
shadowrobot::RealArm Class Reference

#include <real_arm.h>

Inheritance diagram for shadowrobot::RealArm:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual JointsMap getAllJointsData ()
virtual void getConfig (std::string joint_name)
virtual JointControllerData getContrl (std::string ctrlr_name)
virtual std::vector
< DiagnosticData
getDiagnostics ()
virtual JointData getJointData (std::string joint_name)
 RealArm ()
virtual short sendupdate (std::string joint_name, double target)
virtual short setConfig (std::vector< std::string > myConfig)
virtual short setContrl (std::string contrlr_name, JointControllerData ctrlr_data)
 ~RealArm ()

Protected Member Functions

void initializeMap ()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 36 of file real_arm.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

shadowrobot::RealArm::RealArm (  ) 

Initializes the necessary mappings with a static list of names.

Definition at line 37 of file real_arm.cpp.

shadowrobot::RealArm::~RealArm (  ) 


Definition at line 59 of file real_arm.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

SRArticulatedRobot::JointsMap shadowrobot::RealArm::getAllJointsData (  )  [virtual]

Get the data for all the joints.

a mapping between the joints names and the information for each joint.

Implements shadowrobot::SRArticulatedRobot.

Definition at line 153 of file real_arm.cpp.

void shadowrobot::RealArm::getConfig ( std::string  joint_name  )  [virtual]

Get the config of the palm

Not implemented yet

Implements shadowrobot::SRArticulatedRobot.

Definition at line 184 of file real_arm.cpp.

JointControllerData shadowrobot::RealArm::getContrl ( std::string  contrlr_name  )  [virtual]

Get the controller parameters for a given controller name.

contrlr_name the name of the controller.
The parameters of this controller

Implements shadowrobot::SRArticulatedRobot.

Definition at line 171 of file real_arm.cpp.

std::vector< DiagnosticData > shadowrobot::RealArm::getDiagnostics (  )  [virtual]

Get diagnostic information from the robot.

A vector containing all the diagnostics for the hand (motor information, etc...)

Implements shadowrobot::SRArticulatedRobot.

Definition at line 189 of file real_arm.cpp.

JointData shadowrobot::RealArm::getJointData ( std::string  joint_name  )  [virtual]

Reads the data from the robot.

joint_name The name of the joint, as specified in joints_map.
The information regarding this joint.

Implements shadowrobot::SRArticulatedRobot.

Definition at line 118 of file real_arm.cpp.

void shadowrobot::RealArm::initializeMap (  )  [protected]

Initialise a mapping for the joints.

Definition at line 63 of file real_arm.cpp.

short shadowrobot::RealArm::sendupdate ( std::string  joint_name,
double  target 
) [virtual]

This function will set the target of the object to the given angle and send it to the robot.

joint_name The Joint in joints_map you wish to send the target to.
target The target in degree
0 if success ; -1 if error

Implements shadowrobot::SRArticulatedRobot.

Definition at line 88 of file real_arm.cpp.

short shadowrobot::RealArm::setConfig ( std::vector< std::string >  myConfig  )  [virtual]

Set the config of the palm

Not implemented yet

Implements shadowrobot::SRArticulatedRobot.

Definition at line 178 of file real_arm.cpp.

short shadowrobot::RealArm::setContrl ( std::string  contrlr_name,
JointControllerData  ctrlr_data 
) [virtual]

Set the controller parameters for a given controller name.

contrlr_name The name of the controller to setup.
ctrlr_data The data to pass to this controller.
0 if success.

Implements shadowrobot::SRArticulatedRobot.

Definition at line 165 of file real_arm.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Properties Friends Defines

Author(s): Ugo Cupcic / ugo@shadowrobot.com, contact@shadowrobot.com
autogenerated on Sat Mar 2 14:08:29 2013