00001 #include "hector_elevation_visualization.h" 00002 00003 00004 // compute linear index for given map coords 00005 #define MAP_IDX(sx, i, j) ((sx) * (j) + (i)) 00006 00007 00008 ElevationVisualization::ElevationVisualization(): nHandle("~") 00009 { 00010 nHandle.param("max_height_levels",max_height_levels,10); //[cell] 00011 nHandle.param("min_height",min_height,-1.0); //[m] 00012 nHandle.param("max_height",max_height,1.5); //[m] 00013 nHandle.param("color_factor",color_factor,0.8); //[] 00014 double r, g, b, a; 00015 nHandle.param("color/r", r, 0.0); 00016 nHandle.param("color/g", g, 0.0); 00017 nHandle.param("color/b", b, 1.0); 00018 nHandle.param("color/a", a, 1.0); 00019 marker_color.r = r; 00020 marker_color.g = g; 00021 marker_color.b = b; 00022 marker_color.a = a; 00023 nHandle.param("use_color_map", use_color_map, true); //[] 00024 00025 nHandle.param("elevation_map_frame_id", elevation_map_frame_id,std::string("/elevation_map_local")); 00026 nHandle.param("paramSysMsgTopic", sys_msg_topic, std::string("/syscommand")); 00027 00028 map_marker_array_publisher = nHandle.advertise<visualization_msgs::MarkerArray>("elevation_map_marker_array", 1,true); 00029 00030 sub_elevation_map = nHandle.subscribe(elevation_map_frame_id,1,&ElevationVisualization::map_callback,this); 00031 sub_sys_message_callback = nHandle.subscribe(sys_msg_topic,1,&ElevationVisualization::sys_message_callback,this); 00032 00033 dyn_rec_server_.setCallback(boost::bind(&ElevationVisualization::dynRecParamCallback, this, _1, _2)); 00034 00035 ros::spin(); 00036 } 00037 00038 ElevationVisualization::~ElevationVisualization() 00039 { 00040 00041 } 00042 00043 void ElevationVisualization::dynRecParamCallback(hector_elevation_visualization::ElevationVisualizationConfig &config, uint32_t level) 00044 { 00045 max_height_levels = config.max_height_levels; 00046 min_height = config.min_height; 00047 max_height = config.max_height; 00048 color_factor = config.color_factor; 00049 use_color_map = config.use_color_map; 00050 00051 if(std::strcmp(elevation_map_frame_id.c_str(),(config.elevation_map_frame_id).c_str())) 00052 { 00053 elevation_map_frame_id = config.elevation_map_frame_id; 00054 00055 sub_elevation_map = nHandle.subscribe(elevation_map_frame_id,1,&ElevationVisualization::map_callback,this); 00056 } 00057 } 00058 00059 00060 void ElevationVisualization::visualize_map(const hector_elevation_msgs::ElevationGrid& elevation_map, tf::StampedTransform local_map_transform) 00061 { 00062 int current_height_level; 00063 00064 for (unsigned i = 0; i < map_marker_array_msg.markers.size(); ++i) 00065 { 00066 map_marker_array_msg.markers[i].points.clear(); 00067 } 00068 map_marker_array_msg.markers.clear(); 00069 00070 00071 // each array stores all cubes of one height level: 00072 map_marker_array_msg.markers.resize(max_height_levels+1); 00073 00074 for (int index_y = 0; index_y < (int)elevation_map.info.height; ++index_y) 00075 { 00076 for (int index_x = 0; index_x < (int)elevation_map.info.width; ++index_x) 00077 { 00078 // visualize only known cells 00079 if(elevation_map.data[MAP_IDX(elevation_map.info.width, index_x, index_y)] != (int16_t)-elevation_map.info.zero_elevation) 00080 { 00081 geometry_msgs::Point cube_center; 00082 Eigen::Vector2f index_map(index_x, index_y); 00083 Eigen::Vector2f index_world = world_map_transform.getC1Coords(index_map); 00084 00085 cube_center.x = index_world(0);//+elevation_map.info.resolution_xy/2.0; 00086 cube_center.y = index_world(1);//+elevation_map.info.resolution_xy/2.0; 00087 cube_center.z = (elevation_map.data[MAP_IDX(elevation_map.info.width, index_x, index_y)]-elevation_map.info.zero_elevation)*elevation_map.info.resolution_z; 00088 current_height_level = max_height_levels/2+(int)round(std::min(std::max((double)cube_center.z+local_map_transform.getOrigin().z(), -(double)max_height), (double)max_height)*(double)max_height_levels/((double)max_height*2.0f)); 00089 map_marker_array_msg.markers[current_height_level].points.push_back(cube_center); 00090 00091 if(use_color_map) 00092 { 00093 double h = (1.0 - std::min(std::max((cube_center.z-min_height)/ (max_height - min_height), 0.0), 1.0)) *color_factor; 00094 map_marker_array_msg.markers[current_height_level].colors.push_back(heightMapColor(h)); 00095 } 00096 } 00097 } 00098 } 00099 00100 for (unsigned i = 0; i < map_marker_array_msg.markers.size(); ++i) 00101 { 00102 std::stringstream ss; 00103 ss <<"Level "<<i; 00104 map_marker_array_msg.markers[i].ns = ss.str(); 00105 map_marker_array_msg.markers[i].id = i; 00106 map_marker_array_msg.markers[i].header.frame_id = "/map"; 00107 map_marker_array_msg.markers[i].header.stamp = elevation_map.header.stamp; 00108 map_marker_array_msg.markers[i].lifetime = ros::Duration(); 00109 map_marker_array_msg.markers[i].type = visualization_msgs::Marker::CUBE_LIST; 00110 map_marker_array_msg.markers[i].scale.x = elevation_map.info.resolution_xy; 00111 map_marker_array_msg.markers[i].scale.y = elevation_map.info.resolution_xy; 00112 map_marker_array_msg.markers[i].scale.z = elevation_map.info.resolution_z; 00113 map_marker_array_msg.markers[i].color = marker_color; 00114 00115 if (map_marker_array_msg.markers[i].points.size() > 0) 00116 map_marker_array_msg.markers[i].action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; 00117 else 00118 map_marker_array_msg.markers[i].action = visualization_msgs::Marker::DELETE; 00119 } 00120 00121 } 00122 00123 00124 void ElevationVisualization::map_callback(const hector_elevation_msgs::ElevationGrid& elevation_map) 00125 { 00126 // Visualization of Elevation Map 00127 if(map_marker_array_publisher.getNumSubscribers () > 0) 00128 { 00129 tf::TransformListener listener; 00130 tf::StampedTransform local_map_transform; 00131 00132 // get local map transform 00133 try 00134 { 00135 listener.waitForTransform("/base_footprint", "/map",ros::Time(0),ros::Duration(5.0)); 00136 listener.lookupTransform("/base_footprint", "/map", ros::Time(0), local_map_transform); 00137 } 00138 catch (tf::TransformException ex) 00139 { 00140 ROS_ERROR("%s",ex.what()); 00141 return; 00142 } 00143 00144 // init transform 00145 nav_msgs::MapMetaData map_meta; 00146 map_meta.resolution = elevation_map.info.resolution_xy; 00147 map_meta.height = elevation_map.info.height; 00148 map_meta.width = elevation_map.info.width; 00149 map_meta.origin = elevation_map.info.origin; 00150 00151 world_map_transform.setTransforms(map_meta); 00152 00153 // visualize map 00154 visualize_map(elevation_map, local_map_transform); 00155 00156 00157 // publish map 00158 map_marker_array_publisher.publish(map_marker_array_msg); 00159 } 00160 } 00161 00162 void ElevationVisualization::sys_message_callback(const std_msgs::String& string) 00163 { 00164 ROS_DEBUG("sysMsgCallback, msg contents: %s", string.data.c_str()); 00165 00166 if (string.data == "reset") 00167 { 00168 ROS_INFO("reset"); 00169 00170 for (unsigned i = 0; i < map_marker_array_msg.markers.size(); ++i) 00171 { 00172 map_marker_array_msg.markers[i].points.clear(); 00173 } 00174 map_marker_array_msg.markers.clear(); 00175 } 00176 } 00177 00178 std_msgs::ColorRGBA ElevationVisualization::heightMapColor(double h) 00179 { 00180 00181 std_msgs::ColorRGBA color; 00182 color.a = 1.0; 00183 // blend over HSV-values (more colors) 00184 00185 double s = 1.0; 00186 double v = 1.0; 00187 00188 h -= floor(h); 00189 h *= 6; 00190 int i; 00191 double m, n, f; 00192 00193 i = floor(h); 00194 f = h - i; 00195 if (!(i & 1)) 00196 f = 1 - f; // if i is even 00197 m = v * (1 - s); 00198 n = v * (1 - s * f); 00199 00200 switch (i) { 00201 case 6: 00202 case 0: 00203 color.r = v; color.g = n; color.b = m; 00204 break; 00205 case 1: 00206 color.r = n; color.g = v; color.b = m; 00207 break; 00208 case 2: 00209 color.r = m; color.g = v; color.b = n; 00210 break; 00211 case 3: 00212 color.r = m; color.g = n; color.b = v; 00213 break; 00214 case 4: 00215 color.r = n; color.g = m; color.b = v; 00216 break; 00217 case 5: 00218 color.r = v; color.g = m; color.b = n; 00219 break; 00220 default: 00221 color.r = 1; color.g = 0.5; color.b = 0.5; 00222 break; 00223 } 00224 00225 return color; 00226 } 00227 00228 00229