Namespaces | Functions
marker_utils.h File Reference
#include <visualization_msgs/Marker.h>
#include <visualization_msgs/MarkerArray.h>
#include <QString>
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bool rviz::checkMarkerArrayMsg (const visualization_msgs::MarkerArray &array, MarkerDisplay *owner)
bool rviz::checkMarkerMsg (const visualization_msgs::Marker &marker, MarkerDisplay *owner)
MarkerBase * rviz::createMarker (int marker_type, MarkerDisplay *owner, DisplayContext *context, Ogre::SceneNode *parent_node)
QString rviz::getMarkerTypeName (unsigned int type)

Author(s): Dave Hershberger, David Gossow, Josh Faust, William Woodall
autogenerated on Sat Jun 1 2024 02:31:53