Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <Eigen/Eigen>
00002 #include <pcl/point_cloud.h>
00003 #include <pcl/features/feature.h>
00005 #include <string>
00006 #include <climits>
00008 #include <ndt_map/ndt_map_hmt.h>
00009 #include <ndt_map/lazy_grid.h>
00010 #include <ndt_map/cell_vector.h>
00012 #include <cstring>
00013 #include <cstdio>
00015 namespace lslgeneric
00016 {
00018 void NDTMapHMT::initializeGrids() {
00020     if(grids_init) return;
00022     LazyGrid *proto = dynamic_cast<LazyGrid*>(index_);
00023     if(proto == NULL) return;
00025     double centerX,centerY,centerZ;
00026     proto->getCenter(centerX, centerY, centerZ);
00027     double sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ;
00028     proto->getGridSizeInMeters(sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ);
00029     std::cout<<"inti grids: res="<<resolution<<" cen "<<centerX<<" "<<centerY<<" "<<centerZ<<" size "<<sizeX<<" "<<sizeY<<" "<<sizeZ<<std::endl;
00031     for(int i=-1; i<2; i++) {
00032         for(int j=-1; j<2; j++) {
00033             if(i==0 && j==0) {
00034                 //no need to allocate, this is us
00035                 LazyGrid *lz = dynamic_cast<LazyGrid*>(index_);
00036                 grid_[i+1][j+1] = lz; 
00037             } else {
00038                 double cenX,cenY;
00039                 cenX = centerX+(double)i*sizeX;
00040                 cenY = centerY+(double)j*sizeY;
00041                 std::cout<<i<<":"<<j<<" center "<<cenX<<" "<<cenY<<std::endl;
00042                 NDTCell *ptCell = new NDTCell();
00043                 LazyGrid *lz = new LazyGrid(resolution);
00044                 lz->setCellType(ptCell);
00045                 lz->setCenter(cenX,cenY,centerZ);
00046                 lz->setSize(sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ);
00047                 lz->initializeAll();
00048                 grid_[i+1][j+1] = lz; 
00049                 delete ptCell;
00050             }
00051         }
00052     }
00053     grids_init = true;
00055 }
00057 bool NDTMapHMT::tryLoadPosition(const Eigen::Vector3d &newPos) {
00058     //open meta file and read grid centers
00059     if(my_directory == "" || !grids_init)
00060     {
00061         std::cout<<"cannot load from directory!\n";
00062         return false;
00063     }
00065     LazyGrid *proto = dynamic_cast<LazyGrid*>(index_);
00066     if(proto == NULL) return false;
00067     double sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ;
00068     double centerX,centerY,centerZ;
00069     proto->getGridSizeInMeters(sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ);
00071     std::string meta = my_directory;
00072     meta += "/metadata.txt";
00073     //std::cerr<<"metadata file at "<<meta<<std::endl;
00074     FILE* meta_f = fopen(meta.c_str(),"a+");
00075     if(meta_f==0) return false;
00076     char *line = NULL;
00077     size_t len;
00078     bool found=false;
00079     //std::cerr<<"reading metadata file at "<<meta<<std::endl;
00080     //read in all metadata
00081     //NOTE: v 2.0 -> Added header:
00082     //VERSION X.x\n
00083     //SIZE X.x\n
00084     //each next line: centerx centery centerz filename\n
00085     if(getline(&line,&len,meta_f) >0 ) {
00086         char *tk = strtok(line," ");
00087         if(tk==NULL) return false;
00088         if (strncmp(tk,"VERSION",7) == 0) {
00089             tk = strtok(NULL," ");
00090             if(tk==NULL) return false;
00091             if(strncmp(tk,"2.0",3) == 0) {
00092                 if(!getline(&line,&len,meta_f) >0 ) {
00093                     return false;
00094                 }
00095                 tk = strtok(line," ");
00096                 if(tk==NULL) return false;
00097                 if(strncmp(tk,"SIZE",4) != 0) return false;
00098                 tk = strtok(NULL," ");
00099                 double sizeMeta = atof(tk);
00100                 if(fabsf(sizeMeta - sizeX) > 0.01) {
00101                     std::cerr<<"cannot load map, different grid size used... reverting to empty map\n";
00102                     return false;
00103                 }
00104             }
00105             //add cases ...
00107         } else {
00108             //this is a version 1.0 file, close and re-open and go on
00109             std::cerr<<"metafile version 1.0, no protection against different grid size\n";
00110             fclose(meta_f);
00111             meta_f = fopen(meta.c_str(),"a+");
00112         }
00113     }
00115     while(getline(&line,&len,meta_f) >0 )
00116     {
00117         pcl::PointXYZ cen;
00118         char *token = strtok(line," ");
00119         if(token==NULL) return -1;
00120         cen.x = atof(token);
00121         token = strtok(NULL," ");
00122         if(token==NULL) return -1;
00123         cen.y = atof(token);
00124         token = strtok(NULL," ");
00125         if(token==NULL) return -1;
00126         cen.z = atof(token);
00128         token = strtok(NULL," ");
00129         if(token==NULL) return -1;
00131         if(fabsf(newPos(0)-cen.x) < sizeX/2 && 
00132                 fabsf(newPos(1)-cen.y) < sizeY/2 && fabsf(newPos(2)-cen.z) < sizeZ/2) {
00133             found = true;
00134             centerX = cen.x; centerY = cen.y; centerZ = cen.z;
00135             //std::cerr<<"file already for "<<jffname<<std::endl;
00136             break;
00137         }   
00139     }
00140     fclose(meta_f);
00141     if(!found) {
00142         std::cerr<<"Map file not found!\n";
00143         return false;
00144     }
00146     //newPos is inside one of the maps, load that for the center
00147     LazyGrid *tmp_grid[3][3];
00148     for(int i=-1; i<2; i++) {
00149         for(int j=-1; j<2; j++) {
00150             double cenX,cenY;
00151             cenX = centerX+(double)i*sizeX;
00152             cenY = centerY+(double)j*sizeY;
00153             std::cout<<i<<":"<<j<<" NEW center "<<cenX<<" "<<cenY<<std::endl;
00154             if(this->tryLoad(cenX,cenY,centerZ,tmp_grid[i+1][j+1])) {
00155                 delete grid_[i+1][j+1];
00156                 grid_[i+1][j+1] = tmp_grid[i+1][j+1];
00157             } else {    
00158                 grid_[i+1][j+1]->setCenter(cenX,cenY,centerZ);
00159             }
00160         }
00161     }
00162     return true;
00163 }
00165 void NDTMapHMT::setInsertPosition(const Eigen::Vector3d &newPos) {
00167     last_insert = newPos;
00168     pcl::PointXYZ newPosP;
00169     newPosP.x = newPos(0);
00170     newPosP.y = newPos(1);
00171     newPosP.z = newPos(2);
00172     //check if newPos is outside current grid
00173     if(grid_[1][1]->isInside(newPosP)) return;
00175     std::cout<<"We are outside the central grid, time to switch pointers\n";
00176     //if yes, save maps
00177     this->writeTo();
00179     //find new center grid
00180     int qi=0,qj=0;
00181     for(int i=-1; i<2; i++) {
00182         for(int j=-1; j<2; j++) {
00183             if(grid_[i+1][j+1]->isInside(newPosP)) {
00184                 //std::cout<<"switching to grid "<<i+1<<" "<<j+1<<std::endl;
00185                 qi=i; qj=j;
00186             }
00187         }
00188     }
00189     LazyGrid *tmp_grid[3][3];
00190     bool copy[3][3];
00192     double centerX,centerY,centerZ;
00193     grid_[qi+1][qj+1]->getCenter(centerX, centerY, centerZ);
00194     double sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ;
00195     grid_[qi+1][qj+1]->getGridSizeInMeters(sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ);
00196     for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
00197         for(int j=0; j<3; j++) {
00198             copy[i][j]=false;
00199         }
00200     }
00201     int oi,oj;
00202     for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
00203         for(int j=0; j<3; j++) {
00204             oi = i+qi; 
00205             oj = j+qj;
00206             if(oi>=0 && oi<3 && oj>=0 &&oj<3) {
00207                 //copy old pointer
00208                 //std::cout<<"will copy: "<<oi<<" "<<oj<<" to "<<i<<" "<<j<<std::endl;
00209                 copy[oi][oj] = true;
00210                 tmp_grid[i][j] = grid_[oi][oj];
00211             } else {
00212                 //try load of previous map 
00213                 double cenX,cenY;
00214                 cenX = centerX+(double)(i-1)*sizeX;
00215                 cenY = centerY+(double)(j-1)*sizeY;
00216                 if(!this->tryLoad(cenX,cenY,centerZ,tmp_grid[i][j])) {  
00217                     //de-allocate old pointer, create new one
00218                     //std::cout<<"will allocate new at "<<i<<" "<<j<<std::endl;
00220                     //std::cout<<i<<":"<<j<<" center "<<cenX<<" "<<cenY<<std::endl;
00221                     NDTCell *ptCell = new NDTCell();
00222                     LazyGrid *lz = new LazyGrid(resolution);
00223                     lz->setCellType(ptCell);
00224                     lz->setCenter(cenX,cenY,centerZ);
00225                     lz->setSize(sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ);
00226                     lz->initializeAll();
00227                     tmp_grid[i][j] = lz; 
00228                     delete ptCell;
00229                 } else {
00230                     //std::cout<<"loading previous map\n";
00231                 }
00232             }
00233         }
00234     }
00236     //deallocate old border
00237     for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
00238         for(int j=0; j<3; j++) {
00239             if(!copy[i][j]) {
00240                 //std::cout<<"DELETE old grid at "<<i<<" "<<j<<std::endl;
00241                 delete grid_[i][j];
00242             }
00243             grid_[i][j] = tmp_grid[i][j];
00244         }
00245     }
00247 }
00257 void NDTMapHMT::loadPointCloud(const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> &pc, double range_limit)
00258 {
00260     //std::cout<<"LOAD pc\n";
00261     typename pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::const_iterator it = pc.points.begin();
00262     NDTCell *ptCell;
00264     while(it!=pc.points.end())
00265     {
00266         Eigen::Vector3d d;
00267         if(std::isnan(it->x) ||std::isnan(it->y) ||std::isnan(it->z))
00268         {
00269             it++;
00270             continue;
00271         }
00272         /*if(range_limit>0)
00273         {
00274             d << it->x, it->y, it->z;
00275             if(d.norm()>range_limit)
00276             {
00277                 it++;
00278                 continue;
00279             }
00280         }*/
00282         for(int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
00283             for(int j=0; j<3; ++j) {
00284                 if(grid_[i][j]->isInside(*it)) {
00285                     ptCell = (grid_[i][j]->addPoint(*it));
00286                     if(ptCell!=NULL) {
00287                         update_set.insert(ptCell);
00288                     }
00289                     break;
00290                 }
00291             }
00292         }
00293         it++;
00294     }
00295     isFirstLoad_ = false;
00296 }
00301 void NDTMapHMT::addPointCloud(const Eigen::Vector3d &origin, const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> &pc, double classifierTh, double maxz, double sensor_noise, double occupancy_limit)
00302 {
00303     //std::cerr<<"ADDPointCloud\n";
00304     if(isFirstLoad_)
00305     {
00306         //std::cout<<"First add, loading pcs\n";
00307         this->loadPointCloud(pc);
00308         return;
00309     }
00311     this->setInsertPosition(origin);
00312     pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::const_iterator it = pc.points.begin();
00314     LazyGrid *lz = grid_[1][1];
00316     double centerX, centerY, centerZ;
00317     double sizeXmeters, sizeYmeters, sizeZmeters;
00318     double eps = 0.001;
00319     Eigen::Vector3d diff2;
00320     lz->getGridSizeInMeters(sizeXmeters, sizeYmeters, sizeZmeters);
00321     lz->getCenter(centerX, centerY, centerZ);
00322     pcl::PointXYZ po, pt;
00323     Eigen::Vector3d pf;
00324     po.x = origin(0); po.y = origin(1); po.z = origin(2);
00325     NDTCell* ptCell = NULL; 
00327     std::vector< NDTCell*> cells; 
00328     bool updatePositive = true;
00329     //double max_range = 200.;
00331     while(it!=pc.points.end())
00332     {
00333         if(std::isnan(it->x) ||std::isnan(it->y) ||std::isnan(it->z))
00334         {
00335             it++;
00336             continue;
00337         }
00339         Eigen::Vector3d diff;
00340         diff << it->x-origin(0), it->y-origin(1), it->z-origin(2);
00341         double l = diff.norm();
00343         if(l>max_range_)
00344         {
00345             //fprintf(stderr,"Very long distance (%lf) :( \n",l);
00346             it++;
00347             continue;
00348         }
00350         cells.clear();
00351         if(!lz->traceLineWithEndpoint(origin,*it,diff,maxz,cells,pf)) {
00352             it++;
00353             continue;
00354         }
00355         //check if pf is within one resolution of diff
00356         diff2 << it->x-pf(0), it->y-pf(1), it->z-pf(2);
00357         if((diff2).norm() > eps) {
00358             //line continues outside center map, need to trace more!
00359             int i=0,j=0;
00360             if(it->x > centerX+sizeXmeters/2-resolution/2) {
00361                 i = 1;
00362             }
00363             if(it->x < centerX-sizeXmeters/2-resolution/2) {
00364                 i = -1;
00365             }
00366             if(it->y > centerY+sizeYmeters/2-resolution/2) {
00367                 j = 1;
00368             }
00369             if(it->y < centerY-sizeYmeters/2-resolution/2) {
00370                 j = -1;
00371             }
00372             std::vector< NDTCell*> cells2; 
00373             if(!grid_[i+1][j+1]->traceLineWithEndpoint(pf,*it,diff2,maxz,cells,pf)) {
00374                 std::cerr<<"ray outside central map: at "<<it->x<<" "<<it->y<<" "<<it->z<<" with diff "<<diff.transpose()<<" starts at " <<origin.transpose()
00375                     <<" stops at "<<pf.transpose()<<" diff2 is "<<diff2.transpose()<<" check grid "<<i<<" "<<j<<std::endl;
00376                 it++;
00377                 continue;
00378             }
00379             cells.insert(cells.begin(),cells2.begin(),cells2.end());
00380             //TODO: we might need to make one more raytrace here
00381         }
00383         for(unsigned int i=0; i<cells.size(); i++)
00384         {
00385             ptCell = cells[i];
00386             if(ptCell != NULL)
00387             {
00388                 double l2target = 0;
00389                 if(ptCell->hasGaussian_)
00390                 {
00391                     Eigen::Vector3d out, pend,vpt;
00392                     pend << it->x,it->y,it->z;
00393                     double lik = ptCell->computeMaximumLikelihoodAlongLine(po, *it, out);
00394                     l2target = (out-pend).norm();
00396                     double dist = (origin-out).norm();
00397                     if(dist > l) continue; 
00399                     l2target = (out-pend).norm(); 
00401                     double sigma_dist = 0.5 * (dist/30.0); 
00402                     double snoise = sigma_dist + sensor_noise;
00403                     double thr =exp(-0.5*(l2target*l2target)/(snoise*snoise)); 
00404                     lik *= (1.0-thr);
00405                     if(lik<0.3) continue;
00406                     lik = 0.1*lik+0.5; 
00407                     double logoddlik = log( (1.0-lik)/(lik) );
00408                     ptCell->updateOccupancy(logoddlik, occupancy_limit);
00409                     if(ptCell->getOccupancy()<=0) ptCell->hasGaussian_ = false; 
00410                 }
00411                 else
00412                 {
00413                     ptCell->updateOccupancy(-0.2, occupancy_limit);
00414                     if(ptCell->getOccupancy()<=0) ptCell->hasGaussian_ = false; 
00415                 }
00416             }
00417         }
00418         if(updatePositive) {
00419             int i=0,j=0;
00420             if(it->x > centerX+sizeXmeters/2-resolution/2) {
00421                 i = 1;
00422             }
00423             if(it->x < centerX-sizeXmeters/2-resolution/2) {
00424                 i = -1;
00425             }
00426             if(it->y > centerY+sizeYmeters/2-resolution/2) {
00427                 j = 1;
00428             }
00429             if(it->y < centerY-sizeYmeters/2-resolution/2) {
00430                 j = -1;
00431             }
00432             if(grid_[i+1][j+1]->isInside(*it)) {
00433                 ptCell = (grid_[i+1][j+1]->addPoint(*it));
00434                 if(ptCell!=NULL) {
00435                     update_set.insert(ptCell);
00436                 }
00437             }
00438         }
00439         it++;
00440     }
00441     isFirstLoad_ = false;
00442 }
00462 void NDTMapHMT::addPointCloudMeanUpdate(const Eigen::Vector3d &origin, 
00463         const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> &pc, 
00464         const Eigen::Vector3d &localmapsize,
00465         unsigned int maxnumpoints, float occupancy_limit,double maxz, double sensor_noise){
00467     //std::cout<<localmapsize.transpose()<<" "<<maxnumpoints<<" "<<occupancy_limit<<" "<<maxz<<" "<<sensor_noise<<std::endl;
00468     //fprintf(stderr,"Mean nasty point cloud hmt\n");
00469     if(isFirstLoad_){
00470         //fprintf(stderr,"First load... ");
00471         loadPointCloud(pc);
00472         return;
00473     }
00474     this->setInsertPosition(origin);
00476     LazyGrid *lz = grid_[1][1];
00478     double sizeXmeters, sizeYmeters, sizeZmeters;
00479     double eps = 0.001;
00480     lz->getGridSizeInMeters(sizeXmeters, sizeYmeters, sizeZmeters);
00481     double centerX,centerY,centerZ;
00482     lz->getCenter(centerX, centerY, centerZ);
00483     int sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ;
00484     lz->getGridSize(sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ);
00486     Eigen::Vector3d old_centroid;
00487     old_centroid(0) = centerX;
00488     old_centroid(1) = centerY;
00489     old_centroid(2) = centerZ;
00492     lslgeneric::NDTMap ndlocal(new lslgeneric::LazyGrid(resolution));
00493     ndlocal.loadPointCloudCentroid(pc,origin, old_centroid, localmapsize, max_range_); 
00494     ndlocal.computeNDTCells();
00497     std::vector<lslgeneric::NDTCell*> ndts;
00498     ndts = ndlocal.getAllCells();
00500     NDTCell* ptCell = NULL; 
00501     std::vector< NDTCell*> cells; 
00503     pcl::PointXYZ pt;
00504     pcl::PointXYZ po,mpoint;
00505     po.x = origin(0); po.y = origin(1); po.z = origin(2);
00506     //fprintf(stderr,"NUM = %d\n",ndts.size());
00507     bool updatePositive = true;
00508     int num_high = 0;
00509     for(unsigned int it=0;it<ndts.size();it++)
00510     {
00511         if(ndts[it] == NULL){
00512             fprintf(stderr,"NDTMap::addPointCloudMeanUpdate::GOT NULL FROM MAP -- SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN!!!\n");
00513             continue;
00514         }
00516         if(!ndts[it]->hasGaussian_){
00517             fprintf(stderr,"NDTMap::addPointCloudMeanUpdate::NO GAUSSIAN!!!! -- SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN!!!\n");
00518             continue;
00519         }
00521         int numpoints = ndts[it]->getN();
00523         if(numpoints<=0){
00524             fprintf(stderr,"addPointCloudMeanUpdate::Number of points in distribution<=0!!");
00525             continue;
00526         }
00527         Eigen::Vector3d diff,diff2,pf;
00528         Eigen::Vector3d m = ndts[it]->getMean();
00529         mpoint.x = m(0);
00530         mpoint.y = m(1);
00531         mpoint.z = m(2);
00532         diff = m-origin;
00533         double l = diff.norm();
00535         if(l>max_range_)
00536         {
00537             //fprintf(stderr,"Very long distance (%lf) :( \n",l);
00538             it++;
00539             continue;
00540         }
00541         cells.clear();
00542         if(!lz->traceLineWithEndpoint(origin,mpoint,diff,maxz,cells,pf)) {
00543             it++;
00544             continue;
00545         }
00546         //check if pf is within one resolution of diff
00547         diff2 = m-pf;
00548         if((diff2).norm() > eps) {
00549             //line continues outside center map, need to trace more!
00550             int i=0,j=0;
00551             if(mpoint.x > centerX+sizeXmeters/2-resolution/2) {
00552                 i = 1;
00553             }
00554             if(mpoint.x < centerX-sizeXmeters/2-resolution/2) {
00555                 i = -1;
00556             }
00557             if(mpoint.y > centerY+sizeYmeters/2-resolution/2) {
00558                 j = 1;
00559             }
00560             if(mpoint.y < centerY-sizeYmeters/2-resolution/2) {
00561                 j = -1;
00562             }
00563             std::vector< NDTCell*> cells2; 
00564             if(!grid_[i+1][j+1]->traceLineWithEndpoint(pf,mpoint,diff2,maxz,cells,pf)) {
00565                 std::cerr<<"ray outside central map: at "<<mpoint.x<<" "<<mpoint.y<<" "<<mpoint.z<<" with diff "<<diff.transpose()<<" starts at " <<origin.transpose()
00566                     <<" stops at "<<pf.transpose()<<" diff2 is "<<diff2.transpose()<<" check grid "<<i<<" "<<j<<std::endl;
00567                 it++;
00568                 continue;
00569             }
00570             cells.insert(cells.begin(),cells2.begin(),cells2.end());
00571             //TODO: we might need to make one more raytrace here
00572         }
00574         for(unsigned int i=0; i<cells.size(); i++)
00575         {
00576             ptCell = cells[i];
00578             if(ptCell != NULL){
00579                 double l2target = 0;
00580                 if(ptCell->hasGaussian_)
00581                 {
00582                     Eigen::Vector3d out, pend,vpt;
00583                     pend = m;
00584                     double lik = ptCell->computeMaximumLikelihoodAlongLine(po, mpoint, out);
00585                     l2target = (out-pend).norm();
00587                     double dist = (origin-out).norm();
00588                     if(dist > l) continue; 
00590                     l2target = (out-pend).norm(); 
00592                     double sigma_dist = 0.5 * (dist/30.0); 
00593                     double snoise = sigma_dist + sensor_noise;
00594                     double thr =exp(-0.5*(l2target*l2target)/(snoise*snoise)); 
00595                     lik *= (1.0-thr);
00596                     if(lik<0.3) continue;
00597                     lik = 0.1*lik+0.5; 
00598                     double logoddlik = log( (1.0-lik)/(lik) );
00599                     ptCell->updateOccupancy(numpoints*logoddlik, occupancy_limit);
00600                     if(ptCell->getOccupancy()<=0) ptCell->hasGaussian_ = false; 
00601                 }
00602                 else
00603                 {
00604                     ptCell->updateOccupancy(-0.2*numpoints, occupancy_limit);
00605                     if(ptCell->getOccupancy()<=0) ptCell->hasGaussian_ = false; 
00606                 }
00607             }
00608             else{
00609                 std::cerr<<"PANIC!!\n";
00610                 index_->addPoint(pt); 
00611             }   
00612         }
00613         if(updatePositive){
00614             Eigen::Matrix3d ucov = ndts[it]->getCov();
00615             float r,g,b;
00616             ndts[it]->getRGB(r,g,b);
00617             addDistributionToCell(ucov, m, numpoints, r, g,b,maxnumpoints,occupancy_limit); 
00618         }
00619     }
00620     //fprintf(stderr,"| Gaussians=%d Invalid=%d |", ndts.size(), num_high);
00621     for(unsigned int i=0;i<ndts.size();i++) delete ndts[i];
00622     isFirstLoad_ = false;
00626 }
00631 void NDTMapHMT::addDistributionToCell(const Eigen::Matrix3d &ucov, const Eigen::Vector3d &umean, unsigned int numpointsindistribution, 
00632         float r, float g,float b,  unsigned int maxnumpoints, float max_occupancy)
00633 {
00634     pcl::PointXYZ pt;
00635     pt.x = umean[0];
00636     pt.y = umean[1];
00637     pt.z = umean[2];
00639     double centerX,centerY,centerZ;
00640     grid_[1][1]->getCenter(centerX, centerY, centerZ);
00641     double sizeXmeters, sizeYmeters, sizeZmeters;
00642     grid_[1][1]->getGridSizeInMeters(sizeXmeters, sizeYmeters, sizeZmeters);
00644     int i=0, j=0;
00645     if(pt.x > centerX+sizeXmeters/2-resolution/2) {
00646         i = 1;
00647     }
00648     if(pt.x < centerX-sizeXmeters/2-resolution/2) {
00649         i = -1;
00650     }
00651     if(pt.y > centerY+sizeYmeters/2-resolution/2) {
00652         j = 1;
00653     }
00654     if(pt.y < centerY-sizeYmeters/2-resolution/2) {
00655         j = -1;
00656     }
00658     if(grid_[i+1][j+1]->isInside(pt)) {
00659         NDTCell *ptCell = NULL; 
00660         grid_[i+1][j+1]->getNDTCellAt(pt,ptCell);
00661         if(ptCell != NULL)
00662         {
00663             ptCell->updateSampleVariance(ucov, umean, numpointsindistribution, true, max_occupancy,maxnumpoints);
00664             ptCell->setRGB(r,g,b);
00665         } 
00666     }
00668 }
00672 void NDTMapHMT::computeNDTCells(int cellupdatemode, unsigned int maxnumpoints, float occupancy_limit, Eigen::Vector3d origin, double sensor_noise)
00673 {
00674     conflictPoints.clear();
00675     typename std::set<NDTCell*>::iterator it = update_set.begin();
00676     while (it != update_set.end())
00677     {
00678         NDTCell *cell = *it;
00679         if(cell!=NULL)
00680         {
00681             cell->computeGaussian(cellupdatemode,maxnumpoints, occupancy_limit, origin,sensor_noise);
00683             if(cell->points_.size()>0)
00684             {
00685                 for(unsigned int i=0; i<cell->points_.size(); i++) conflictPoints.push_back(cell->points_[i]);
00686                 cell->points_.clear();
00687             }
00688         }
00689         it++;
00690     }
00691     update_set.clear();
00692 }
00698 int NDTMapHMT::writeTo()
00699 {
00701     if(my_directory == "" || !grids_init)
00702     {
00703         std::cout<<"provide directory name\n";
00704         return -1;
00705     }
00707     //std::cerr<<"writing to "<<my_directory<<std::endl;
00708     char fname[500];
00709     std::string jffnames[3][3];
00710     bool already[3][3];
00711     double centx, centy, centz, sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ;
00713     for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
00714         for(int j=0; j<3; j++) {
00715             if(grid_[i][j]==NULL) return -1;
00716             grid_[i][j]->getCenter(centx,centy,centz);
00717             snprintf(fname,499,"lz_%05lf_%05lf_%05lf.jff",centx,centy,centz);
00718             jffnames[i][j] = fname;
00719             already[i][j] = false;
00720             //std::cerr<<"fname "<<jffnames[i][j]<<std::endl;
00721         }
00722     }
00723     grid_[1][1]->getGridSizeInMeters(sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ);
00724     //open metadata file
00725     std::string meta = my_directory;
00726     meta += "/metadata.txt";
00728     //std::cerr<<"metadata file at "<<meta<<std::endl;
00729     FILE* meta_f = fopen(meta.c_str(),"a+");
00730     if(meta_f==0) return -1;
00731     //read in all metadata
00732     //each line: centerx centery centerz filename\n
00733     char *line = NULL;
00734     size_t len;
00735     bool first=true;
00736     size_t length = 0;
00737     double epsilon = 1e-5;
00738     //std::cerr<<"reading metadata file at "<<meta<<std::endl;
00739     //------------------------------------------------------------------------//
00740     //read in all metadata
00741     //NOTE: v 2.0 -> Added header:
00742     //VERSION X.x\n
00743     //SIZE X.x\n
00744     //each next line: centerx centery centerz filename\n
00745     if(getline(&line,&len,meta_f) >0 ) {
00746         char *tk = strtok(line," ");
00747         if(tk==NULL) return false;
00748         if (strncmp(tk,"VERSION",7) == 0) {
00749             tk = strtok(NULL," ");
00750             if(tk==NULL) return false;
00751             if(strncmp(tk,"2.0",3) == 0) {
00752                 if(!getline(&line,&len,meta_f) >0 ) {
00753                     return false;
00754                 }
00755                 tk = strtok(line," ");
00756                 if(tk==NULL) return false;
00757                 if(strncmp(tk,"SIZE",4) != 0) return false;
00758                 tk = strtok(NULL," ");
00759                 double sizeMeta = atof(tk);
00760                 if(fabsf(sizeMeta - sizeX) > 0.01) {
00761                     std::cerr<<"cannot write map, different grid size used...\n";
00762                     char ndir[500];
00763                     snprintf(ndir,499,"%s_%5d",my_directory.c_str(),rand());
00764                     my_directory = ndir;
00765                     std::cerr<<"SWITCHING DIRECTORY! "<<my_directory<<std::endl;
00766                     int res = mkdir(my_directory.c_str(),S_IRWXU);
00767                     if(res <0 ) return false;
00768                     fclose(meta_f);
00769                     meta   = my_directory+"/metadata.txt";
00770                     meta_f = fopen(meta.c_str(),"a+");
00771                     fprintf(meta_f,"VERSION 2.0\nSIZE %lf\n",sizeX);
00772                 }
00773             }
00774             //add cases ...
00776         } else {
00777             //this is a version 1.0 file, close and re-open and go on
00778             std::cerr<<"metafile version 1.0, no protection against different grid size\n";
00779             fclose(meta_f);
00780             meta_f = fopen(meta.c_str(),"a+");
00781         }
00782     } else {
00783         //empty metadata file -> write in version and grid sizes!
00784         fprintf(meta_f,"VERSION 2.0\nSIZE %lf\n",sizeX);
00785     }
00786     //------------------------------------------------------------------------//
00787     while(getline(&line,&len,meta_f) >0 )
00788     {
00789         pcl::PointXYZ cen;
00790         char *token = strtok(line," ");
00791         if(token==NULL) return -1;
00792         cen.x = atof(token);
00793         token = strtok(NULL," ");
00794         if(token==NULL) return -1;
00795         cen.y = atof(token);
00796         token = strtok(NULL," ");
00797         if(token==NULL) return -1;
00798         cen.z = atof(token);
00800         token = strtok(NULL," ");
00801         if(token==NULL) return -1;
00803         for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
00804             for(int j=0; j<3; j++) {
00805                 if(grid_[i][j]==NULL) return -1;
00806                 grid_[i][j]->getCenter(centx,centy,centz);
00807                 if(fabsf(cen.x-centx) < epsilon && 
00808                    fabsf(cen.y-centy) < epsilon && fabsf(cen.z-centz) < epsilon) {
00809                     already[i][j] = true;
00810                     token[strlen(token)-1]='\0';
00811                     jffnames[i][j] = token;
00812                     //std::cerr<<"file already for "<<jffnames[i][j]<<std::endl;
00813                 }   
00814             }
00815         }
00817     }
00818     //fclose(meta_f);
00820     //now open for appending, in case we need to add new metadata
00821     //meta_f = fopen(meta.c_str(),"a");
00822     //std::cerr<<"appending metadata file at "<<meta<<std::endl;
00823     for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
00824         for(int j=0; j<3; j++) {
00825             if(grid_[i][j]==NULL) return -1;
00826             grid_[i][j]->getCenter(centx,centy,centz);
00827             if(!already[i][j]) {
00828                 fprintf(meta_f,"%05lf %05lf %05lf %s\n",centx,centy,centz,jffnames[i][j].c_str());
00829                 //std::cerr<<"appending metadata for "<<jffnames[i][j]<<std::endl;
00830             }
00831         }
00832     }
00833     fclose(meta_f);
00835     //now pass through all grids and write to disk
00836     std::string sep = "/";
00837     for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
00838         for(int j=0; j<3; j++) {
00839             std::string path = my_directory+sep+jffnames[i][j];
00840             //std::cout<<"saving "<<path<<std::endl;
00841             FILE * jffout = fopen(path.c_str(), "w+b");
00842             fwrite(_JFFVERSION_, sizeof(char), strlen(_JFFVERSION_), jffout);
00843             int indexType[1] = {3};
00844             fwrite(indexType, sizeof(int), 1, jffout);
00845             double sizeXmeters, sizeYmeters, sizeZmeters;
00846             double cellSizeX, cellSizeY, cellSizeZ;
00847             double centerX, centerY, centerZ;
00848             LazyGrid *ind = grid_[i][j];
00849             ind->getGridSizeInMeters(sizeXmeters, sizeYmeters, sizeZmeters);
00850             ind->getCellSize(cellSizeX, cellSizeY, cellSizeZ);
00851             ind->getCenter(centerX, centerY, centerZ);
00852             double lazyGridData[9] = { sizeXmeters, sizeYmeters, sizeZmeters,
00853                 cellSizeX,   cellSizeY,   cellSizeZ,
00854                 centerX,     centerY,     centerZ
00855             };
00856             fwrite(lazyGridData, sizeof(double), 9, jffout);
00857             fwrite(ind->getProtoType(), sizeof(NDTCell), 1, jffout);
00858             // loop through all active cells
00859             typename SpatialIndex::CellVectorItr it = ind->begin();
00860             while (it != ind->end())
00861             {
00862                 NDTCell *cell = (*it);
00863                 if(cell!=NULL)
00864                 {
00865                     if(cell->writeToJFF(jffout) < 0)    return -1;
00866                 }
00867                 else
00868                 {
00869                     // do nothing
00870                 }
00871                 it++;
00872             }
00873             fclose(jffout);
00874         }
00875     }
00877     return 0;
00878 }
00880 bool NDTMapHMT::tryLoad(const double &cx, const double &cy, const double &cz, LazyGrid *&grid) {
00881 std::cout<<"trying to load at "<<cx<<" "<<cy<<" "<<cz<<std::endl;
00882     if(my_directory == "" || !grids_init)
00883     {
00884         std::cout<<"provide directory name\n";
00885         return false;
00886     }
00888     std::string jffname;
00889     std::string meta = my_directory;
00890     meta += "/metadata.txt";
00891     //std::cerr<<"metadata file at "<<meta<<std::endl;
00892     FILE* meta_f = fopen(meta.c_str(),"a+");
00893     if(meta_f==0) return -1;
00894     //read in all metadata
00895     //each line: centerx centery centerz filename\n
00896     char *line = NULL;
00897     size_t len;
00898     bool found=false;
00899     size_t length = 0;
00900     double epsilon = 1e-2;
00901     //std::cerr<<"reading metadata file at "<<meta<<std::endl;
00902     // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
00903     double sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ;
00904     grid_[1][1]->getGridSizeInMeters(sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ);
00905     //read in all metadata
00906     //NOTE: v 2.0 -> Added header:
00907     //VERSION X.x\n
00908     //SIZE X.x\n
00909     //each next line: centerx centery centerz filename\n
00910     if(getline(&line,&len,meta_f) >0 ) {
00911         char *tk = strtok(line," ");
00912         if(tk==NULL) return false;
00913         if (strncmp(tk,"VERSION",7) == 0) {
00914             tk = strtok(NULL," ");
00915             if(tk==NULL) return false;
00916             if(strncmp(tk,"2.0",3) == 0) {
00917                 if(!getline(&line,&len,meta_f) >0 ) {
00918                     return false;
00919                 }
00920                 tk = strtok(line," ");
00921                 if(tk==NULL) return false;
00922                 if(strncmp(tk,"SIZE",4) != 0) return false;
00923                 tk = strtok(NULL," ");
00924                 double sizeMeta = atof(tk);
00925                 if(fabsf(sizeMeta - sizeX) > 0.01) {
00926                     std::cerr<<"cannot load map, different grid size used... reverting to empty map\n";
00927                     return false;
00928                 }
00929             }
00930             //add cases ...
00932         } else {
00933             //this is a version 1.0 file, close and re-open and go on
00934             std::cerr<<"metafile version 1.0, no protection against different grid size\n";
00935             fclose(meta_f);
00936             meta_f = fopen(meta.c_str(),"a+");
00937         }
00938     }
00939     // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
00941     while(getline(&line,&len,meta_f) >0 )
00942     {
00943         pcl::PointXYZ cen;
00944         char *token = strtok(line," ");
00945         if(token==NULL) return -1;
00946         cen.x = atof(token);
00947         token = strtok(NULL," ");
00948         if(token==NULL) return -1;
00949         cen.y = atof(token);
00950         token = strtok(NULL," ");
00951         if(token==NULL) return -1;
00952         cen.z = atof(token);
00954         token = strtok(NULL," ");
00955         if(token==NULL) return -1;
00957         if(fabsf(cen.x-cx) < epsilon && 
00958                 fabsf(cen.y-cy) < epsilon && fabsf(cen.z-cz) < epsilon) {
00959             token[strlen(token)-1]='\0';
00960             jffname = token;
00961             found = true;
00962             //std::cerr<<"file already for "<<jffname<<std::endl;
00963             break;
00964         }   
00966     }
00967     fclose(meta_f);
00968     if(!found) return false;
00970     FILE * jffin;
00971     std::string sep = "/";
00972     std::string path = my_directory+sep+jffname;
00973     std::cout<<"reading file "<<path<<std::endl;
00974     jffin = fopen(path.c_str(),"r+b");
00975     if(jffin==NULL) return false;
00977     char versionBuf[16];
00978     if(fread(&versionBuf, sizeof(char), strlen(_JFFVERSION_), jffin) <= 0)
00979     {
00980         std::cerr<<"reading version failed";
00981         return false;
00982     }
00983     versionBuf[strlen(_JFFVERSION_)] = '\0';
00984     int indexType;
00985     if(fread(&indexType, sizeof(int), 1, jffin) <= 0)
00986     {
00987         std::cerr<<"reading index type failed";
00988         return false;
00989     }
00991     NDTCell *ptCell = new NDTCell();
00992     grid = new LazyGrid(resolution);
00993     grid->setCellType(ptCell);
00994     delete ptCell;
00995     if(grid->loadFromJFF(jffin) < 0)
00996     {
00997         std::cerr<<"loading grid failed";
00998         return false;
00999     }
01000     fclose(jffin);
01002     return true;
01003 }
01019 int NDTMapHMT::loadFrom()
01020 {
01022     if(my_directory == "" || !grids_init)
01023     {
01024         std::cout<<"provide directory name\n";
01025         return -1;
01026     }
01028     //read in metadata
01029     //find the grid centered at center and the grids around
01030     //read them in
01031    /* 
01033     if(filename == NULL)
01034     {
01035         JFFERR("problem outputing to jff");
01036     }
01038     FILE * jffin;
01039     jffin = fopen(filename,"r+b");
01040     char versionBuf[16];
01041     if(fread(&versionBuf, sizeof(char), strlen(_JFFVERSION_), jffin) <= 0)
01042     {
01043         JFFERR("reading version failed");
01044     }
01045     versionBuf[strlen(_JFFVERSION_)] = '\0';
01046     int indexType;
01047     if(fread(&indexType, sizeof(int), 1, jffin) <= 0)
01048     {
01049         JFFERR("reading version failed");
01050     }
01051     if(gr->loadFromJFF(jffin) < 0)
01052     {
01053         JFFERR("Error loading LazyGrid");
01054     }
01055     NDTCell *ptCell = new NDTCell();
01056     index_->setCellType(ptCell);
01057     delete ptCell;
01058     fclose(jffin);
01060    // std::cout << "map loaded successfully " << versionBuf << std::endl;
01062     isFirstLoad_ = false;
01064     return 0;
01065     */
01066 }
01069 bool NDTMapHMT::getCellAtPoint(const pcl::PointXYZ &refPoint, NDTCell *&cell)
01070 {
01071     if(grid_[1][1]->isInside(refPoint)) {
01072         grid_[1][1]->getNDTCellAt(refPoint,cell);
01073     } else {
01074         for(int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
01075             for(int j=0; j<3; ++j) {
01076                 if(grid_[i][j]->isInside(refPoint)) {
01077                     grid_[i][j]->getNDTCellAt(refPoint,cell);
01078                     break;
01079                 }
01080             }
01081         }
01082     }
01083     return (cell != NULL);
01084 }
01086 //computes the *negative log likelihood* of a single observation
01087 double NDTMapHMT::getLikelihoodForPoint(pcl::PointXYZ pt)
01088 {
01089     double uniform=0.00100;
01090     NDTCell* ndCell = NULL;
01091     this->getCellAtPoint(pt,ndCell); 
01092     if(ndCell == NULL) return uniform;
01093     double prob = ndCell->getLikelihood(pt);
01094     prob = (prob<0) ? 0 : prob; //uniform!! TSV
01095     return prob;
01096 }
01098 std::vector<NDTCell*> NDTMapHMT::getInitializedCellsForPoint(const pcl::PointXYZ pt) const
01099 {
01100     std::vector<NDTCell*> cells, tmpcells;
01101     for(int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
01102         for(int j=0; j<3; ++j) {
01103             if(grid_[i][j]->isInside(pt)) {
01104                 tmpcells = grid_[i][j]->getClosestCells(pt);
01105                 cells.insert(cells.begin(),tmpcells.begin(),tmpcells.end());
01106             }
01107         }
01108     }
01109     return cells;
01110 }
01112 std::vector<NDTCell*> NDTMapHMT::getCellsForPoint(const pcl::PointXYZ pt, int n_neigh, bool checkForGaussian) const
01113 {
01114     std::vector<NDTCell*> cells, tmpcells;
01115     for(int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
01116         for(int j=0; j<3; ++j) {
01117             if(grid_[i][j]->isInside(pt)) {
01118                 tmpcells = grid_[i][j]->getClosestNDTCells(pt,n_neigh,checkForGaussian);
01119                 cells.insert(cells.begin(),tmpcells.begin(),tmpcells.end());
01120             }
01121         }
01122     }
01123     return cells;
01124 }
01126 bool NDTMapHMT::getCellForPoint(const pcl::PointXYZ &pt, NDTCell* &out_cell, bool checkForGaussian) const
01127 {
01128     out_cell = NULL;
01129     if(grid_[1][1]->isInside(pt)) {
01130         out_cell = grid_[1][1]->getClosestNDTCell(pt,checkForGaussian);
01131         return true;
01132     } else {
01133         for(int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
01134             for(int j=0; j<3; ++j) {
01135                 if(grid_[i][j]->isInside(pt)) {
01136                     out_cell = grid_[i][j]->getClosestNDTCell(pt,checkForGaussian);
01137                     return true;
01138                 }
01139             }
01140         }
01141     }
01142     return false;
01143 }
01145 std::vector<NDTCell*> NDTMapHMT::pseudoTransformNDT(Eigen::Transform<double,3,Eigen::Affine,Eigen::ColMajor> T)
01146 {
01148     std::vector<NDTCell*> ret;
01149     for(int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
01150         for(int j=0; j<3; ++j) {
01151             typename SpatialIndex::CellVectorItr it = grid_[i][j]->begin();
01152             while (it != grid_[i][j]->end())
01153             {
01154                 NDTCell *cell = (*it);
01155                 if(cell!=NULL)
01156                 {
01157                     if(cell->hasGaussian_)
01158                     {
01159                         Eigen::Vector3d mean = cell->getMean();
01160                         Eigen::Matrix3d cov = cell->getCov();
01161                         mean = T*mean;
01163                         cov = T.rotation()*cov*T.rotation().transpose();
01164                         NDTCell* nd = (NDTCell*)cell->clone();
01165                         nd->setMean(mean);
01166                         nd->setCov(cov);
01167                         ret.push_back(nd);
01168                     }
01169                 }
01170                 else
01171                 {
01172                     //ERR("problem casting cell to NDT!\n");
01173                 }
01174                 it++;
01175             }
01176         }
01177     }
01178     return ret;
01179 }
01181 std::vector<lslgeneric::NDTCell*> NDTMapHMT::getAllCells() const
01182 {
01184     std::vector<NDTCell*> ret;
01185     for(int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
01186         for(int j=0; j<3; ++j) {
01187             //if(i==1 && j==1) continue;
01188             typename SpatialIndex::CellVectorItr it = grid_[i][j]->begin();
01189             while (it != grid_[i][j]->end())
01190             {
01191                 NDTCell *cell = (*it);
01192                 if(cell!=NULL)
01193                 {
01194                     if(cell->hasGaussian_)
01195                     {
01196                         NDTCell* nd = (NDTCell*)cell->copy();
01197                         ret.push_back(nd);
01198                     }
01199                 }
01200                 else
01201                 {
01202                 }
01203                 it++;
01204             }
01205         }
01206     }
01207     return ret;
01208 }
01210 std::vector<lslgeneric::NDTCell*> NDTMapHMT::getAllInitializedCells()
01211 {
01213     std::vector<NDTCell*> ret;
01214     for(int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
01215         for(int j=0; j<3; ++j) {
01216             typename SpatialIndex::CellVectorItr it = grid_[i][j]->begin();
01217             while (it != grid_[i][j]->end())
01218             {
01219                 NDTCell *cell = (*it);
01220                 if(cell!=NULL)
01221                 {
01222                     NDTCell* nd = (NDTCell*)cell->copy();
01223                     ret.push_back(nd);
01224                 }
01225                 else
01226                 {
01227                 }
01228                 it++;
01229             }
01230         }
01231     }
01232     return ret;
01233 }
01235 int NDTMapHMT::numberOfActiveCells()
01236 {
01237     int ret = 0;
01238     for(int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
01239         for(int j=0; j<3; ++j) {
01240             typename SpatialIndex::CellVectorItr it = grid_[i][j]->begin();
01241             while (it != grid_[i][j]->end())
01242             {
01243                 NDTCell *cell = (*it);
01244                 if(cell!=NULL)
01245                 {
01246                     if(cell->hasGaussian_)
01247                     {
01248                         ret++;
01249                     }
01250                 }
01251                 it++;
01252             }
01253         }
01254     }
01255     return ret;
01256 }
01260 }

Author(s): Todor Stoyanov, Jari Saarinen, Henrik Andreasson
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 15:24:40