array.hpp [code] | Fixed size containers with a few bells and whistles |
array_dynamic_mem_check.hpp [code] | Dynamically sized containers with a few bells and whistles |
array_dynamic_no_mem_check.hpp [code] | Dynamically sized containers with a few bells and whistles |
array_mem_check.hpp [code] | Fixed size containers with a few bells and whistles |
array_no_mem_check.hpp [code] | Fixed size containers with a few bells and whistles |
arrays.cpp [code] | Unit Test for ecl::Array containers |
arrays_mem_check.cpp [code] | Unit Test for ecl::Array containers |
containers.hpp [code] | High-performance or convenience containers not included in the stl |
converters.cpp [code] | Unit test the stencil char byte array -> integral type converter |
array/converters.hpp [code] | |
converters.hpp [code] | Some simple converters for ecl container types |
stencil/converters.hpp [code] | Some simple converters for ecl stencils |
definitions.hpp [code] | Some common container definitions |
fifo.cpp [code] | Unit Test for ecl::FiFo containers |
fifo.hpp [code] | A simple fifo implementation |
formatters.cpp [code] | |
array/formatters.hpp [code] | Text formatters for streaming array classes |
common/formatters.hpp [code] | |
push_and_pop/formatters.hpp [code] | File comment |
stencil/formatters.hpp [code] | Text formatters for streaming stencil classes |
initialiser.hpp [code] | Comma initialiser for container types |
push_and_pop.cpp [code] | |
push_and_pop.hpp [code] | A simple push and pop container |
push_and_pop_dynamic.hpp [code] | A simple fifo implementation |
push_and_pop_fixed.hpp [code] | A simple fifo implementation |
stencil.cpp [code] | Unit Test for the Stencil class |
stencil/stencil.hpp [code] | Windows over ecl type containers |
stencil.hpp [code] | Windows over ecl type containers |