Class NavStateFilter

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public mrpt::system::COutputLogger

Class Documentation

class NavStateFilter : public mrpt::system::COutputLogger

Unified API for kinematic state filtering algorithms, fusing information from multiple odometry or twist sources.

Public Functions

virtual void reset() = 0

Resets the estimator state to an initial state

virtual void initialize(const mrpt::containers::yaml &cfg) = 0

Initializes the object and reads all parameters from a YAML node.


cfg – a YAML node with a dictionary of parameters to load from.

virtual void fuse_pose(const mrpt::Clock::time_point &timestamp, const mrpt::poses::CPose3DPDFGaussian &pose, const std::string &frame_id) = 0

Integrates new SE(3) pose estimation of the vehicle wrt frame_id

virtual void fuse_odometry(const mrpt::obs::CObservationOdometry &odom, const std::string &odomName = "odom_wheels") = 0

Integrates new wheels-based odometry observations into the estimator. This is a convenience method that internally ends up calling fuse_pose(), but computing the uncertainty of odometry increments according to a given motion model.

virtual void fuse_imu(const mrpt::obs::CObservationIMU &imu) = 0

Integrates new IMU observations into the estimator

virtual void fuse_twist(const mrpt::Clock::time_point &timestamp, const mrpt::math::TTwist3D &twist, const mrpt::math::CMatrixDouble66 &twistCov) = 0

Integrates new twist estimation (in the odom frame)

virtual std::optional<NavState> estimated_navstate(const mrpt::Clock::time_point &timestamp, const std::string &frame_id) = 0

Computes the estimated vehicle state at a given timestep using the observations in the time window. A std::nullopt is returned if there is no valid observations yet, or if requested a timestamp out of the model validity time window (e.g. too far in the future to be trustful).