Classes | Functions
geodesy Namespace Reference


class  UTMPoint
class  UTMPose


template<class From , class To >
void convert (const From &from, To &to)
template<class Same >
void convert (const Same &from, Same &to)
static void fromMsg (const geographic_msgs::GeoPoint &from, geographic_msgs::GeoPoint &to)
static void fromMsg (const geographic_msgs::GeoPose &from, geographic_msgs::GeoPose &to)
void fromMsg (const geographic_msgs::GeoPoint &from, UTMPoint &to)
void fromMsg (const geographic_msgs::GeoPose &from, UTMPose &to)
static bool is2D (const geographic_msgs::GeoPoint &pt)
static bool is2D (const geographic_msgs::GeoPose &pose)
static bool is2D (const UTMPoint &pt)
static bool is2D (const UTMPose &pose)
static bool isValid (const geographic_msgs::GeoPoint &pt)
static bool isValid (const geographic_msgs::GeoPose &pose)
bool isValid (const UTMPoint &pt)
bool isValid (const UTMPose &pose)
static void normalize (geographic_msgs::GeoPoint &pt)
static void normalize (UTMPoint &pt)
static std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UTMPoint &pt)
static std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UTMPose &pose)
static bool sameGridZone (const UTMPoint &pt1, const UTMPoint &pt2)
static bool sameGridZone (const UTMPose &pose1, const UTMPose &pose2)
static geometry_msgs::Point toGeometry (const UTMPoint &from)
static geometry_msgs::Pose toGeometry (const UTMPose &from)
static geographic_msgs::GeoPoint toMsg (double lat, double lon)
static geographic_msgs::GeoPoint toMsg (double lat, double lon, double alt)
geographic_msgs::GeoPoint toMsg (const UTMPoint &from)
geographic_msgs::GeoPose toMsg (const UTMPose &from)
static geographic_msgs::GeoPoint toMsg (const sensor_msgs::NavSatFix &fix)
static geographic_msgs::GeoPoint toMsg (const geographic_msgs::GeoPoint &from)
static geographic_msgs::GeoPose toMsg (const geographic_msgs::GeoPoint &pt, const geometry_msgs::Quaternion &q)
static geographic_msgs::GeoPose toMsg (const sensor_msgs::NavSatFix &fix, const geometry_msgs::Quaternion &q)
static geographic_msgs::GeoPose toMsg (const geographic_msgs::GeoPose &from)
static char UTMBand (double Lat, double Lon)

Function Documentation

template<class From , class To >
void geodesy::convert ( const From &  from,
To &  to 

Convert any coordinate to any other via intermediate WGS 84 representation.

Tully Foote
Every coordinate type must implement fromMsg() and toMsg() functions for both points and poses.

Definition at line 75 of file wgs84.h.

template<class Same >
void geodesy::convert ( const Same &  from,
Same &  to 

Convert any coordinate to itself.

Definition at line 82 of file wgs84.h.

static void geodesy::fromMsg ( const geographic_msgs::GeoPoint from,
geographic_msgs::GeoPoint to 
) [inline, static]

Convert one WGS 84 geodetic point to another.

fromWGS 84 point message.
toanother point.

Definition at line 93 of file wgs84.h.

static void geodesy::fromMsg ( const geographic_msgs::GeoPose from,
geographic_msgs::GeoPose to 
) [inline, static]

Convert one WGS 84 geodetic pose to another.

fromWGS 84 pose message.
toanother pose.

Definition at line 104 of file wgs84.h.

void geodesy::fromMsg ( const geographic_msgs::GeoPoint from,
UTMPoint &  to 

Convert WGS 84 geodetic point to UTM point.

Equations from USGS Bulletin 1532

fromWGS 84 point message.
toUTM point.

Definition at line 187 of file utm_conversions.cpp.

void geodesy::fromMsg ( const geographic_msgs::GeoPose from,
UTMPose &  to 

Convert WGS 84 geodetic pose to UTM pose.

fromWGS 84 pose message.
toUTM pose.
define the orientation transformation properly

Definition at line 295 of file utm_conversions.cpp.

static bool geodesy::is2D ( const geographic_msgs::GeoPoint pt) [inline, static]
true if no altitude specified.

Definition at line 111 of file wgs84.h.

static bool geodesy::is2D ( const geographic_msgs::GeoPose pose) [inline, static]
true if pose has no altitude.

Definition at line 117 of file wgs84.h.

static bool geodesy::is2D ( const UTMPoint &  pt) [inline, static]
true if no altitude specified.

Definition at line 185 of file utm.h.

static bool geodesy::is2D ( const UTMPose &  pose) [inline, static]
true if no altitude specified.

Definition at line 192 of file utm.h.

static bool geodesy::isValid ( const geographic_msgs::GeoPoint pt) [inline, static]
true if point is valid.

Definition at line 123 of file wgs84.h.

static bool geodesy::isValid ( const geographic_msgs::GeoPose pose) [inline, static]
true if pose is valid.

Definition at line 135 of file wgs84.h.

bool geodesy::isValid ( const UTMPoint &  pt)
true if point is valid.

Definition at line 265 of file utm_conversions.cpp.

bool geodesy::isValid ( const UTMPose &  pose)
true if pose is valid.

Definition at line 302 of file utm_conversions.cpp.

static void geodesy::normalize ( geographic_msgs::GeoPoint pt) [inline, static]

Normalize a WGS 84 geodetic point.

ptpoint to normalize.

Normalizes the longitude to [-180, 180). Clamps latitude to [-90, 90].

Definition at line 155 of file wgs84.h.

static void geodesy::normalize ( UTMPoint &  pt) [inline, static]

Normalize UTM point.

Ensures the point is within its canonical grid zone.

Definition at line 205 of file utm.h.

static std::ostream& geodesy::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const UTMPoint &  pt 
) [inline, static]

Output stream operator for UTM point.

Definition at line 213 of file utm.h.

static std::ostream& geodesy::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const UTMPose &  pose 
) [inline, static]

Output stream operator for UTM pose.

Definition at line 222 of file utm.h.

static bool geodesy::sameGridZone ( const UTMPoint &  pt1,
const UTMPoint &  pt2 
) [inline, static]
true if two points have the same Grid Zone Designator

Definition at line 233 of file utm.h.

static bool geodesy::sameGridZone ( const UTMPose &  pose1,
const UTMPose &  pose2 
) [inline, static]
true if two poses have the same Grid Zone Designator

Definition at line 239 of file utm.h.

static geometry_msgs::Point geodesy::toGeometry ( const UTMPoint &  from) [inline, static]
a geometry Point corresponding to a UTM point.

Definition at line 245 of file utm.h.

static geometry_msgs::Pose geodesy::toGeometry ( const UTMPose &  from) [inline, static]
a geometry Pose corresponding to a UTM pose.

Definition at line 255 of file utm.h.

static geographic_msgs::GeoPoint geodesy::toMsg ( double  lat,
double  lon 
) [inline, static]
a 2D WGS 84 geodetic point message.

Definition at line 163 of file wgs84.h.

static geographic_msgs::GeoPoint geodesy::toMsg ( double  lat,
double  lon,
double  alt 
) [inline, static]
a 3D WGS 84 geodetic point message.

Definition at line 174 of file wgs84.h.

geographic_msgs::GeoPoint geodesy::toMsg ( const UTMPoint &  from)

Convert UTM point to WGS 84 geodetic point.

Equations from USGS Bulletin 1532

fromWGS 84 point message.
UTM point.

Definition at line 119 of file utm_conversions.cpp.

geographic_msgs::GeoPose geodesy::toMsg ( const UTMPose &  from)
static geographic_msgs::GeoPoint geodesy::toMsg ( const sensor_msgs::NavSatFix &  fix) [inline, static]
a WGS 84 geodetic point message from a NavSatFix.

Definition at line 185 of file wgs84.h.

static geographic_msgs::GeoPoint geodesy::toMsg ( const geographic_msgs::GeoPoint from) [inline, static]
a WGS 84 geodetic point message from another.

Definition at line 196 of file wgs84.h.

static geographic_msgs::GeoPose geodesy::toMsg ( const geographic_msgs::GeoPoint pt,
const geometry_msgs::Quaternion &  q 
) [inline, static]
a WGS 84 geodetic pose message from a point and a quaternion.

Definition at line 205 of file wgs84.h.

static geographic_msgs::GeoPose geodesy::toMsg ( const sensor_msgs::NavSatFix &  fix,
const geometry_msgs::Quaternion &  q 
) [inline, static]
a WGS 84 geodetic pose message from a NavSatFix and a quaternion.

Definition at line 218 of file wgs84.h.

static geographic_msgs::GeoPose geodesy::toMsg ( const geographic_msgs::GeoPose from) [inline, static]
a WGS 84 geodetic pose message from another.

Definition at line 229 of file wgs84.h.

static char geodesy::UTMBand ( double  Lat,
double  Lon 
) [static]

Determine the correct UTM band letter for the given latitude. (Does not currently handle polar (UPS) zones: A, B, Y, Z).

' ' if latitude is outside the UTM limits of +84 to -80

Definition at line 82 of file utm_conversions.cpp.

Author(s): Jack O'Quin
autogenerated on Mon Oct 6 2014 00:09:35