00001 00002 // this program just uses sicktoolbox to get laser scans, and then publishes 00003 // them as ROS messages 00004 // 00005 // Copyright (C) 2008, Morgan Quigley 00006 // 00007 // I am distributing this code under the BSD license: 00008 // 00009 // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 00010 // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 00011 // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, 00012 // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 00013 // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 00014 // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 00015 // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 00016 // * Neither the name of Stanford University nor the names of its 00017 // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from 00018 // this software without specific prior written permission. 00019 // 00020 // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" 00021 // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE 00022 // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE 00023 // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE 00024 // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR 00025 // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF 00026 // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS 00027 // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN 00028 // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) 00029 // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 00030 // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 00031 00032 #include <csignal> 00033 #include <cstdio> 00034 #include <math.h> 00035 #include <limits> 00036 #include <sicklms-1.0/SickLMS.hh> 00037 #include "ros/ros.h" 00038 #include "sensor_msgs/LaserScan.h" 00039 #include <diagnostic_updater/diagnostic_updater.h> // Publishing over the diagnostics channels. 00040 #include <diagnostic_updater/publisher.h> 00041 using namespace SickToolbox; 00042 using namespace std; 00043 00044 // Tick-tock transition variable, controls if the driver outputs NaNs and Infs 00045 bool use_rep_117_; 00046 00047 void publish_scan(diagnostic_updater::DiagnosedPublisher<sensor_msgs::LaserScan> *pub, uint32_t *range_values, 00048 uint32_t n_range_values, uint32_t *intensity_values, 00049 uint32_t n_intensity_values, double scale, ros::Time start, 00050 double scan_time, bool inverted, float angle_min, 00051 float angle_max, std::string frame_id) 00052 { 00053 static int scan_count = 0; 00054 sensor_msgs::LaserScan scan_msg; 00055 scan_msg.header.frame_id = frame_id; 00056 scan_count++; 00057 if (inverted) { 00058 scan_msg.angle_min = angle_max; 00059 scan_msg.angle_max = angle_min; 00060 } else { 00061 scan_msg.angle_min = angle_min; 00062 scan_msg.angle_max = angle_max; 00063 } 00064 scan_msg.angle_increment = (scan_msg.angle_max - scan_msg.angle_min) / (double)(n_range_values-1); 00065 scan_msg.scan_time = scan_time; 00066 scan_msg.time_increment = scan_time / (2*M_PI) * scan_msg.angle_increment; 00067 scan_msg.range_min = 0; 00068 if (scale == 0.01) { 00069 scan_msg.range_max = 81; 00070 } 00071 else if (scale == 0.001) { 00072 scan_msg.range_max = 8.1; 00073 } 00074 scan_msg.ranges.resize(n_range_values); 00075 scan_msg.header.stamp = start; 00076 if(use_rep_117_){ // Output NaNs and Infs where appropriate 00077 for (size_t i = 0; i < n_range_values; i++) { 00078 // Check for overflow values, see pg 124 of the Sick LMS telegram listing 00079 switch (range_values[i]) 00080 { 00081 // 8m or 80m operation 00082 case 8191: // Measurement not valid 00083 scan_msg.ranges[i] = numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(); 00084 break; 00085 case 8190: // Dazzling 00086 scan_msg.ranges[i] = numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(); 00087 break; 00088 case 8189: // Operation Overflow 00089 scan_msg.ranges[i] = numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(); 00090 break; 00091 case 8187: // Signal to Noise ratio too small 00092 scan_msg.ranges[i] = numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(); 00093 break; 00094 case 8186: // Erorr when reading channel 1 00095 scan_msg.ranges[i] = numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(); 00096 break; 00097 case 8183: // Measured value > maximum Value 00098 scan_msg.ranges[i] = numeric_limits<float>::infinity(); 00099 break; 00101 /*// 16m operation 00102 case 16383: // Measurement not valid 00103 scan_msg.ranges[i] = numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(); 00104 break; 00105 case 16382: // Dazzling 00106 scan_msg.ranges[i] = numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(); 00107 break; 00108 case 16381: // Operation Overflow 00109 scan_msg.ranges[i] = numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(); 00110 break; 00111 case 16379: // Signal to Noise ratio too small 00112 scan_msg.ranges[i] = numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(); 00113 break; 00114 case 16378: // Erorr when reading channel 1 00115 scan_msg.ranges[i] = numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(); 00116 break; 00117 case 16385: // Measured value > maximum Value 00118 scan_msg.ranges[i] = numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(); 00119 break; 00120 // 32m operation 00121 case 32767: // Measurement not valid 00122 scan_msg.ranges[i] = numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(); 00123 break; 00124 case 32766 // Dazzling 00125 scan_msg.ranges[i] = numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(); 00126 break; 00127 case 32765: // Operation Overflow 00128 scan_msg.ranges[i] = numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(); 00129 break; 00130 case 32763: // Signal to Noise ratio too small 00131 scan_msg.ranges[i] = numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(); 00132 break; 00133 case 32762: // Erorr when reading channel 1 00134 scan_msg.ranges[i] = numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(); 00135 break; 00136 case 32759: // Measured value > maximum Value 00137 scan_msg.ranges[i] = numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(); 00138 break;*/ 00139 default: 00140 scan_msg.ranges[i] = (float)range_values[i] * (float)scale; 00141 } 00142 } 00143 } else { // Use legacy output 00144 for (size_t i = 0; i < n_range_values; i++) { 00145 scan_msg.ranges[i] = (float)range_values[i] * (float)scale; 00146 } 00147 } 00148 scan_msg.intensities.resize(n_intensity_values); 00149 for (size_t i = 0; i < n_intensity_values; i++) { 00150 scan_msg.intensities[i] = (float)intensity_values[i]; 00151 } 00152 00153 00154 pub->publish(scan_msg); 00155 } 00156 00157 SickLMS::sick_lms_measuring_units_t StringToLmsMeasuringUnits(string units) 00158 { 00159 if (units.compare("mm") == 0) 00160 return SickLMS::SICK_MEASURING_UNITS_MM; 00161 else if (units.compare("cm") == 0) 00162 return SickLMS::SICK_MEASURING_UNITS_CM; 00163 00164 return SickLMS::SICK_MEASURING_UNITS_UNKNOWN; 00165 } 00166 00167 00168 int main(int argc, char **argv) 00169 { 00170 ros::init(argc, argv, "sicklms"); 00171 ros::NodeHandle nh; 00172 ros::NodeHandle nh_ns("~"); 00173 string port; 00174 int baud; 00175 int delay; 00176 bool inverted; 00177 int angle; 00178 double resolution; 00179 std::string measuring_units; 00180 std::string frame_id; 00181 double scan_time = 0; 00182 double angle_increment = 0; 00183 float angle_min = 0.0; 00184 float angle_max = 0.0; 00185 00186 // Diagnostic publisher parameters 00187 double desired_freq; 00188 nh_ns.param<double>("desired_frequency", desired_freq, 75.0); 00189 double min_freq; 00190 nh_ns.param<double>("min_frequency", min_freq, desired_freq); 00191 double max_freq; 00192 nh_ns.param<double>("max_frequency", max_freq, desired_freq); 00193 double freq_tolerance; // Tolerance before error, fractional percent of frequency. 00194 nh_ns.param<double>("frequency_tolerance", freq_tolerance, 0.3); 00195 int window_size; // Number of samples to consider in frequency 00196 nh_ns.param<int>("window_size", window_size, 30); 00197 double min_delay; // The minimum publishing delay (in seconds) before error. Negative values mean future dated messages. 00198 nh_ns.param<double>("min_acceptable_delay", min_delay, 0.0); 00199 double max_delay; // The maximum publishing delay (in seconds) before error. 00200 nh_ns.param<double>("max_acceptable_delay", max_delay, 0.2); 00201 std::string hardware_id; 00202 nh_ns.param<std::string>("hardware_id", hardware_id, "SICK LMS"); 00203 00204 // Set up diagnostics 00205 diagnostic_updater::Updater updater; 00206 updater.setHardwareID(hardware_id); 00207 diagnostic_updater::DiagnosedPublisher<sensor_msgs::LaserScan> scan_pub(nh.advertise<sensor_msgs::LaserScan>("scan", 10), updater, 00208 diagnostic_updater::FrequencyStatusParam(&min_freq, &max_freq, freq_tolerance, window_size), 00209 diagnostic_updater::TimeStampStatusParam(min_delay, max_delay)); 00210 00211 nh_ns.param("port", port, string("/dev/lms200")); 00212 nh_ns.param("baud", baud, 38400); 00213 nh_ns.param("connect_delay", delay, 0); 00214 nh_ns.param("inverted", inverted, false); 00215 nh_ns.param("angle", angle, 0); 00216 nh_ns.param("resolution", resolution, 0.0); 00217 nh_ns.param("units", measuring_units, string()); 00218 nh_ns.param<std::string>("frame_id", frame_id, "laser"); 00219 00220 // Check whether or not to support REP 117 00221 std::string key; 00222 if (nh.searchParam("use_rep_117", key)) 00223 { 00224 nh.getParam(key, use_rep_117_); 00225 } else { 00226 ROS_WARN("The use_rep_117 parameter has not been specified and has been automatically set to true. This parameter will be removed in Hydromedusa. Please see: http://ros.org/wiki/rep_117/migration"); 00227 use_rep_117_ = true; 00228 } 00229 00230 if(!use_rep_117_){ // Warn the user that they need to update their code. 00231 ROS_WARN("The use_rep_117 parameter is set to false. This parameter will be removed in Hydromedusa. Please see: http://ros.org/wiki/rep_117/migration"); 00232 } 00233 00234 SickLMS::sick_lms_baud_t desired_baud = SickLMS::IntToSickBaud(baud); 00235 if (desired_baud == SickLMS::SICK_BAUD_UNKNOWN) 00236 { 00237 ROS_ERROR("Baud rate must be in {9600, 19200, 38400, 500000}"); 00238 return 1; 00239 } 00240 uint32_t range_values[SickLMS::SICK_MAX_NUM_MEASUREMENTS] = {0}; 00241 uint32_t intensity_values[SickLMS::SICK_MAX_NUM_MEASUREMENTS] = {0}; 00242 uint32_t n_range_values = 0; 00243 uint32_t n_intensity_values = 0; 00244 SickLMS sick_lms(port); 00245 double scale = 0; 00246 double angle_offset; 00247 uint32_t partial_scan_index; 00248 00249 try 00250 { 00251 uint32_t on_delay = 0; 00252 if(delay > 0){ 00253 on_delay = delay; 00254 } 00255 sick_lms.Initialize(desired_baud, on_delay); 00256 00257 // Set the angle and resolution if possible (not an LMSFast) and 00258 // the user specifies a setting. 00259 int actual_angle = sick_lms.GetSickScanAngle(); 00260 double actual_resolution = sick_lms.GetSickScanResolution(); 00261 SickLMS::sick_lms_measuring_units_t actual_units = sick_lms.GetSickMeasuringUnits(); 00262 00263 // Attempt to set measurement angles and angular resolution 00264 try { 00265 if ((angle && actual_angle != angle) || (resolution && actual_resolution != resolution)) { 00266 ROS_INFO("Setting variant to (%i, %f)", angle, resolution); 00267 sick_lms.SetSickVariant(sick_lms.IntToSickScanAngle(angle), 00268 sick_lms.DoubleToSickScanResolution(resolution)); 00269 } else { 00270 ROS_INFO("Variant setup not requested or identical to actual (%i, %f)", actual_angle, 00271 actual_resolution); 00272 angle = actual_angle; 00273 resolution = actual_resolution; 00274 } 00275 } catch (SickConfigException e) { 00276 actual_angle = sick_lms.GetSickScanAngle(); 00277 actual_resolution = sick_lms.GetSickScanResolution(); 00278 if (angle != actual_angle) { 00279 ROS_WARN("Unable to set scan angle. Using %i instead of %i.", actual_angle, angle); 00280 angle = actual_angle; 00281 } 00282 if (resolution != actual_resolution) { 00283 ROS_WARN("Unable to set resolution. Using %e instead of %e.", actual_resolution, resolution); 00284 resolution = actual_resolution; 00285 } 00286 } 00287 00288 // Attempt to set measurement output mode to cm or mm 00289 try { 00290 if (!measuring_units.empty() && (actual_units != StringToLmsMeasuringUnits(measuring_units))) { 00291 ROS_INFO("Setting measuring units to '%s'", measuring_units.c_str()); 00292 actual_units = StringToLmsMeasuringUnits(measuring_units); 00293 sick_lms.SetSickMeasuringUnits(actual_units); 00294 } else { 00295 ROS_INFO("Measuring units setup not requested or identical to actual ('%s')", 00296 sick_lms.SickMeasuringUnitsToString(actual_units).c_str()); 00297 } 00298 } catch (SickConfigException e) { 00299 actual_units = sick_lms.GetSickMeasuringUnits(); 00300 if (StringToLmsMeasuringUnits(measuring_units) != actual_units) { 00301 ROS_WARN("Unable to set measuring units. Using '%s' instead of '%s'.", 00302 sick_lms.SickMeasuringUnitsToString(actual_units).c_str(), measuring_units.c_str()); 00303 measuring_units = sick_lms.SickMeasuringUnitsToString(actual_units); 00304 } 00305 } 00306 00307 if (actual_units == SickLMS::SICK_MEASURING_UNITS_CM) 00308 scale = 0.01; 00309 else if (actual_units == SickLMS::SICK_MEASURING_UNITS_MM) 00310 scale = 0.001; 00311 else 00312 { 00313 ROS_ERROR("Invalid measuring unit."); 00314 return 1; 00315 } 00316 00317 // The scan time is always 1/75 because that's how long it takes 00318 // for the mirror to rotate. If we have a higher resolution, the 00319 // SICKs interleave the readings, so the net result is we just 00320 // shift the measurements. 00321 if (angle == 180 || sick_lms.IsSickLMSFast()) { 00322 scan_time = 1.0 / 75; 00323 } 00324 else { 00325 SickLMS::sick_lms_scan_resolution_t scan_resolution = 00326 SickLMS::DoubleToSickScanResolution(resolution); 00327 if ( scan_resolution == SickLMS::SICK_SCAN_RESOLUTION_25) { 00328 // 0.25 degrees 00329 scan_time = 4.0 / 75; // 53.33 ms 00330 } 00331 else if ( scan_resolution == SickLMS::SICK_SCAN_RESOLUTION_50) { 00332 // 0.5 degrees 00333 scan_time = 2.0 / 75; // 26.66 ms 00334 } 00335 else if ( scan_resolution == SickLMS::SICK_SCAN_RESOLUTION_100) { 00336 // 1 degree 00337 scan_time = 1.0 / 75; // 13.33 ms 00338 } 00339 else { 00340 ROS_ERROR("Bogus scan resolution."); 00341 return 1; 00342 } 00343 if ( scan_resolution != SickLMS::SICK_SCAN_RESOLUTION_100) { 00344 ROS_WARN("You are using an angle smaller than 180 degrees and a " 00345 "scan resolution less than 1 degree per scan. Thus, " 00346 "you are in inteleaved mode and the returns will not " 00347 "arrive sequentially how you read them. So, the " 00348 "time_increment field will be misleading. If you need to " 00349 "know when the measurement was made at a time resolution " 00350 "better than the scan_time, use the whole 180 degree " 00351 "field of view."); 00352 } 00353 } 00354 00355 // The increment for the slower LMS is still 1.0 even if its set to 00356 // 0.5 or 0.25 degrees resolution because it is interleaved. So for 00357 // 0.5 degrees, two scans are needed, offset by 0.5 degrees. These 00358 // show up as two seperate LaserScan messages. 00359 angle_increment = sick_lms.IsSickLMSFast() ? 0.5 : 1.0; 00360 00361 angle_offset = (180.0-angle)/2; 00362 } 00363 catch (...) 00364 { 00365 ROS_ERROR("Initialize failed! are you using the correct device path?"); 00366 return 2; 00367 } 00368 try 00369 { 00370 while (ros::ok()) 00371 { 00372 if (sick_lms.IsSickLMSFast()) { 00373 // There's no inteleaving, but we can capture both the range 00374 // and intensity simultaneously 00375 sick_lms.GetSickScan(range_values, intensity_values, 00376 n_range_values, n_intensity_values); 00377 angle_min = -M_PI/4; 00378 angle_max = M_PI/4; 00379 } 00380 else if (angle != 180) { 00381 // If the angle is not 180, we can't get partial scans as they 00382 // arrive. So, we have to wait for a full scan to get 00383 // there. 00384 sick_lms.GetSickScan(range_values, n_range_values); 00385 angle_min = (-90.0 + angle_offset) * M_PI / 180.0; 00386 angle_max = (90.0 - angle_offset) * M_PI / 180.0; 00387 } 00388 else { 00389 // We get scans that could be potentially interleaved 00390 // depending on the mode. We want to stream out the data as 00391 // soon as we get it otherwise the timing won't work right to 00392 // reconstruct the data if the sensor is moving. 00393 sick_lms.GetSickPartialScan(range_values, n_range_values, 00394 partial_scan_index); 00395 double partialScanOffset = 0.25 * partial_scan_index; 00396 angle_min = (-90.0 + angle_offset + partialScanOffset) * M_PI / 180.0; 00397 angle_max = (90.0 - angle_offset - fmod(1.0 - partialScanOffset, 1.0)) 00398 * M_PI / 180.0; 00399 } 00400 // Figure out the time that the scan started. Since we just 00401 // fished receiving the data, we'll assume that the mirror is at 00402 // 180 degrees now, or half a scan time. In other words, we 00403 // assume a zero transfer time of the data. 00404 ros::Time end_of_scan = ros::Time::now(); 00405 ros::Time start = end_of_scan - ros::Duration(scan_time / 2.0); 00406 00407 publish_scan(&scan_pub, range_values, n_range_values, intensity_values, 00408 n_intensity_values, scale, start, scan_time, inverted, 00409 angle_min, angle_max, frame_id); 00410 ros::spinOnce(); 00411 // Update diagnostics 00412 updater.update(); 00413 } 00414 } 00415 catch (...) 00416 { 00417 ROS_ERROR("Unknown error."); 00418 return 1; 00419 } 00420 try 00421 { 00422 sick_lms.Uninitialize(); 00423 } 00424 catch (...) 00425 { 00426 ROS_ERROR("Error during uninitialize"); 00427 return 1; 00428 } 00429 ROS_INFO("Success.\n"); 00430 00431 return 0; 00432 } 00433