Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <robot_operator/RobotOperator.h>
00002 #include <nav_msgs/GridCells.h>
00004 #include <math.h>
00006 #define PI 3.14159265
00008 RobotOperator::RobotOperator(NodeHandle* n)
00009 {
00010         // Create the local costmap
00011         mLocalMap = new Costmap2DROS("local_map", mTfListener);
00012         mRasterSize = mLocalMap->getCostmap()->getResolution();
00014         // Publish / subscribe to ROS topics
00015         mCommandSubscriber = n->subscribe(COMMAND_TOPIC, 1, &RobotOperator::receiveCommand, this);
00016         mControlPublisher = n->advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist>(CONTROL_TOPIC, 1);
00017         mCostPublisher = n->advertise<geometry_msgs::Vector3>("costs", 1);
00019         // Get parameters from the parameter server
00020         NodeHandle operatorNode("~/");
00021         operatorNode.param("publish_route", mPublishRoute, false);
00022         if(mPublishRoute)
00023         {
00024                 ROS_INFO("Will publish desired direction on '%s' and control direction on '%s'.", ROUTE_TOPIC, PLAN_TOPIC);
00025                 mTrajectoryPublisher = n->advertise<nav_msgs::GridCells>(ROUTE_TOPIC, 1);
00026                 mPlanPublisher = n->advertise<nav_msgs::GridCells>(PLAN_TOPIC, 1);
00027         }
00028         operatorNode.param("max_free_space", mMaxFreeSpace, 5.0);
00029         operatorNode.param("safety_decay", mSafetyDecay, 0.95);
00030         operatorNode.param("distance_weight", mDistanceWeight, 1);
00031         operatorNode.param("safety_weight", mSafetyWeight, 1);
00032         operatorNode.param("conformance_weight", mConformanceWeight, 1);
00033         operatorNode.param("continue_weight", mContinueWeight, 1);
00034         operatorNode.param("max_velocity", mMaxVelocity, 1.0);
00036         ros::NodeHandle robotNode;
00037         robotNode.param("robot_frame", mRobotFrame, std::string("robot"));
00038         robotNode.param("odometry_frame", mOdometryFrame, std::string("odometry_base"));
00040         // Apply tf_prefix to all used frame-id's
00041         std::string tfPrefix = mTfListener.getTFPrefix();
00042         mRobotFrame = tf::resolve(tfPrefix, mRobotFrame);
00043         mOdometryFrame = tf::resolve(tfPrefix, mOdometryFrame);
00045         // Initialize the lookup table for the driving directions
00046         ROS_INFO("Initializing LUT...");
00047         initTrajTable();
00048         ROS_INFO("...done!");
00050         // Set internal parameters
00051         mDesiredDirection = 0;
00052         mDesiredVelocity = 0;
00053         mCurrentDirection = 0;
00054         mCurrentVelocity = 0;
00055         mDriveMode = 0;
00056         mRecoverySteps = 0;
00057 }
00059 RobotOperator::~RobotOperator()
00060 {
00061         delete mLocalMap;
00062         for(int i = 0; i < LUT_RESOLUTION; i++)
00063         {
00064                 delete mTrajTable[i];
00065         }
00066 }
00068 void RobotOperator::initTrajTable()
00069 {
00070         for(int i = 0; i < (LUT_RESOLUTION * 4) + 2; i++)
00071         {
00072                 mTrajTable[i] = NULL;
00073         }       
00074         for(int i = 1; i < LUT_RESOLUTION; i++)
00075         {
00076                 double tw = -PI * i / LUT_RESOLUTION;
00077                 double tx = cos(tw) + 1;
00078                 double ty = -sin(tw);
00079                 double tr = ((tx*tx)+(ty*ty))/(ty+ty);
00080                 std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point32> points;
00081                 double alpha = 0;
00082                 while(alpha < PI)
00083                 {
00084                         double x = tr * sin(alpha);
00085                         double y = tr * (1.0 - cos(alpha));
00086                         geometry_msgs::Point32 p;
00087                         p.x = x;
00088                         p.y = y;
00089                         p.z = 0;
00090                         points.push_back(p);
00091                         alpha += mRasterSize / tr;
00092                 }
00093                 // Add the PointCloud to the LUT
00094                 // Circle in forward-left direction
00095                 sensor_msgs::PointCloud* flcloud = new sensor_msgs::PointCloud();
00096                 flcloud->header.stamp = Time(0);
00097                 flcloud->header.frame_id = mRobotFrame;
00098                 flcloud->points.resize(points.size());
00100                 // Circle in forward-right direction
00101                 sensor_msgs::PointCloud* frcloud = new sensor_msgs::PointCloud();
00102                 frcloud->header.stamp = Time(0);
00103                 frcloud->header.frame_id = mRobotFrame;
00104                 frcloud->points.resize(points.size());
00106                 // Circle in backward-left direction
00107                 sensor_msgs::PointCloud* blcloud = new sensor_msgs::PointCloud();
00108                 blcloud->header.stamp = Time(0);
00109                 blcloud->header.frame_id = mRobotFrame;
00110                 blcloud->points.resize(points.size());
00112                 // Circle in backward-right direction
00113                 sensor_msgs::PointCloud* brcloud = new sensor_msgs::PointCloud();
00114                 brcloud->header.stamp = Time(0);
00115                 brcloud->header.frame_id = mRobotFrame;
00116                 brcloud->points.resize(points.size());
00118                 for(unsigned int j = 0; j < points.size(); j++)
00119                 {
00120                         flcloud->points[j] = points[j];
00121                         frcloud->points[j] = points[j];
00122                         blcloud->points[j] = points[j];
00123                         brcloud->points[j] = points[j];
00125                         frcloud->points[j].y *= -1;
00126                         blcloud->points[j].x *= -1;
00127                         brcloud->points[j].x *= -1;
00128                         brcloud->points[j].y *= -1;
00129                 }
00130                 mTrajTable[LUT_RESOLUTION - i] = flcloud;
00131                 mTrajTable[LUT_RESOLUTION + i] = frcloud;
00132                 mTrajTable[(3 * LUT_RESOLUTION + 1) - i] = blcloud;
00133                 mTrajTable[(3 * LUT_RESOLUTION + 1) + i] = brcloud;
00134         }
00136         // Add First and Last LUT-element
00137         geometry_msgs::Point32 p;
00138         p.x = 0;
00139         p.y = 0;
00140         p.z = 0;
00142         sensor_msgs::PointCloud* turn = new sensor_msgs::PointCloud();
00143         turn->header.stamp = Time(0);
00144         turn->header.frame_id = mRobotFrame;
00145         turn->points.resize(1);
00146         turn->points[0] = p;
00148         int straight_len = 5.0 / mRasterSize;
00150         sensor_msgs::PointCloud* fscloud = new sensor_msgs::PointCloud();
00151         fscloud->header.stamp = Time(0);
00152         fscloud->header.frame_id = mRobotFrame;
00153         fscloud->points.resize(straight_len);
00155         sensor_msgs::PointCloud* bscloud = new sensor_msgs::PointCloud();
00156         bscloud->header.stamp = Time(0);
00157         bscloud->header.frame_id = mRobotFrame;
00158         bscloud->points.resize(straight_len);
00160         for(int i = 0; i < straight_len; i++)
00161         {
00162                 fscloud->points[i] = p;
00163                 bscloud->points[i] = p;
00164                 bscloud->points[i].x *= -1;
00165                 p.x += mRasterSize;
00166         }
00168         mTrajTable[LUT_RESOLUTION] = fscloud;
00169         mTrajTable[LUT_RESOLUTION*3 + 1] = bscloud;
00171         mTrajTable[0] = turn;
00172         mTrajTable[LUT_RESOLUTION*2] = turn;
00173         mTrajTable[LUT_RESOLUTION*2 + 1] = turn;
00174         mTrajTable[LUT_RESOLUTION*4 + 1] = turn;
00176         for(int i = 0; i < (LUT_RESOLUTION * 4) + 2; i++)
00177         {
00178                 if(!mTrajTable[i])
00179                 {
00180                         ROS_ERROR("Table entry %d has not been initialized!", i);
00181                 }
00182         }       
00183 }
00185 void RobotOperator::receiveCommand(const robot_operator::cmd::ConstPtr& msg)
00186 {
00187         if(msg->Turn < -1 || msg->Turn > 1)
00188         {
00189                 // The given direction is invalid.
00190                 // Something is going wrong, so better stop the robot:
00191                 mDesiredDirection = 0;
00192                 mDesiredVelocity = 0;
00193                 mCurrentDirection = 0;
00194                 mCurrentVelocity = 0;
00195                 ROS_ERROR("Invalid turn direction on topic '%s'!", COMMAND_TOPIC);
00196                 return;
00197         }
00198         mDesiredDirection = msg->Turn;
00199         mDesiredVelocity = msg->Velocity * mMaxVelocity;
00200         mDriveMode = msg->Mode;
00201 }
00203 void RobotOperator::executeCommand()
00204 {
00205         // 1. Get a copy of the costmap to work on.
00206         mCostmap = mLocalMap->getCostmap();
00207         double bestDirection, d;
00209         // 2. Set velocity and direction depending on drive mode
00210         switch(mDriveMode)
00211         {
00212         case 0:
00213 //              mCurrentDirection = findBestDirection();
00214                 bestDirection = findBestDirection();
00215                 d = bestDirection - mCurrentDirection;
00216                 if(d < -0.2) d = -0.2;
00217                 if(d > 0.2) d = 0.2;
00218                 mCurrentDirection += d;
00219                 mCurrentVelocity = mDesiredVelocity;
00220                 break;
00221         case 1:
00222                 mCurrentDirection = mDesiredDirection;
00223                 mCurrentVelocity = mDesiredVelocity;
00224                 break;
00225         default:
00226                 ROS_ERROR("Invalid drive mode!");
00227                 mCurrentVelocity = 0.0;
00228         }
00230         // Create some Debug-Info
00231         evaluateAction(mCurrentDirection, mCurrentVelocity, true);
00233         sensor_msgs::PointCloud* originalCloud = getPointCloud(mCurrentDirection, mDesiredVelocity);
00234         sensor_msgs::PointCloud transformedCloud;
00236         try
00237         {
00238                 mTfListener.transformPointCloud(mOdometryFrame,*originalCloud,transformedCloud);
00239         }
00240         catch(TransformException ex)
00241         {
00242                 ROS_ERROR("%s", ex.what());
00243                 return;
00244         }
00246         // Determine maximum linear velocity
00247         int freeCells = calculateFreeSpace(&transformedCloud);
00248         double freeSpace = mRasterSize * freeCells;
00250         double safeVelocity = (freeSpace / mMaxFreeSpace) + 0.05;
00251         if(freeCells == transformedCloud.points.size() && safeVelocity < 0.5)
00252                 safeVelocity = 0.5;
00254         if(freeSpace < 0.3 && freeCells < transformedCloud.points.size())
00255                 safeVelocity = 0;
00257         if(safeVelocity > mMaxVelocity)
00258                 safeVelocity = mMaxVelocity;
00260         // Check whether the robot is stuck
00261         if(mRecoverySteps > 0) mRecoverySteps--;
00262         if(safeVelocity < 0.1)
00263         {
00264                 if(mDriveMode == 0)
00265                 {
00266                         // Turn in place (somewhat hacky)
00267 //                      mCurrentVelocity = mDesiredVelocity;
00268 //                      if(mCurrentVelocity > 0.5) mCurrentVelocity = 0.5;
00269 //                      if(mDesiredDirection > 0)
00270 //                      {
00271 //                              mCurrentDirection = 1;
00272 //                      }else
00273 //                      {
00274 //                              mCurrentDirection = -1;
00275 //                      }
00276                         mRecoverySteps = 30; // Recover for 3 seconds
00277                         ROS_WARN_THROTTLE(1, "Robot is stuck! Trying to recover...");
00278                 }else
00279                 {
00280                         mCurrentVelocity = 0;
00281                         ROS_WARN_THROTTLE(1, "Robot cannot move further in this direction!");
00282                 }
00283         }
00285         // Publish route via ROS (mainly for debugging)
00286         if(mPublishRoute)
00287         {
00288                 nav_msgs::GridCells route_msg;
00289                 route_msg.header.frame_id = mOdometryFrame;
00290                 route_msg.header.stamp = Time::now();
00292                 route_msg.cell_width = mCostmap->getResolution();
00293                 route_msg.cell_height = mCostmap->getResolution();
00295                 route_msg.cells.resize(freeCells);
00296                 for(int i = 0; i < freeCells; i++)
00297                 {
00298                         route_msg.cells[i].x = transformedCloud.points[i].x;
00299                         route_msg.cells[i].y = transformedCloud.points[i].y;
00300                         route_msg.cells[i].z = transformedCloud.points[i].z;
00301                 }
00302                 mTrajectoryPublisher.publish(route_msg);
00304                 // Publish plan via ROS (mainly for debugging)
00305                 sensor_msgs::PointCloud* originalPlanCloud = getPointCloud(mDesiredDirection, mDesiredVelocity);
00306                 sensor_msgs::PointCloud transformedPlanCloud;
00308                 try
00309                 {
00310                         mTfListener.transformPointCloud(mOdometryFrame,*originalPlanCloud,transformedPlanCloud);
00311                 }
00312                 catch(TransformException ex)
00313                 {
00314                         ROS_ERROR("%s", ex.what());
00315                         return;
00316                 }
00317                 nav_msgs::GridCells plan_msg;
00318                 plan_msg.header = route_msg.header;
00320                 plan_msg.cell_width = mCostmap->getResolution();
00321                 plan_msg.cell_height = mCostmap->getResolution();
00323                 int freeSpacePlan = calculateFreeSpace(&transformedPlanCloud);
00324                 plan_msg.cells.resize(freeSpacePlan);
00325                 for(int i = 0; i < freeSpacePlan; i++)
00326                 {
00327                         plan_msg.cells[i].x = transformedPlanCloud.points[i].x;
00328                         plan_msg.cells[i].y = transformedPlanCloud.points[i].y;
00329                         plan_msg.cells[i].z = transformedPlanCloud.points[i].z;
00330                 }
00331                 mPlanPublisher.publish(plan_msg);
00332         }
00334         // Publish result via Twist-Message
00335         geometry_msgs::Twist controlMsg;
00336         double velocity = mCurrentVelocity;
00337         if(mCurrentDirection == 0)
00338         {
00339                 if(velocity > safeVelocity)
00340                 {
00341                         ROS_DEBUG("Desired velocity of %.2f is limited to %.2f", velocity, safeVelocity);
00342                         velocity = safeVelocity;
00343                 }else if(velocity < -safeVelocity)
00344                 {
00345                         ROS_DEBUG("Desired velocity of %.2f is limited to %.2f", velocity, -safeVelocity);
00346                         velocity = -safeVelocity;
00347                 }
00348                 controlMsg.linear.x = velocity;
00349                 controlMsg.angular.z = 0;
00350         }else if(mCurrentDirection == -1 || mCurrentDirection == 1)
00351         {
00352                 controlMsg.linear.x = 0;
00353                 controlMsg.angular.z = -1.0 * mCurrentDirection * velocity;
00354         }else
00355         {
00356                 double x = sin(mCurrentDirection * PI);
00357                 double y = (cos(mCurrentDirection * PI) + 1);
00358                 double r = ((x*x) + (y*y)) / (2*x);
00359                 double abs_r = (r > 0) ? r : -r;
00360                 velocity /= (1 + (1.0/abs_r));
00361                 if(velocity > safeVelocity)
00362                 {
00363                         ROS_DEBUG("Desired velocity of %.2f is limited to %.2f", velocity, safeVelocity);
00364                         velocity = safeVelocity;
00365                 }else if(velocity < -safeVelocity)
00366                 {
00367                         ROS_DEBUG("Desired velocity of %.2f is limited to %.2f", velocity, -safeVelocity);
00368                         velocity = -safeVelocity;
00369                 }
00371                 controlMsg.linear.x = velocity;
00372                 controlMsg.angular.z = -1.0 / r * controlMsg.linear.x;
00373         }
00374         mControlPublisher.publish(controlMsg);
00375 }
00377 int RobotOperator::calculateFreeSpace(sensor_msgs::PointCloud* cloud)
00378 {       
00379         unsigned int mx, my;
00380         int length = cloud->points.size();
00381         int freeSpace = 0;
00382         for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
00383         {
00384                 if(mCostmap->worldToMap(cloud->points[i].x, cloud->points[i].y, mx, my))
00385                 {
00386                         if(mCostmap->getCost(mx,my) < INSCRIBED_INFLATED_OBSTACLE)
00387                         {
00388                                 freeSpace++;
00389                         }else
00390                         {
00391                                 break;
00392                         }
00393                 }else
00394                 {
00395                         break;
00396                 }
00397         }
00398         return freeSpace;
00399 }
00401 double RobotOperator::evaluateAction(double direction, double velocity, bool debug)
00402 {
00403         sensor_msgs::PointCloud* originalCloud = getPointCloud(direction, velocity);
00404         sensor_msgs::PointCloud transformedCloud;
00405         try
00406         {
00407                 mTfListener.transformPointCloud(mOdometryFrame, *originalCloud,transformedCloud);
00408         }
00409         catch(TransformException ex)
00410         {
00411                 ROS_ERROR("%s", ex.what());
00412                 return 1;
00413         }
00415         double valueDistance = 0.0;    // How far can the robot move in this direction?
00416         double valueSafety = 0.0;      // How safe is it to move in that direction?
00417         double valueConformance = 0.0; // How conform is it with the desired direction?
00419         double freeSpace = 0.0;
00420         double decay = 1.0;
00421         unsigned char cell_cost;
00422         double safety;
00424         // Calculate safety value
00425         int length = transformedCloud.points.size();
00426         bool gettingBetter = true;
00427         for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
00428         {
00429                 unsigned int mx, my;
00430                 if(mCostmap->worldToMap(transformedCloud.points[i].x, transformedCloud.points[i].y, mx, my))
00431                 {
00432                         cell_cost = mCostmap->getCost(mx,my);
00433                         if(cell_cost >= INSCRIBED_INFLATED_OBSTACLE)
00434                         {
00435                                 // Trajectory hit an obstacle
00436                                 break;
00437                         }
00438                 }
00439                 freeSpace += mRasterSize;
00441                 safety = INSCRIBED_INFLATED_OBSTACLE - (cell_cost * decay);
00442                 if(gettingBetter)
00443                 {
00444                         if(safety >= valueSafety) valueSafety = safety;
00445                         else gettingBetter = false;
00446                 }else
00447                 {
00448                         if(safety < valueSafety) valueSafety = safety;
00449                 }
00450                 decay *= mSafetyDecay;
00451         }
00453         double action_value = 0.0;
00454         double normFactor = 0.0;
00455         valueSafety /= INSCRIBED_INFLATED_OBSTACLE;
00457         // Calculate distance value
00458         if(freeSpace >= mMaxFreeSpace)
00459         {
00460                 freeSpace = mMaxFreeSpace;
00461         }
00462         valueDistance = freeSpace / std::min(mMaxFreeSpace, length*mRasterSize);
00463         normFactor = mDistanceWeight + mSafetyWeight;
00465         if(mRecoverySteps == 0)
00466         {
00467                 // Calculate continuety value
00468                 double valueContinue = mCurrentDirection - direction;
00469                 if(valueContinue < 0) valueContinue *= -1;
00470                 valueContinue = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(pow(valueContinue-0.5,15)));
00472                 // Calculate conformance value
00473                 double desired_sq = (mDesiredDirection > 0) ? mDesiredDirection * mDesiredDirection : mDesiredDirection * -mDesiredDirection;
00474                 double evaluated_sq = (direction > 0) ? direction * direction : direction * -direction;
00475                 valueConformance = cos(PI / 2.0 * (desired_sq - evaluated_sq)); // cos(-PI/2 ... +PI/2) --> [0 .. 1 .. 0]
00477                 action_value += valueConformance * mConformanceWeight;
00478                 action_value += valueContinue * mContinueWeight;
00479                 normFactor += mConformanceWeight + mContinueWeight;
00480         }
00482         action_value += valueDistance * mDistanceWeight;
00483         action_value += valueSafety * mSafetyWeight;
00484         action_value /=  normFactor;
00486         if(debug)
00487         {
00488                 geometry_msgs::Vector3 cost_msg;
00489                 cost_msg.x = valueDistance;
00490                 cost_msg.y = valueSafety;
00491 //              cost_msg.y = valueContinue;
00492                 cost_msg.z = valueConformance;
00493                 mCostPublisher.publish(cost_msg); 
00494         }
00496         return action_value;
00497 }
00499 double diff(double v1, double v2)
00500 {
00501         if(v1 > v2)
00502                 return v1 - v2;
00503         else
00504                 return v2 - v1;
00505 }
00507 double RobotOperator::findBestDirection()
00508 {
00509         double best_dir = -1.0;
00510         double best_value = 0.0;
00511         double step = 0.01;
00512         double dir = -1.0;
00514         while(dir <= 1.0)
00515         {
00516                 double value = evaluateAction(dir, mDesiredVelocity);
00517                 if(value > best_value)
00518                 {
00519                         best_dir = dir;
00520                         best_value = value;
00521                 }
00522                 dir += step;
00523         }
00524 /*      
00525         geometry_msgs::Vector3 cost_msg;
00526         cost_msg.x = evaluateAction(mDesiredDirection, mDesiredVelocity);
00527         cost_msg.y = best_value;
00528         cost_msg.z = diff(best_dir, mDesiredDirection);
00529         mCostPublisher.publish(cost_msg); 
00530 */
00531         return best_dir;
00532 }
00534 sensor_msgs::PointCloud* RobotOperator::getPointCloud(double direction, double velocity)
00535 {
00536         if(direction < -1) direction = -1;
00537         if(direction > 1) direction = 1;
00538         int offset = (velocity >= 0) ? LUT_RESOLUTION : 3*LUT_RESOLUTION + 1;
00539         int table_index = (direction * LUT_RESOLUTION) + offset;
00540         return mTrajTable[table_index];
00541 }

Author(s): Sebastian Kasperski
autogenerated on Fri Feb 21 2014 12:26:43