ecl Namespace Reference

Embedded control libraries. More...


namespace  blueprints

Blueprints and factories classes used to generate blueprints (do not use directly).

namespace  containers

Supporting elements and interfaces for ecl containers.

namespace  formatters

Supporting classes for container formatters (do not use directly).


class  Array
 Fixed size container with a few bells and whistles. More...
class  Array< Type, DynamicStorage >
 Dynamic size container with a few bells and whistles. More...
class  BluePrintFactory< Array< Type, DynamicStorage > >
 Blueprint factory for dynamic arrays. More...
class  Converter< Array< char >, Integral >
 Specialisation for integral to char Array conversions. More...
class  Converter< Array< signed char >, Integral >
 Specialisation for integral to signed char Array conversions. More...
class  Converter< Array< unsigned char >, Integral >
 Specialisation for integral to signed char Array conversions. More...
class  Converter< Integral, Array< char, Size > >
 Specialisation for char Array container based FromByteArray converter. More...
class  Converter< Integral, Array< signed char, Size > >
 Specialisation for signed char Array container based FromByteArray converter. More...
class  Converter< Integral, Array< unsigned char, Size > >
 Specialisation for the unsigned char Array container based FromByteArray converter. More...
class  Converter< Integral, Stencil< Array< char, Size > > >
 Specialisation for char Stencil container based FromByteArray converter. More...
class  Converter< Integral, Stencil< Array< signed char, Size > > >
 Specialisation for signed char Stencil container based FromByteArray converter. More...
class  Converter< Integral, Stencil< Array< unsigned char, Size > > >
 Specialisation for unsigned char Stencil container based FromByteArray converter. More...
class  Converter< Stencil< Array< char, Size > >, Integral >
 Specialisation for integral to char Stencil conversions. More...
class  Converter< Stencil< Array< signed char, Size > >, Integral >
 Specialisation for integral to signed char Stencil conversions. More...
class  Converter< Stencil< Array< unsigned char, Size > >, Integral >
 Specialisation for integral to unsigned char Stencil conversions. More...
class  FiFo
 Really simple fifo implementation. More...
class  PushAndPop
 Surpport fixed array and push and pack operation It provide some useful functions such as push, back, size. More...
class  PushAndPop< T, DynamicStorage >
 Surpport fixed array and push and pack operation HOWEVER this is now experimental version. Please do not use this container until we complete review. More...
class  Stencil
 A safe windowing class that opens onto array-like containers. More...


enum  StorageType { DynamicStorage = 0, FixedStorage = 1 }

A simple flag for denoting the storage type of the container.



template<typename OutputStream , typename ArrayType >
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const Stencil< ArrayType > &stencil)
template<typename OutputStream , typename ElementType , size_t ArraySize>
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const Array< ElementType, ArraySize > &array)
template<typename OutputStream , typename ElementType >
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const Array< ElementType, DynamicStorage > &array)

Detailed Description

Embedded control libraries.

Various core libraries useful for embedded control systems.

Enumeration Type Documentation

A simple flag for denoting the storage type of the container.

This simply denotes whether the container is dynamic or fixed memory. Currently it is only used under the hood on the Array container. Users should not need to use this directly.





Definition at line 31 of file definitions.hpp.

Function Documentation

template<typename OutputStream , typename ArrayType >
OutputStream& ecl::operator<< ( OutputStream &  ostream,
const Stencil< ArrayType > &  stencil 
) [inline]

Insertion operator for sending the stencil to an output stream. This is raw, and has no formatting.

Concept Check: makes sure the template parameter provided for the stream is a stream type with the required functionality.

ostream : the output stream.
stencil : the stencil to be inserted.
Template Parameters:
OutputStream : the stream being used.
ArrayType : the type of the underlying array.
OutputStream : continue streaming with the updated output stream.

Definition at line 478 of file stencil/stencil.hpp.

template<typename OutputStream , typename ElementType , size_t ArraySize>
OutputStream& ecl::operator<< ( OutputStream &  ostream,
const Array< ElementType, ArraySize > &  array 
) [inline]

Insertion operator for sending the array to an output stream. This is raw, and has no formatting.

ostream : the output stream.
array : the array to be inserted.
OutputStream : continue streaming with the updated output stream.

Definition at line 364 of file array_no_mem_check.hpp.

template<typename OutputStream , typename ElementType >
OutputStream & ecl::operator<< ( OutputStream &  ostream,
const Array< ElementType, DynamicStorage > &  array 
) [inline]

Insertion operator for sending the array to an output stream. This is raw, and has no formatting.

ostream : the output stream.
array : the array to be inserted.
OutputStream : continue streaming with the updated output stream.

Definition at line 522 of file array_dynamic_no_mem_check.hpp.

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Author(s): Daniel Stonier (
autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 11:53:59 2013