Template Function pinocchio::mjcf::buildGeom

Function Documentation

template<typename Scalar, int Options, template<typename, int> class JointCollectionTpl>
GeometryModel &pinocchio::mjcf::buildGeom(ModelTpl<Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl> &model, const std::string &filename, const GeometryType type, GeometryModel &geom_model, ::hpp::fcl::MeshLoaderPtr mesh_loader = ::hpp::fcl::MeshLoaderPtr())

Build The GeometryModel from a Mjcf file.


If hpp-fcl has not been found during compilation, COLLISION objects can not be loaded

  • model[in] The model of the robot, built with mjcf::buildModel

  • filename[in] The mjcf complete (absolute) file path

  • type[in] The type of objects that must be loaded (must be VISUAL or COLLISION)

  • mesh_loader[in] object used to load meshes: hpp::fcl::MeshLoader [default] or hpp::fcl::CachedMeshLoader.

  • geom_model[out] Reference where to put the parsed information.


Returns the reference on geom model for convenience.