrd.
50  !Accumulator(void);
51  public:
53  Accumulator(void);
55  ~Accumulator() { this->!Accumulator(); }
60  void Assign( double a );
62  double Result();
67  void Sum( double a );
72  void Multiply( int i );
79  static bool operator == ( Accumulator^ lhs, double a );
86  static bool operator != ( Accumulator^ lhs, double a );
93  static bool operator < ( Accumulator^ lhs, double a );
100  static bool operator <= ( Accumulator^ lhs, double a );
107  static bool operator > ( Accumulator^ lhs, double a );
114  static bool operator >= ( Accumulator^ lhs, double a );
115  };
116 } //namespace NETGeographicLib
static bool operator<(Accumulator^lhs, double a)
Less than operator.
void Sum(double a)
Adds a value to the accumulator.
void Assign(double a)
Assigns a value to an accumulator.
GeographicLib::Accumulator< double > * m_pAccumulator
Definition: Accumulator.h:48
Array33i a
static bool operator==(Accumulator^lhs, double a)
Equality operator.
double Result()
Returns the accumulated value.
static bool operator!=(Accumulator^lhs, double a)
Inequality operator.
static bool operator>(Accumulator^lhs, double a)
Greater than operator.
void Multiply(int i)
Multiplication by an integer.
static bool operator<=(Accumulator^lhs, double a)
Less than or equal to operator.
static bool operator>=(Accumulator^lhs, double a)
Greater than or equal to operator.
Destructor calls the finalizer.
Definition: Accumulator.h:55
.NET wrapper for GeographicLib::Accumulator.
Definition: Accumulator.h:44

autogenerated on Sat May 8 2021 02:41:36