Struct CameraDriverGv::Stream

Nested Relationships

This struct is a nested type of Class CameraDriverGv.

Struct Documentation

struct Stream

Struct implementing camera stream.

Public Functions

inline Stream()

Default constructor.

Public Members

ArvStream *p_arv_stream

Pointer to aravis stream.

ImageBufferPool::SharedPtr p_buffer_pool

Shared pointer to buffer pool.

std::string name

Name of stream.

Sensor sensor

Sensor associated with the stream.

ImageRoi image_roi

Image region associated with the stream.

AcquisitionControl acquisition_control

Control settings for image acquisition.

AnalogControl analog_control

Control settings for analog control.

std::string camera_info_url

URL to camera info yaml file.

ConversionFunction cvt_pixel_format

Conversion function to convert pixel format from sensor into image message.

image_transport::CameraPublisher camera_pub

Camera publisher.

std::unique_ptr<camera_info_manager::CameraInfoManager> p_camera_info_manager

Unique pointer to camera info manager.

sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo::SharedPtr p_cam_info_msg

Pointer to camera_info message.

bool is_buffer_processed

Flag controlling processing of buffer data.

std::thread buffer_processing_thread

Thread to process ready stream buffer.

ConcurrentQueue<std::pair<ArvBuffer*, sensor_msgs::msg::Image::SharedPtr>> buffer_queue

Concurrent queue holding the buffer data to be processed in a separate thread.