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Static Private Attributes
approach_table_tools.srv._GetCheckerboardPose.GetCheckerboardPose Class Reference

List of all members.

Static Private Attributes

string _md5sum = 'ee43220cb6bda80cc0507ebe9e1c87c7'
 _request_class = GetCheckerboardPoseRequest
 _response_class = GetCheckerboardPoseResponse
string _type = 'approach_table_tools/GetCheckerboardPose'

Detailed Description

Definition at line 313 of file

Member Data Documentation

string approach_table_tools::srv::_GetCheckerboardPose.GetCheckerboardPose::_md5sum = 'ee43220cb6bda80cc0507ebe9e1c87c7' [static, private]

Definition at line 315 of file

Definition at line 316 of file

Definition at line 317 of file

Definition at line 314 of file

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