xdot Namespace Reference


class  Animation
class  BezierShape
class  CompoundShape
class  DotLexer
class  DotParser
class  DotScanner
class  DotWidget
class  DotWindow
class  DragAction
class  Edge
class  Element
class  EllipseShape
class  Graph
class  Jump
class  Lexer
class  LinearAnimation
class  LineShape
class  MoveToAnimation
class  NoAnimation
class  Node
class  NullAction
class  PanAction
class  ParseError
class  Parser
class  Pen
class  PolygonShape
class  Scanner
class  Shape
class  TextShape
class  Token
class  Url
class  XDotAttrParser
class  XDotParser
class  ZoomAction
class  ZoomAreaAction
class  ZoomToAnimation


def main
def square_distance


string __author__ = "Jose Fonseca"
string __version__ = "0.4"
dictionary brewer_colors
int COLON = 9
int COMMA = 8
int DIGRAPH = 15
int EDGE = 17
int EDGE_OP = 3
int EOF = 1
int EQUAL = 11
int GRAPH = 14
int HTML_ID = 2
int ID = 0
int LCURLY = 6
int LSQUARE = 4
int NODE = 16
int PLUS = 12
int RCURLY = 7
int RSQUARE = 5
int SEMI = 10
int SKIP = 2
int STR_ID = 1
int STRICT = 13
int SUBGRAPH = 18

Function Documentation

def xdot::main (  ) 

Definition at line 1823 of file xdot.py.

def xdot::square_distance (   x1,

Definition at line 374 of file xdot.py.

Variable Documentation

string xdot::__author__ = "Jose Fonseca"

Definition at line 21 of file xdot.py.

string xdot::__version__ = "0.4"

Definition at line 23 of file xdot.py.

dictionary xdot::brewer_colors

Definition at line 1890 of file xdot.py.

int xdot::COLON = 9

Definition at line 844 of file xdot.py.

int xdot::COMMA = 8

Definition at line 843 of file xdot.py.

int xdot::DIGRAPH = 15

Definition at line 851 of file xdot.py.

int xdot::EDGE = 17

Definition at line 853 of file xdot.py.

int xdot::EDGE_OP = 3

Definition at line 837 of file xdot.py.

int xdot::EOF = 1

Definition at line 666 of file xdot.py.

int xdot::EQUAL = 11

Definition at line 846 of file xdot.py.

int xdot::GRAPH = 14

Definition at line 850 of file xdot.py.

int xdot::HTML_ID = 2

Definition at line 836 of file xdot.py.

int xdot::ID = 0

Definition at line 834 of file xdot.py.

int xdot::LCURLY = 6

Definition at line 841 of file xdot.py.

int xdot::LSQUARE = 4

Definition at line 839 of file xdot.py.

int xdot::NODE = 16

Definition at line 852 of file xdot.py.

int xdot::PLUS = 12

Definition at line 847 of file xdot.py.

int xdot::RCURLY = 7

Definition at line 842 of file xdot.py.

int xdot::RSQUARE = 5

Definition at line 840 of file xdot.py.

int xdot::SEMI = 10

Definition at line 845 of file xdot.py.

int xdot::SKIP = 2

Definition at line 667 of file xdot.py.

int xdot::STR_ID = 1

Definition at line 835 of file xdot.py.

int xdot::STRICT = 13

Definition at line 849 of file xdot.py.

int xdot::SUBGRAPH = 18

Definition at line 854 of file xdot.py.

 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerator

Author(s): Florian Weisshardt
autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 09:35:40 2013