Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Copyright 2015 Aldebaran
00003  *
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  *
00016  */
00018 /*
00019 * LOCAL includes
00020 */
00021 #include "diagnostics.hpp"
00022 #include "../tools/from_any_value.hpp"
00024 /*
00025 * ROS includes
00026 */
00027 #include <diagnostic_updater/DiagnosticStatusWrapper.h>
00029 /*
00030 * BOOST includes
00031 */
00032 #include <boost/foreach.hpp>
00033 #define for_each BOOST_FOREACH
00035 namespace
00036 {
00037 void setMessageFromStatus(diagnostic_updater::DiagnosticStatusWrapper &status)
00038 {
00039   if (status.level == diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::OK) {
00040     status.message = "OK";
00041   } else if (status.level == diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::WARN) {
00042     status.message = "WARN";
00043   } else {
00044     status.message = "ERROR";
00045   }
00046 }
00047 }
00049 namespace naoqi
00050 {
00051 namespace converter
00052 {
00054 DiagnosticsConverter::DiagnosticsConverter( const std::string& name, float frequency, const qi::SessionPtr& session ):
00055     BaseConverter( name, frequency, session ),
00056     p_memory_(session->service("ALMemory")),
00057     temperature_warn_level_(68),
00058     temperature_error_level_(74)
00059 {
00060   // Allow for temperature reporting (for CPU)
00061   if ((robot_ == robot::PEPPER) || (robot_ == robot::NAO)) {
00062     p_body_temperature_ = session->service("ALBodyTemperature");
00063     p_body_temperature_.call<void>("setEnableNotifications", true);
00064   }
00066   // Get all the joint names
00067   qi::AnyObject p_motion = session->service("ALMotion");
00068   joint_names_ = p_motion.call<std::vector<std::string> >("getBodyNames", "JointActuators" );
00070   for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = joint_names_.begin(); it != joint_names_.end(); ++it) {
00071     all_keys_.push_back(std::string("Device/SubDeviceList/") + (*it) + std::string("/Temperature/Sensor/Value"));
00072     all_keys_.push_back(std::string("Device/SubDeviceList/") + (*it) + std::string("/Hardness/Actuator/Value"));
00073   }
00075   // Get all the battery keys
00076   all_keys_.push_back(std::string("BatteryChargeChanged"));
00077   all_keys_.push_back(std::string("BatteryPowerPluggedChanged"));
00078   all_keys_.push_back(std::string("BatteryFullChargedFlagChanged"));
00079   all_keys_.push_back(std::string("Device/SubDeviceList/Battery/Current/Sensor/Value"));
00081   std::string battery_status_keys[] = {"Charging", "Fully Charged"};
00082   battery_status_keys_ = std::vector<std::string>(battery_status_keys, battery_status_keys+2);
00084   // Get the CPU keys
00085   // TODO check that: it is apparently always -1 ...
00086   //all_keys_.push_back(std::string("HeadProcessorIsHot"));
00088   // TODO get ID from Device/DeviceList/ChestBoard/BodyId
00089 }
00091 void DiagnosticsConverter::callAll( const std::vector<message_actions::MessageAction>& actions )
00092 {
00093   diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticArray msg;
00094   msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
00096   // Get all the keys
00097   //qi::details::printMetaObject(std::cout, p_memory_.metaObject());
00098   std::vector<float> values;
00099   try {
00100       qi::AnyValue anyvalues = p_memory_.call<qi::AnyValue>("getListData", all_keys_);
00101       tools::fromAnyValueToFloatVector(anyvalues, values);
00102   } catch (const std::exception& e) {
00103     std::cerr << "Exception caught in DiagnosticsConverter: " << e.what() << std::endl;
00104     return;
00105   }
00107   // Fill the temperature / stiffness message for the joints
00108   double maxTemperature = 0.0;
00109   double maxStiffness = 0.0;
00110   double minStiffness = 1.0;
00111   double minStiffnessWoHands = 1.0;
00112   std::stringstream hotJointsSS;
00114   size_t val = 0;
00115   diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::_level_type max_level = diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::OK;
00116   for(size_t i = 0; i < joint_names_.size(); ++i)
00117   {
00118     diagnostic_updater::DiagnosticStatusWrapper status;
00119     status.name = std::string("naoqi_driver_joints:") + joint_names_[i];
00121     double temperature = static_cast<double>(values[val++]);
00122     double stiffness = static_cast<double>(values[val++]);
00124     // Fill the status data
00125     status.hardware_id = joint_names_[i];
00126     status.add("Temperature", temperature);
00127     status.add("Stiffness", stiffness);
00129     // Define the level
00130     if (temperature < temperature_warn_level_)
00131     {
00132       status.level = diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::OK;
00133       status.message = "OK";
00134     }
00135     else if (temperature < temperature_error_level_)
00136     {
00137       status.level = diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::WARN;
00138       status.message = "Hot";
00139     }
00140     else
00141     {
00142       status.level = diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::ERROR;
00143       status.message = "Too hot";
00144     }
00146     msg.status.push_back(status);
00148     // Fill the joint data for later processing
00149     max_level = std::max(max_level, status.level);
00150     maxTemperature = std::max(maxTemperature, temperature);
00151     maxStiffness = std::max(maxStiffness, stiffness);
00152     minStiffness = std::min(minStiffness, stiffness);
00153     if(joint_names_[i].find("Hand") == std::string::npos)
00154       minStiffnessWoHands = std::min(minStiffnessWoHands, stiffness);
00155     if(status.level >= (int) diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::WARN) {
00156       hotJointsSS << std::endl << joint_names_[i] << ": " << temperature << "°C";
00157     }
00158   }
00160   // Get the aggregated joints status
00161   {
00162     diagnostic_updater::DiagnosticStatusWrapper status;
00163     status.name = std::string("naoqi_driver_joints:Status");
00164     status.hardware_id = "joints";
00165     status.level = max_level;
00166     setMessageFromStatus(status);
00168     status.add("Highest Temperature", maxTemperature);
00169     status.add("Highest Stiffness", maxStiffness);
00170     status.add("Lowest Stiffness", minStiffness);
00171     status.add("Lowest Stiffness without Hands", minStiffnessWoHands);
00172     status.add("Hot Joints", hotJointsSS.str());
00174     msg.status.push_back(status);
00175   }
00177   // Fill the message for the battery
00178   {
00179     int battery_percentage = static_cast<int>(values[val++]);
00181     diagnostic_updater::DiagnosticStatusWrapper status;
00182     status.name = std::string("naoqi_driver_battery:Status");
00183     status.hardware_id = "battery";
00184     status.add("Percentage", battery_percentage);
00185     // Add the semantic info
00186     std::stringstream ss;
00187     for( size_t i = 0; i < battery_status_keys_.size(); ++i) {
00188       bool value = bool(values[val++]);
00189       status.add(battery_status_keys_[i], value);
00191       if (i == 0)
00192       {
00193         if (value)
00194         {
00195           status.level = diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::OK;
00196           ss << "Charging (" << std::setw(4) << battery_percentage << "%)";
00197         }
00198         else
00199         {
00200           if (battery_percentage > 60)
00201           {
00202               status.level = diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::OK;
00203               ss << "Battery OK (" << std::setw(4) << battery_percentage << "% left)";
00204           }
00205           else if (battery_percentage > 30)
00206           {
00207               status.level = diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::WARN;
00208               ss << "Battery discharging (" << std::setw(4) << battery_percentage << "% left)";
00209           }
00210           else
00211           {
00212               status.level = diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::ERROR;
00213               ss << "Battery almost empty (" << std::setw(4) << battery_percentage << "% left)";
00214           }
00215         }
00216       }
00217       else if ((i == 1) && value)
00218       {
00219         status.level = diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::OK;
00220         status.message = "Battery fully charged";
00221       }
00222     }
00223     if (!ss.str().empty())
00224       status.message = ss.str();
00226     max_level = status.level;
00227     msg.status.push_back(status);
00228   }
00230   // Process the current battery information
00231   {
00232     float current = float(values[val++]);
00233     diagnostic_updater::DiagnosticStatusWrapper status;
00234     status.name = std::string("naoqi_driver_battery:Current");
00235     status.hardware_id = "battery";
00236     status.add("Current", current);
00237     status.level = max_level;
00238     std::ostringstream ss;
00239     if (current > 0)
00240       ss << "Total Current: " << std::setw(5) << current << " Ampere (charging)";
00241     else
00242       ss << "Total Current: " << std::setw(5) << current << " Ampere (discharging)";
00243     status.message = ss.str();
00245     msg.status.push_back(status);
00246   }
00248   // TODO: CPU information should be obtained from system files like done in Python
00249   // We can still get the temperature
00250   {
00251     diagnostic_updater::DiagnosticStatusWrapper status;
00252     status.name = std::string("naoqi_driver_computer:CPU");
00253     status.level = diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus::OK;
00254     //status.add("Temperature", static_cast<float>(values[val++]));
00255     // setting to -1 until we find the right key
00256     status.add("Temperature", static_cast<float>(-1));
00258     msg.status.push_back(status);
00259   }
00261   // TODO: wifi and ethernet statuses should be obtained from DBUS
00263   for_each( message_actions::MessageAction action, actions )
00264   {
00265     callbacks_[action]( msg);
00266   }
00268 }
00270 void DiagnosticsConverter::reset()
00271 {
00272 }
00274 void DiagnosticsConverter::registerCallback( const message_actions::MessageAction action, Callback_t cb )
00275 {
00276   callbacks_[action] = cb;
00277 }
00279 } //converter
00280 } // naoqi

Author(s): Karsten Knese
autogenerated on Sun Sep 17 2017 02:57:14