Struct Sensor

Struct Documentation

struct Sensor

Struct representing sensor.

Public Members

std::string frame_id = ""

Frame ID associated with the sensor.

int32_t width = 0

Width of the sensor in pixel.

int32_t height = 0

Height of the sensor in pixel.

std::string pixel_format = "n/a"

Pixel format associated ith the sensor.

size_t n_bits_pixel = 0

Number of pixel associated with the pixel format.

bool reverse_x = false

Flip the image horizontally on the device.

bool reverse_y = false

Flip the image vertically on the device.

int binning_x = 1

Number of pixel that are combined horizontally.

std::string binning_mode_x = "n/a"

Mode to horizontally combine pixel.

int binning_y = 1

Number of pixel that are combined vertically.

std::string binning_mode_y = "n/a"

Mode to vertically combine pixel.