File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions: [code]
msg/ [code]
srv/ [code] [code] [code] [code] [code]
CalibCameraImg.h [code]
calibTree.cpp [code]
calibTree.h [code]
coordConversion.cpp [code]
CoordConversion.h [code]
coordConversion.h [code]
create_calibs.cpp [code]
create_calibs.h [code]
image_calibration.cpp [code]This class reads in raw images and publishes the location of the robot as well as a black and white occupancy
image_calibration.h [code]
markerCoords.h [code]
PositionFromCamera.h [code]

Author(s): Fred Clinckemaillie, Maintained by David Kent
autogenerated on Thu Jan 2 2014 12:14:12