Classes |
struct | EndEffector |
| Representation of an end effector. More...
struct | Group |
| A group consists of a set of joints and the corresponding descendant links. There are multiple ways to specify a group. Directly specifying joints, links or chains, or referring to other defined groups. More...
struct | GroupState |
| A named state for a particular group. More...
struct | VirtualJoint |
Public Member Functions |
void | clear (void) |
| Clear the model.
const std::vector< std::pair
< std::string, std::string > > & | getDisabledCollisions (void) const |
| Get the list of pairs of links that need not be checked for collisions (because they can never touch given the geometry and kinematics of the robot)
const std::vector< EndEffector > & | getEndEffectors (void) const |
| Get the list of end effectors defined for this model.
const std::vector< Group > & | getGroups (void) const |
| Get the list of groups defined for this model.
const std::vector< GroupState > & | getGroupStates (void) const |
| Get the list of group states defined for this model.
const std::string & | getName (void) const |
| Get the name of this model.
const std::vector< VirtualJoint > & | getVirtualJoints (void) const |
| Get the list of virtual joints defined for this model.
bool | initFile (const urdf::ModelInterface &urdf_model, const std::string &filename) |
| Load Model given a filename.
bool | initString (const urdf::ModelInterface &urdf_model, const std::string &xmlstring) |
| Load Model from a XML-string.
bool | initXml (const urdf::ModelInterface &urdf_model, TiXmlElement *xml) |
| Load Model from TiXMLElement.
bool | initXml (const urdf::ModelInterface &urdf_model, TiXmlDocument *xml) |
| Load Model from TiXMLDocument.
| Model (void) |
| ~Model (void) |
Private Member Functions |
void | loadDisabledCollisions (const urdf::ModelInterface &urdf_model, TiXmlElement *robot_xml) |
void | loadEndEffectors (const urdf::ModelInterface &urdf_model, TiXmlElement *robot_xml) |
void | loadGroups (const urdf::ModelInterface &urdf_model, TiXmlElement *robot_xml) |
void | loadGroupStates (const urdf::ModelInterface &urdf_model, TiXmlElement *robot_xml) |
void | loadVirtualJoints (const urdf::ModelInterface &urdf_model, TiXmlElement *robot_xml) |
Private Attributes |
std::vector< std::pair
< std::string, std::string > > | disabled_collisions_ |
std::vector< EndEffector > | end_effectors_ |
std::vector< GroupState > | group_states_ |
std::vector< Group > | groups_ |
std::string | name_ |
std::vector< VirtualJoint > | virtual_joints_ |
Representation of semantic information about the robot.
Definition at line 52 of file model.h.