Public Member Functions | Public Attributes
crl::multisense::system::ExternalCalibration Class Reference

#include <MultiSenseTypes.hh>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ExternalCalibration ()

Public Attributes

float pitch
float roll
float x
float y
float yaw
float z

Detailed Description

A external calibration associated with the MultiSense. This is user defined non-volatile storage so the location of the MultiSense can be stored dynamically on the sensor. This can be used to store the mounting location of the sensor relative to a base coordinate frame. This is not used internally by the MultiSense or the ROS driver.

Example code to query a devices's external calibration:

     // Instantiate a channel connecting to a sensor at the factory default
     // IP address
     crl::multisense::Channel* channel;
     channel = crl::multisense::Channel::Create("");


     // Create a instance of ExternalCalibration to store the device's imager
      // calibration
     crl::multisense::system::ExternalCalibration externalCalibration;

     // Query the imager calibration from the Channel instance
     crl::multisense::Status status = channel->getExternalCalibration(externalCalibration));

     // Check to see if the network configuration query succeeded
     if(crl::multisense::Status_Ok != status) {
          throw std::runtime_error("Unable to query device's external calibration");

     // Use the external calibration...

     // Destroy the channel instance

Example code to set a devices external calibration:

     // Instantiate a channel connecting to a sensor at the factory default
     // IP address
     crl::multisense::Channel* channel;
     channel = crl::multisense::Channel::Create("");


     // Create a instance of ExternalCalibration to store the device's imager
     // calibration
     crl::multisense::system::ExternalCalibration externalCalibration;

     // Set the external calibration values
     externalCalibration.x = 0.1;
     externalCalibration.y = 0.2;
     externalCalibration.z = 0.3;
     externalCalibration.roll = 2.5;
     externalCalibration.pitch = 3.67;
     externalCalibration.yaw = 1.2;

     // Send the new external calibration to the device
     crl::multisense::Status status = channel->setExternalCalibration(externalCalibration));

     // Check to see if the new network configuration was received
     if(crl::multisense::Status_Ok != status) {
          throw std::runtime_error("Unable to set the devices's imager calibration");

     // Destroy the channel instance

Definition at line 2567 of file MultiSenseTypes.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Default constructor. By default this transform is Identity

Definition at line 2589 of file MultiSenseTypes.hh.

Member Data Documentation

The external pitch translation of the MultiSense in degrees

Definition at line 2583 of file MultiSenseTypes.hh.

The external roll translation of the MultiSense in degrees

Definition at line 2580 of file MultiSenseTypes.hh.

The external x translation of the MultiSense in meters

Definition at line 2571 of file MultiSenseTypes.hh.

The external y translation of the MultiSense in meters

Definition at line 2574 of file MultiSenseTypes.hh.

The external yaw translation of the MultiSense in degrees

Definition at line 2586 of file MultiSenseTypes.hh.

The external z translation of the MultiSense in meters

Definition at line 2577 of file MultiSenseTypes.hh.

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