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Public Member Functions | Public Attributes
motld::NNPatch Class Reference

Data structure representing nearest neighbor patches with color histograms. More...

#include <NNClassifier.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 NNPatch ()
 Default (empty) constructor.
 NNPatch (const NNPatch &copyFrom)
 Copy constructor.
 NNPatch (const Matrix &curPatch)
 Constructor providing only a patch.
 NNPatch (const Matrix &curPatch, const ObjectBox &bbox, const unsigned char *rgb=NULL, const int w=0, const int h=0)
 Constructor creating the color histogram.
 NNPatch (const ObjectBox &bbox, const Matrix &curImage, const int patchSize, const unsigned char *rgb=NULL, const int w=0, const int h=0)
 Constructor extracting the patch and the color histogram out of the image.
 NNPatch (std::ifstream &inputStream, const int patchSize)
 Constructor for loading from file.
NNPatchoperator= (const NNPatch &copyFrom)
 Copy operator.
void saveToStream (std::ofstream &outputStream) const
 Method for saving to file.
 ~NNPatch ()

Public Attributes

float avg
 The average of the grayscale values (to enable reconstruction)
 A normalized color histogram or NULL if not used.
float norm2
 Saves the squared norm of the grayscale values to speed up computation later.
Matrix patch
 The patch (will be normalized to zero mean)

Detailed Description

Data structure representing nearest neighbor patches with color histograms.

Definition at line 30 of file NNClassifier.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Default (empty) constructor.

Definition at line 42 of file NNClassifier.h.

Copy constructor.

Definition at line 112 of file NNClassifier.h.

Constructor providing only a patch.

Definition at line 127 of file NNClassifier.h.

motld::NNPatch::NNPatch ( const Matrix curPatch,
const ObjectBox bbox,
const unsigned char *  rgb = NULL,
const int  w = 0,
const int  h = 0 

Constructor creating the color histogram.

Definition at line 136 of file NNClassifier.h.

motld::NNPatch::NNPatch ( const ObjectBox bbox,
const Matrix curImage,
const int  patchSize,
const unsigned char *  rgb = NULL,
const int  w = 0,
const int  h = 0 

Constructor extracting the patch and the color histogram out of the image.

Definition at line 147 of file NNClassifier.h.

motld::NNPatch::NNPatch ( std::ifstream &  inputStream,
const int  patchSize 

Constructor for loading from file.

Definition at line 160 of file NNClassifier.h.


Definition at line 186 of file NNClassifier.h.

Member Function Documentation

NNPatch & motld::NNPatch::operator= ( const NNPatch copyFrom)

Copy operator.

Definition at line 193 of file NNClassifier.h.

void motld::NNPatch::saveToStream ( std::ofstream &  outputStream) const

Method for saving to file.

Definition at line 175 of file NNClassifier.h.

Member Data Documentation

The average of the grayscale values (to enable reconstruction)

Definition at line 36 of file NNClassifier.h.

A normalized color histogram or NULL if not used.

Definition at line 40 of file NNClassifier.h.

Saves the squared norm of the grayscale values to speed up computation later.

Definition at line 38 of file NNClassifier.h.

The patch (will be normalized to zero mean)

Definition at line 34 of file NNClassifier.h.

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Author(s): Jost Tobias Springenberg, Jan Wuelfing
autogenerated on Wed Dec 26 2012 16:24:49