genTraj | |
motoman | |
motoman::controller | |
motoman::input_handler | |
motoman::joint_motion_handler | |
motoman::joint_relay_handler | |
motoman::joint_trajectory_downloader | |
motoman::joint_trajectory_handler | |
motoman::joint_trajectory_handler::JointTrajectoryStates | |
motoman::motoros_lib | |
motoman::mp_default_main | |
motoman::mp_wrapper | |
motoman::p_var_q | |
motoman::parameters | |
motoman::ros_conversion | |
motoman::ros_conversion::MotomanJointIndexes | Enumeration of motoman joint indicies (as returned by the getPos library calls |
motoman::ros_conversion::MotomanRobotModels | Enumeration of Motoman robot types (models). Initially these are being used to initialize joint rads->count conversion factors |
motoman::ros_conversion::RosJointIndexes | Enumeration of ROS joint indicies. In reality these are not fixed. The ROS message structure maps joints by name and theoretically would allow for any order. Generally the order from base to tip is maintained (This is what the enumeration assumes) |
motoman::trajectory_job | |
motoman::utils |