▼Cnav_core::BaseLocalPlanner [external] | |
Cbase_local_planner::TrajectoryPlannerROS | A ROS wrapper for the trajectory controller that queries the param server to construct a controller |
▼Ccostmap_2d::Costmap2D [external] | |
Cbase_local_planner::WavefrontMapAccessor | |
Cbase_local_planner::FootprintHelper | |
Cbase_local_planner::LatchedStopRotateController | |
Cbase_local_planner::LineIterator | |
Cbase_local_planner::LocalPlannerLimits | |
Cbase_local_planner::LocalPlannerUtil | Helper class implementing infrastructure code many local planner implementations may need |
Cbase_local_planner::MapCell | Stores path distance and goal distance information used for scoring trajectories |
Cbase_local_planner::MapGrid | A grid of MapCell cells that is used to propagate path and goal distances for the trajectory controller |
Cbase_local_planner::MapGridVisualizer | |
Cbase_local_planner::OdometryHelperRos | |
Cbase_local_planner::PlanarLaserScan | Stores a scan from a planar laser that can be used to clear freespace |
▼CTest | |
Cbase_local_planner::FootprintHelperTest | |
Cbase_local_planner::TrajectoryGeneratorTest | |
Cbase_local_planner::TrajectoryPlannerTest | |
Cbase_local_planner::Trajectory | Holds a trajectory generated by considering an x, y, and theta velocity |
▼Cbase_local_planner::TrajectoryCostFunction | Provides an interface for critics of trajectories During each sampling run, a batch of many trajectories will be scored using such a cost function. The prepare method is called before each batch run, and then for each trajectory of the sampling set, score_trajectory may be called |
Cbase_local_planner::MapGridCostFunction | |
Cbase_local_planner::ObstacleCostFunction | Uses costmap 2d to assign negative costs if robot footprint is in obstacle on any point of the trajectory |
Cbase_local_planner::OscillationCostFunction | |
Cbase_local_planner::PreferForwardCostFunction | |
Cbase_local_planner::TwirlingCostFunction | |
Cbase_local_planner::TrajectoryPlanner | Computes control velocities for a robot given a costmap, a plan, and the robot's position in the world |
▼Cbase_local_planner::TrajectorySampleGenerator | Provides an interface for navigation trajectory generators |
Cbase_local_planner::SimpleTrajectoryGenerator | |
▼Cbase_local_planner::TrajectorySearch | Interface for modules finding a trajectory to use for navigation commands next |
Cbase_local_planner::SimpleScoredSamplingPlanner | Generates a local plan using the given generator and cost functions. Assumes less cost are best, and negative costs indicate infinite costs |
Cbase_local_planner::VelocityIterator | |
▼Cbase_local_planner::WorldModel | An interface the trajectory controller uses to interact with the world regardless of the underlying world model |
Cbase_local_planner::CostmapModel | A class that implements the WorldModel interface to provide grid based collision checks for the trajectory controller using the costmap |
Cbase_local_planner::PointGrid | A class that implements the WorldModel interface to provide free-space collision checks for the trajectory controller. This class stores points binned into a grid and performs point-in-polygon checks when necessary to determine the legality of a footprint at a given position/orientation |
Cbase_local_planner::VoxelGridModel | A class that implements the WorldModel interface to provide grid based collision checks for the trajectory controller using a 3D voxel grid |