Classes | |
class | CANCompatibilityArm |
This compatibility interface is a wrapper around the new CAN Hand ROS driver. It is used to present the same interface as the CAN hand. More... | |
struct | DiagnosticData |
class | EtherCATCompatibilityHand |
This compatibility interface is a wrapper around the new etherCAT Hand ROS driver. It is used to present the same interface as the CAN hand. More... | |
class | HandCommander |
struct | JointControllerData |
struct | JointData |
struct | Parameters |
class | RealArm |
class | RealShadowhand |
class | SRArticulatedRobot |
This is a parent class for the different types of Shadowhand we can have. It makes it possible to swap from a virtual to a real hand while using the same utilities to interact with the hand. One (or more) ROS subscriber and publisher can then share the same instance of a Shadowhand object to update the information contained in this object. More... | |
class | SRDiagnosticer |
class | SrKinematics |
class | SRPublisher |
class | SRSubscriber |
class | Valves |
class | VirtualArm |
class | VirtualShadowhand |
The Virtual Shadowhand can be used as a simulator. As both the real hand and the virtual hand are children from the shadowhand class, using a virtual or a real hand doesn't change anything in the way you call them in your programs. More... | |
class | VirtualShadowhandLibrary |
Enumerations | |
enum | controller_parameters { PARAM_sensor, PARAM_target, PARAM_valve, PARAM_deadband, PARAM_p, PARAM_i, PARAM_d, PARAM_imax, PARAM_output_offset, PARAM_shift, PARAM_output_max, PARAM_motor_maxforce, PARAM_motor_safeforce, PARAM_force_p, PARAM_force_i, PARAM_force_d, PARAM_force_imax, PARAM_force_out_shift, PARAM_force_deadband, PARAM_force_offset, PARAM_sensor_imax, PARAM_sensor_out_shift, PARAM_sensor_deadband, PARAM_sensor_offset, PARAM_max_temperature, PARAM_max_current, PARAM_type_of_sensor, PARAM_type_of_setpoint } |
enum | hardware_types { sr_hand_hardware, sr_arm_hardware } |
An enum containing the different types of hardware the diagnosticer is publishing data about. More... |
An enum containing all the different types of parameters for the controllers.
Definition at line 125 of file sr_articulated_robot.h.
An enum containing the different types of hardware the diagnosticer is publishing data about.
The Diagnosticer is a ROS publisher which publishes diagnostic data regarding the Dextrous Hand or the Shadow Arm, on the \/diagnostics topic. The diagnostics can be viewed using the robot_monitor package.
To view the diagnostics, just rosmake robot_monitor, and then rosrun robot_monitor robot_monitor.
Definition at line 52 of file sr_diagnosticer.h.