file | unstable/nonlinear/BatchFixedLagSmoother.h [code] |
file | BayesTreeMarginalizationHelper.h [code] |
| Helper functions for marginalizing variables from a Bayes Tree.
file | ConcurrentBatchFilter.cpp [code] |
| A Levenberg-Marquardt Batch Filter that implements the Concurrent Filtering and Smoothing interface.
file | ConcurrentBatchFilter.h [code] |
| A Levenberg-Marquardt Batch Filter that implements the Concurrent Filtering and Smoothing interface.
file | ConcurrentBatchSmoother.cpp [code] |
| A Levenberg-Marquardt Batch Smoother that implements the Concurrent Filtering and Smoothing interface.
file | ConcurrentBatchSmoother.h [code] |
| A Levenberg-Marquardt Batch Smoother that implements the Concurrent Filtering and Smoothing interface.
file | ConcurrentFilteringAndSmoothing.cpp [code] |
| Base classes for the 'filter' and 'smoother' portion of the Concurrent Filtering and Smoothing architecture, as well as an external synchronization function. These classes act as an interface only.
file | ConcurrentFilteringAndSmoothing.h [code] |
| Base classes for the 'filter' and 'smoother' portion of the Concurrent Filtering and Smoothing architecture, as well as an external synchronization function. These classes act as an interface only.
file | ConcurrentIncrementalFilter.cpp [code] |
| An iSAM2-based Filter that implements the Concurrent Filtering and Smoothing interface.
file | ConcurrentIncrementalFilter.h [code] |
file | ConcurrentIncrementalSmoother.cpp [code] |
| An iSAM2-based Smoother that implements the Concurrent Filtering and Smoothing interface.
file | ConcurrentIncrementalSmoother.h [code] |
| An iSAM2-based Smoother that implements the Concurrent Filtering and Smoothing interface.
file | unstable/nonlinear/FixedLagSmoother.h [code] |
file | IncrementalFixedLagSmoother.cpp [code] |
| An iSAM2-based fixed-lag smoother. To the extent possible, this class mimics the iSAM2 interface. However, additional parameters, such as the smoother lag and the timestamp associated with each variable are needed.
file | IncrementalFixedLagSmoother.h [code] |
| An iSAM2-based fixed-lag smoother.
file | LinearizedFactor.cpp [code] |
| A dummy factor that allows a linear factor to act as a nonlinear factor.
file | LinearizedFactor.h [code] |
| A dummy factor that allows a linear factor to act as a nonlinear factor.
file | NonlinearClusterTree.h [code] |