Class LaunchesConfig

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public moveit_setup::SetupConfig

Class Documentation

class LaunchesConfig : public moveit_setup::SetupConfig

Stores which LaunchBundles are configured to be generated.

Saved as a set in which the bundles to be generated are included in the set.

Public Functions

inline virtual bool isConfigured() const override
bool isIncluded(const LaunchBundle &bundle) const

True if bundle is currently included

void include(const LaunchBundle &bundle)

Add the given launch bundle to the set.

void remove(const LaunchBundle &bundle)

Remove the given launch bundle from the set.

virtual void collectDependencies(std::set<std::string> &packages) const override

Add the dependencies from the launch bundles to the moveit config’s dependencies.

virtual void collectFiles(const std::filesystem::path &package_path, const GeneratedTime &last_gen_time, std::vector<GeneratedFilePtr> &files) override

Provide the files to be generated.

Protected Attributes

std::set<LaunchBundle> bundles_