Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
diagnostic_updater::CompositeDiagnosticTaskMerges CompositeDiagnosticTask into a single DiagnosticTask
diagnostic_updater::DiagnosedPublisher< T >A TopicDiagnostic combined with a ros::Publisher
diagnostic_updater::DiagnosticStatusWrapperWrapper for the diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus message that makes it easier to update
diagnostic_updater::DiagnosticTaskDiagnosticTask is an abstract base class for collecting diagnostic data
diagnostic_updater::DiagnosticTaskVector::DiagnosticTaskInternalClass used to represent a diagnostic task internally in DiagnosticTaskVector
diagnostic_updater::DiagnosticTaskVectorInternal use only
diagnostic_updater::FrequencyStatusA diagnostic task that monitors the frequency of an event
diagnostic_updater::FrequencyStatusParamA structure that holds the constructor parameters for the FrequencyStatus class
diagnostic_updater::GenericFunctionDiagnosticTask< T >DiagnosticTask based on a boost::function
diagnostic_updater::HeaderlessDiagnosedPublisherA HeaderlessTopicDiagnostic combined with a ros::Publisher
diagnostic_updater::HeaderlessTopicDiagnosticA class to facilitate making diagnostics for a topic using a FrequencyStatus
diagnostic_updater::TimeStampStatusDiagnostic task to monitor the interval between events
diagnostic_updater::TimeStampStatusParamA structure that holds the constructor parameters for the TimeStampStatus class
diagnostic_updater::TopicDiagnosticA class to facilitate making diagnostics for a topic using a FrequencyStatus and TimeStampStatus
diagnostic_updater::UpdaterManages a list of diagnostic tasks, and calls them in a rate-limited manner
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs

Author(s): Jeremy Leibs, Blaise Gassend
autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 09:12:24 2013