Classes | Macros
Real-time Clock


struct  Rtc
 Rtc hardware registers. More...


#define RTC_CALALR_DATE(value)   ((RTC_CALALR_DATE_Msk & ((value) << RTC_CALALR_DATE_Pos)))
#define RTC_CALALR_DATE_Msk   (0x3fu << RTC_CALALR_DATE_Pos)
 (RTC_CALALR) Date Alarm More...
#define RTC_CALALR_DATE_Pos   24
#define RTC_CALALR_DATEEN   (0x1u << 31)
 (RTC_CALALR) Date Alarm Enable More...
#define RTC_CALALR_MONTH(value)   ((RTC_CALALR_MONTH_Msk & ((value) << RTC_CALALR_MONTH_Pos)))
#define RTC_CALALR_MONTH_Msk   (0x1fu << RTC_CALALR_MONTH_Pos)
 (RTC_CALALR) Month Alarm More...
#define RTC_CALALR_MONTH_Pos   16
#define RTC_CALALR_MTHEN   (0x1u << 23)
 (RTC_CALALR) Month Alarm Enable More...
#define RTC_CALR_CENT(value)   ((RTC_CALR_CENT_Msk & ((value) << RTC_CALR_CENT_Pos)))
#define RTC_CALR_CENT_Msk   (0x7fu << RTC_CALR_CENT_Pos)
 (RTC_CALR) Current Century More...
#define RTC_CALR_CENT_Pos   0
#define RTC_CALR_DATE(value)   ((RTC_CALR_DATE_Msk & ((value) << RTC_CALR_DATE_Pos)))
#define RTC_CALR_DATE_Msk   (0x3fu << RTC_CALR_DATE_Pos)
 (RTC_CALR) Current Day in Current Month More...
#define RTC_CALR_DATE_Pos   24
#define RTC_CALR_DAY(value)   ((RTC_CALR_DAY_Msk & ((value) << RTC_CALR_DAY_Pos)))
#define RTC_CALR_DAY_Msk   (0x7u << RTC_CALR_DAY_Pos)
 (RTC_CALR) Current Day in Current Week More...
#define RTC_CALR_DAY_Pos   21
#define RTC_CALR_MONTH(value)   ((RTC_CALR_MONTH_Msk & ((value) << RTC_CALR_MONTH_Pos)))
#define RTC_CALR_MONTH_Msk   (0x1fu << RTC_CALR_MONTH_Pos)
 (RTC_CALR) Current Month More...
#define RTC_CALR_MONTH_Pos   16
#define RTC_CALR_YEAR(value)   ((RTC_CALR_YEAR_Msk & ((value) << RTC_CALR_YEAR_Pos)))
#define RTC_CALR_YEAR_Msk   (0xffu << RTC_CALR_YEAR_Pos)
 (RTC_CALR) Current Year More...
#define RTC_CALR_YEAR_Pos   8
#define RTC_CR_CALEVSEL(value)   ((RTC_CR_CALEVSEL_Msk & ((value) << RTC_CR_CALEVSEL_Pos)))
#define RTC_CR_CALEVSEL_MONTH   (0x1u << 16)
 (RTC_CR) Month change (every 01 of each month at time 00:00:00) More...
#define RTC_CR_CALEVSEL_Msk   (0x3u << RTC_CR_CALEVSEL_Pos)
 (RTC_CR) Calendar Event Selection More...
#define RTC_CR_CALEVSEL_Pos   16
#define RTC_CR_CALEVSEL_WEEK   (0x0u << 16)
 (RTC_CR) Week change (every Monday at time 00:00:00) More...
#define RTC_CR_CALEVSEL_YEAR   (0x2u << 16)
 (RTC_CR) Year change (every January 1 at time 00:00:00) More...
#define RTC_CR_TIMEVSEL(value)   ((RTC_CR_TIMEVSEL_Msk & ((value) << RTC_CR_TIMEVSEL_Pos)))
#define RTC_CR_TIMEVSEL_HOUR   (0x1u << 8)
 (RTC_CR) Hour change More...
#define RTC_CR_TIMEVSEL_MIDNIGHT   (0x2u << 8)
 (RTC_CR) Every day at midnight More...
#define RTC_CR_TIMEVSEL_MINUTE   (0x0u << 8)
 (RTC_CR) Minute change More...
#define RTC_CR_TIMEVSEL_Msk   (0x3u << RTC_CR_TIMEVSEL_Pos)
 (RTC_CR) Time Event Selection More...
#define RTC_CR_TIMEVSEL_NOON   (0x3u << 8)
 (RTC_CR) Every day at noon More...
#define RTC_CR_TIMEVSEL_Pos   8
#define RTC_CR_UPDCAL   (0x1u << 1)
 (RTC_CR) Update Request Calendar Register More...
#define RTC_CR_UPDTIM   (0x1u << 0)
 (RTC_CR) Update Request Time Register More...
#define RTC_IDR_ACKDIS   (0x1u << 0)
 (RTC_IDR) Acknowledge Update Interrupt Disable More...
#define RTC_IDR_ALRDIS   (0x1u << 1)
 (RTC_IDR) Alarm Interrupt Disable More...
#define RTC_IDR_CALDIS   (0x1u << 4)
 (RTC_IDR) Calendar Event Interrupt Disable More...
#define RTC_IDR_SECDIS   (0x1u << 2)
 (RTC_IDR) Second Event Interrupt Disable More...
#define RTC_IDR_TDERRDIS   (0x1u << 5)
 (RTC_IDR) Time and/or Date Error Interrupt Disable More...
#define RTC_IDR_TIMDIS   (0x1u << 3)
 (RTC_IDR) Time Event Interrupt Disable More...
#define RTC_IER_ACKEN   (0x1u << 0)
 (RTC_IER) Acknowledge Update Interrupt Enable More...
#define RTC_IER_ALREN   (0x1u << 1)
 (RTC_IER) Alarm Interrupt Enable More...
#define RTC_IER_CALEN   (0x1u << 4)
 (RTC_IER) Calendar Event Interrupt Enable More...
#define RTC_IER_SECEN   (0x1u << 2)
 (RTC_IER) Second Event Interrupt Enable More...
#define RTC_IER_TDERREN   (0x1u << 5)
 (RTC_IER) Time and/or Date Error Interrupt Enable More...
#define RTC_IER_TIMEN   (0x1u << 3)
 (RTC_IER) Time Event Interrupt Enable More...
#define RTC_IMR_ACK   (0x1u << 0)
 (RTC_IMR) Acknowledge Update Interrupt Mask More...
#define RTC_IMR_ALR   (0x1u << 1)
 (RTC_IMR) Alarm Interrupt Mask More...
#define RTC_IMR_CAL   (0x1u << 4)
 (RTC_IMR) Calendar Event Interrupt Mask More...
#define RTC_IMR_SEC   (0x1u << 2)
 (RTC_IMR) Second Event Interrupt Mask More...
#define RTC_IMR_TDERR   (0x1u << 5)
 (RTC_IMR) Time and/or Date Error Mask More...
#define RTC_IMR_TIM   (0x1u << 3)
 (RTC_IMR) Time Event Interrupt Mask More...
#define RTC_MR_CORRECTION(value)   ((RTC_MR_CORRECTION_Msk & ((value) << RTC_MR_CORRECTION_Pos)))
#define RTC_MR_CORRECTION_Msk   (0x7fu << RTC_MR_CORRECTION_Pos)
 (RTC_MR) Slow Clock Correction More...
#define RTC_MR_CORRECTION_Pos   8
#define RTC_MR_HIGHPPM   (0x1u << 15)
 (RTC_MR) HIGH PPM Correction More...
#define RTC_MR_HRMOD   (0x1u << 0)
 (RTC_MR) 12-/24-hour Mode More...
#define RTC_MR_NEGPPM   (0x1u << 4)
 (RTC_MR) NEGative PPM Correction More...
#define RTC_MR_OUT0(value)   ((RTC_MR_OUT0_Msk & ((value) << RTC_MR_OUT0_Pos)))
#define RTC_MR_OUT0_ALARM_FLAG   (0x6u << 16)
 (RTC_MR) Output is a copy of the alarm flag More...
#define RTC_MR_OUT0_ALARM_TOGGLE   (0x5u << 16)
 (RTC_MR) Output toggles when alarm flag rises More...
#define RTC_MR_OUT0_FREQ1HZ   (0x1u << 16)
 (RTC_MR) 1 Hz square wave More...
#define RTC_MR_OUT0_FREQ32HZ   (0x2u << 16)
 (RTC_MR) 32 Hz square wave More...
#define RTC_MR_OUT0_FREQ512HZ   (0x4u << 16)
 (RTC_MR) 512 Hz square wave More...
#define RTC_MR_OUT0_FREQ64HZ   (0x3u << 16)
 (RTC_MR) 64 Hz square wave More...
#define RTC_MR_OUT0_Msk   (0x7u << RTC_MR_OUT0_Pos)
 (RTC_MR) RTCOUT0 OutputSource Selection More...
#define RTC_MR_OUT0_NO_WAVE   (0x0u << 16)
 (RTC_MR) No waveform, stuck at '0' More...
#define RTC_MR_OUT0_Pos   16
#define RTC_MR_OUT0_PROG_PULSE   (0x7u << 16)
 (RTC_MR) Duty cycle programmable pulse More...
#define RTC_MR_OUT1(value)   ((RTC_MR_OUT1_Msk & ((value) << RTC_MR_OUT1_Pos)))
#define RTC_MR_OUT1_ALARM_FLAG   (0x6u << 20)
 (RTC_MR) Output is a copy of the alarm flag More...
#define RTC_MR_OUT1_ALARM_TOGGLE   (0x5u << 20)
 (RTC_MR) Output toggles when alarm flag rises More...
#define RTC_MR_OUT1_FREQ1HZ   (0x1u << 20)
 (RTC_MR) 1 Hz square wave More...
#define RTC_MR_OUT1_FREQ32HZ   (0x2u << 20)
 (RTC_MR) 32 Hz square wave More...
#define RTC_MR_OUT1_FREQ512HZ   (0x4u << 20)
 (RTC_MR) 512 Hz square wave More...
#define RTC_MR_OUT1_FREQ64HZ   (0x3u << 20)
 (RTC_MR) 64 Hz square wave More...
#define RTC_MR_OUT1_Msk   (0x7u << RTC_MR_OUT1_Pos)
 (RTC_MR) RTCOUT1 Output Source Selection More...
#define RTC_MR_OUT1_NO_WAVE   (0x0u << 20)
 (RTC_MR) No waveform, stuck at '0' More...
#define RTC_MR_OUT1_Pos   20
#define RTC_MR_OUT1_PROG_PULSE   (0x7u << 20)
 (RTC_MR) Duty cycle programmable pulse More...
#define RTC_MR_PERSIAN   (0x1u << 1)
 (RTC_MR) PERSIAN Calendar More...
#define RTC_MR_THIGH(value)   ((RTC_MR_THIGH_Msk & ((value) << RTC_MR_THIGH_Pos)))
#define RTC_MR_THIGH_H_122US   (0x5u << 24)
 (RTC_MR) 122 us More...
#define RTC_MR_THIGH_H_15US   (0x7u << 24)
 (RTC_MR) 15.2 us More...
#define RTC_MR_THIGH_H_16MS   (0x1u << 24)
 (RTC_MR) 15.6 ms More...
#define RTC_MR_THIGH_H_30US   (0x6u << 24)
 (RTC_MR) 30.5 us More...
#define RTC_MR_THIGH_H_31MS   (0x0u << 24)
 (RTC_MR) 31.2 ms More...
#define RTC_MR_THIGH_H_488US   (0x4u << 24)
 (RTC_MR) 488 us More...
#define RTC_MR_THIGH_H_4MS   (0x2u << 24)
 (RTC_MR) 3.91 ms More...
#define RTC_MR_THIGH_H_976US   (0x3u << 24)
 (RTC_MR) 976 us More...
#define RTC_MR_THIGH_Msk   (0x7u << RTC_MR_THIGH_Pos)
 (RTC_MR) High Duration of the Output Pulse More...
#define RTC_MR_THIGH_Pos   24
#define RTC_MR_TPERIOD(value)   ((RTC_MR_TPERIOD_Msk & ((value) << RTC_MR_TPERIOD_Pos)))
#define RTC_MR_TPERIOD_Msk   (0x3u << RTC_MR_TPERIOD_Pos)
 (RTC_MR) Period of the Output Pulse More...
#define RTC_MR_TPERIOD_P_125MS   (0x3u << 28)
 (RTC_MR) 125 ms More...
#define RTC_MR_TPERIOD_P_1S   (0x0u << 28)
 (RTC_MR) 1 second More...
#define RTC_MR_TPERIOD_P_250MS   (0x2u << 28)
 (RTC_MR) 250 ms More...
#define RTC_MR_TPERIOD_P_500MS   (0x1u << 28)
 (RTC_MR) 500 ms More...
#define RTC_MR_TPERIOD_Pos   28
#define RTC_SCCR_ACKCLR   (0x1u << 0)
 (RTC_SCCR) Acknowledge Clear More...
#define RTC_SCCR_ALRCLR   (0x1u << 1)
 (RTC_SCCR) Alarm Clear More...
#define RTC_SCCR_CALCLR   (0x1u << 4)
 (RTC_SCCR) Calendar Clear More...
#define RTC_SCCR_SECCLR   (0x1u << 2)
 (RTC_SCCR) Second Clear More...
#define RTC_SCCR_TDERRCLR   (0x1u << 5)
 (RTC_SCCR) Time and/or Date Free Running Error Clear More...
#define RTC_SCCR_TIMCLR   (0x1u << 3)
 (RTC_SCCR) Time Clear More...
#define RTC_SR_ACKUPD   (0x1u << 0)
 (RTC_SR) Acknowledge for Update More...
#define RTC_SR_ACKUPD_FREERUN   (0x0u << 0)
 (RTC_SR) Time and calendar registers cannot be updated. More...
#define RTC_SR_ACKUPD_UPDATE   (0x1u << 0)
 (RTC_SR) Time and calendar registers can be updated. More...
#define RTC_SR_ALARM   (0x1u << 1)
 (RTC_SR) Alarm Flag More...
#define RTC_SR_ALARM_ALARMEVENT   (0x1u << 1)
 (RTC_SR) An alarm matching condition has occurred. More...
#define RTC_SR_ALARM_NO_ALARMEVENT   (0x0u << 1)
 (RTC_SR) No alarm matching condition occurred. More...
#define RTC_SR_CALEV   (0x1u << 4)
 (RTC_SR) Calendar Event More...
#define RTC_SR_CALEV_CALEVENT   (0x1u << 4)
 (RTC_SR) At least one calendar event has occurred since the last clear. More...
#define RTC_SR_CALEV_NO_CALEVENT   (0x0u << 4)
 (RTC_SR) No calendar event has occurred since the last clear. More...
#define RTC_SR_SEC   (0x1u << 2)
 (RTC_SR) Second Event More...
#define RTC_SR_SEC_NO_SECEVENT   (0x0u << 2)
 (RTC_SR) No second event has occurred since the last clear. More...
#define RTC_SR_SEC_SECEVENT   (0x1u << 2)
 (RTC_SR) At least one second event has occurred since the last clear. More...
#define RTC_SR_TDERR   (0x1u << 5)
 (RTC_SR) Time and/or Date Free Running Error More...
#define RTC_SR_TDERR_CORRECT   (0x0u << 5)
 (RTC_SR) The internal free running counters are carrying valid values since the last read of the Status Register (RTC_SR). More...
#define RTC_SR_TDERR_ERR_TIMEDATE   (0x1u << 5)
 (RTC_SR) The internal free running counters have been corrupted (invalid date or time, non-BCD values) since the last read and/or they are still invalid. More...
#define RTC_SR_TIMEV   (0x1u << 3)
 (RTC_SR) Time Event More...
#define RTC_SR_TIMEV_NO_TIMEVENT   (0x0u << 3)
 (RTC_SR) No time event has occurred since the last clear. More...
#define RTC_SR_TIMEV_TIMEVENT   (0x1u << 3)
 (RTC_SR) At least one time event has occurred since the last clear. More...
#define RTC_TIMALR_AMPM   (0x1u << 22)
 (RTC_TIMALR) AM/PM Indicator More...
#define RTC_TIMALR_HOUR(value)   ((RTC_TIMALR_HOUR_Msk & ((value) << RTC_TIMALR_HOUR_Pos)))
#define RTC_TIMALR_HOUR_Msk   (0x3fu << RTC_TIMALR_HOUR_Pos)
 (RTC_TIMALR) Hour Alarm More...
#define RTC_TIMALR_HOUR_Pos   16
#define RTC_TIMALR_HOUREN   (0x1u << 23)
 (RTC_TIMALR) Hour Alarm Enable More...
#define RTC_TIMALR_MIN(value)   ((RTC_TIMALR_MIN_Msk & ((value) << RTC_TIMALR_MIN_Pos)))
#define RTC_TIMALR_MIN_Msk   (0x7fu << RTC_TIMALR_MIN_Pos)
 (RTC_TIMALR) Minute Alarm More...
#define RTC_TIMALR_MIN_Pos   8
#define RTC_TIMALR_MINEN   (0x1u << 15)
 (RTC_TIMALR) Minute Alarm Enable More...
#define RTC_TIMALR_SEC(value)   ((RTC_TIMALR_SEC_Msk & ((value) << RTC_TIMALR_SEC_Pos)))
#define RTC_TIMALR_SEC_Msk   (0x7fu << RTC_TIMALR_SEC_Pos)
 (RTC_TIMALR) Second Alarm More...
#define RTC_TIMALR_SEC_Pos   0
#define RTC_TIMALR_SECEN   (0x1u << 7)
 (RTC_TIMALR) Second Alarm Enable More...
#define RTC_TIMR_AMPM   (0x1u << 22)
 (RTC_TIMR) Ante Meridiem Post Meridiem Indicator More...
#define RTC_TIMR_HOUR(value)   ((RTC_TIMR_HOUR_Msk & ((value) << RTC_TIMR_HOUR_Pos)))
#define RTC_TIMR_HOUR_Msk   (0x3fu << RTC_TIMR_HOUR_Pos)
 (RTC_TIMR) Current Hour More...
#define RTC_TIMR_HOUR_Pos   16
#define RTC_TIMR_MIN(value)   ((RTC_TIMR_MIN_Msk & ((value) << RTC_TIMR_MIN_Pos)))
#define RTC_TIMR_MIN_Msk   (0x7fu << RTC_TIMR_MIN_Pos)
 (RTC_TIMR) Current Minute More...
#define RTC_TIMR_MIN_Pos   8
#define RTC_TIMR_SEC(value)   ((RTC_TIMR_SEC_Msk & ((value) << RTC_TIMR_SEC_Pos)))
#define RTC_TIMR_SEC_Msk   (0x7fu << RTC_TIMR_SEC_Pos)
 (RTC_TIMR) Current Second More...
#define RTC_TIMR_SEC_Pos   0
#define RTC_VER_NVCAL   (0x1u << 1)
 (RTC_VER) Non-valid Calendar More...
#define RTC_VER_NVCALALR   (0x1u << 3)
 (RTC_VER) Non-valid Calendar Alarm More...
#define RTC_VER_NVTIM   (0x1u << 0)
 (RTC_VER) Non-valid Time More...
#define RTC_VER_NVTIMALR   (0x1u << 2)
 (RTC_VER) Non-valid Time Alarm More...
#define RTC_VERSION_MFN_Msk   (0x7u << RTC_VERSION_MFN_Pos)
 (RTC_VERSION) Metal Fix Number More...
#define RTC_VERSION_MFN_Pos   16
 (RTC_VERSION) Version of the Hardware Module More...
#define RTC_WPMR_WPEN   (0x1u << 0)
 (RTC_WPMR) Write Protection Enable More...
#define RTC_WPMR_WPKEY(value)   ((RTC_WPMR_WPKEY_Msk & ((value) << RTC_WPMR_WPKEY_Pos)))
#define RTC_WPMR_WPKEY_Msk   (0xffffffu << RTC_WPMR_WPKEY_Pos)
 (RTC_WPMR) Write Protection Key More...
#define RTC_WPMR_WPKEY_PASSWD   (0x525443u << 8)
 (RTC_WPMR) Writing any other value in this field aborts the write operation of the WPEN bit.Always reads as 0. More...
#define RTC_WPMR_WPKEY_Pos   8

Detailed Description


Macro Definition Documentation


#define RTC_CALALR_DATE (   value)    ((RTC_CALALR_DATE_Msk & ((value) << RTC_CALALR_DATE_Pos)))

Definition at line 177 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CALALR_DATE_Msk   (0x3fu << RTC_CALALR_DATE_Pos)

(RTC_CALALR) Date Alarm

Definition at line 176 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CALALR_DATE_Pos   24

Definition at line 175 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CALALR_DATEEN   (0x1u << 31)

(RTC_CALALR) Date Alarm Enable

Definition at line 178 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CALALR_MONTH (   value)    ((RTC_CALALR_MONTH_Msk & ((value) << RTC_CALALR_MONTH_Pos)))

Definition at line 173 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CALALR_MONTH_Msk   (0x1fu << RTC_CALALR_MONTH_Pos)

(RTC_CALALR) Month Alarm

Definition at line 172 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CALALR_MONTH_Pos   16

Definition at line 171 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CALALR_MTHEN   (0x1u << 23)

(RTC_CALALR) Month Alarm Enable

Definition at line 174 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CALR_CENT (   value)    ((RTC_CALR_CENT_Msk & ((value) << RTC_CALR_CENT_Pos)))

Definition at line 143 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CALR_CENT_Msk   (0x7fu << RTC_CALR_CENT_Pos)

(RTC_CALR) Current Century

Definition at line 142 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CALR_CENT_Pos   0

Definition at line 141 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CALR_DATE (   value)    ((RTC_CALR_DATE_Msk & ((value) << RTC_CALR_DATE_Pos)))

Definition at line 155 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CALR_DATE_Msk   (0x3fu << RTC_CALR_DATE_Pos)

(RTC_CALR) Current Day in Current Month

Definition at line 154 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CALR_DATE_Pos   24

Definition at line 153 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CALR_DAY (   value)    ((RTC_CALR_DAY_Msk & ((value) << RTC_CALR_DAY_Pos)))

Definition at line 152 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CALR_DAY_Msk   (0x7u << RTC_CALR_DAY_Pos)

(RTC_CALR) Current Day in Current Week

Definition at line 151 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CALR_DAY_Pos   21

Definition at line 150 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CALR_MONTH (   value)    ((RTC_CALR_MONTH_Msk & ((value) << RTC_CALR_MONTH_Pos)))

Definition at line 149 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CALR_MONTH_Msk   (0x1fu << RTC_CALR_MONTH_Pos)

(RTC_CALR) Current Month

Definition at line 148 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CALR_MONTH_Pos   16

Definition at line 147 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CALR_YEAR (   value)    ((RTC_CALR_YEAR_Msk & ((value) << RTC_CALR_YEAR_Pos)))

Definition at line 146 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CALR_YEAR_Msk   (0xffu << RTC_CALR_YEAR_Pos)

(RTC_CALR) Current Year

Definition at line 145 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CALR_YEAR_Pos   8

Definition at line 144 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CR_CALEVSEL (   value)    ((RTC_CR_CALEVSEL_Msk & ((value) << RTC_CR_CALEVSEL_Pos)))

Definition at line 77 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CR_CALEVSEL_MONTH   (0x1u << 16)

(RTC_CR) Month change (every 01 of each month at time 00:00:00)

Definition at line 79 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CR_CALEVSEL_Msk   (0x3u << RTC_CR_CALEVSEL_Pos)

(RTC_CR) Calendar Event Selection

Definition at line 76 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CR_CALEVSEL_Pos   16

Definition at line 75 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CR_CALEVSEL_WEEK   (0x0u << 16)

(RTC_CR) Week change (every Monday at time 00:00:00)

Definition at line 78 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CR_CALEVSEL_YEAR   (0x2u << 16)

(RTC_CR) Year change (every January 1 at time 00:00:00)

Definition at line 80 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CR_TIMEVSEL (   value)    ((RTC_CR_TIMEVSEL_Msk & ((value) << RTC_CR_TIMEVSEL_Pos)))

Definition at line 70 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CR_TIMEVSEL_HOUR   (0x1u << 8)

(RTC_CR) Hour change

Definition at line 72 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CR_TIMEVSEL_MIDNIGHT   (0x2u << 8)

(RTC_CR) Every day at midnight

Definition at line 73 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CR_TIMEVSEL_MINUTE   (0x0u << 8)

(RTC_CR) Minute change

Definition at line 71 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CR_TIMEVSEL_Msk   (0x3u << RTC_CR_TIMEVSEL_Pos)

(RTC_CR) Time Event Selection

Definition at line 69 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CR_TIMEVSEL_NOON   (0x3u << 8)

(RTC_CR) Every day at noon

Definition at line 74 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CR_TIMEVSEL_Pos   8

Definition at line 68 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CR_UPDCAL   (0x1u << 1)

(RTC_CR) Update Request Calendar Register

Definition at line 67 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_CR_UPDTIM   (0x1u << 0)

(RTC_CR) Update Request Time Register

Definition at line 66 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_IDR_ACKDIS   (0x1u << 0)

(RTC_IDR) Acknowledge Update Interrupt Disable

Definition at line 213 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_IDR_ALRDIS   (0x1u << 1)

(RTC_IDR) Alarm Interrupt Disable

Definition at line 214 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_IDR_CALDIS   (0x1u << 4)

(RTC_IDR) Calendar Event Interrupt Disable

Definition at line 217 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_IDR_SECDIS   (0x1u << 2)

(RTC_IDR) Second Event Interrupt Disable

Definition at line 215 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_IDR_TDERRDIS   (0x1u << 5)

(RTC_IDR) Time and/or Date Error Interrupt Disable

Definition at line 218 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_IDR_TIMDIS   (0x1u << 3)

(RTC_IDR) Time Event Interrupt Disable

Definition at line 216 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_IER_ACKEN   (0x1u << 0)

(RTC_IER) Acknowledge Update Interrupt Enable

Definition at line 206 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_IER_ALREN   (0x1u << 1)

(RTC_IER) Alarm Interrupt Enable

Definition at line 207 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_IER_CALEN   (0x1u << 4)

(RTC_IER) Calendar Event Interrupt Enable

Definition at line 210 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_IER_SECEN   (0x1u << 2)

(RTC_IER) Second Event Interrupt Enable

Definition at line 208 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_IER_TDERREN   (0x1u << 5)

(RTC_IER) Time and/or Date Error Interrupt Enable

Definition at line 211 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_IER_TIMEN   (0x1u << 3)

(RTC_IER) Time Event Interrupt Enable

Definition at line 209 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_IMR_ACK   (0x1u << 0)

(RTC_IMR) Acknowledge Update Interrupt Mask

Definition at line 220 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_IMR_ALR   (0x1u << 1)

(RTC_IMR) Alarm Interrupt Mask

Definition at line 221 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_IMR_CAL   (0x1u << 4)

(RTC_IMR) Calendar Event Interrupt Mask

Definition at line 224 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_IMR_SEC   (0x1u << 2)

(RTC_IMR) Second Event Interrupt Mask

Definition at line 222 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_IMR_TDERR   (0x1u << 5)

(RTC_IMR) Time and/or Date Error Mask

Definition at line 225 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_IMR_TIM   (0x1u << 3)

(RTC_IMR) Time Event Interrupt Mask

Definition at line 223 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_CORRECTION (   value)    ((RTC_MR_CORRECTION_Msk & ((value) << RTC_MR_CORRECTION_Pos)))

Definition at line 87 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_CORRECTION_Msk   (0x7fu << RTC_MR_CORRECTION_Pos)

(RTC_MR) Slow Clock Correction

Definition at line 86 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_CORRECTION_Pos   8

Definition at line 85 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_HIGHPPM   (0x1u << 15)

(RTC_MR) HIGH PPM Correction

Definition at line 88 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_HRMOD   (0x1u << 0)

(RTC_MR) 12-/24-hour Mode

Definition at line 82 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_NEGPPM   (0x1u << 4)

(RTC_MR) NEGative PPM Correction

Definition at line 84 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_OUT0 (   value)    ((RTC_MR_OUT0_Msk & ((value) << RTC_MR_OUT0_Pos)))

Definition at line 91 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_OUT0_ALARM_FLAG   (0x6u << 16)

(RTC_MR) Output is a copy of the alarm flag

Definition at line 98 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_OUT0_ALARM_TOGGLE   (0x5u << 16)

(RTC_MR) Output toggles when alarm flag rises

Definition at line 97 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_OUT0_FREQ1HZ   (0x1u << 16)

(RTC_MR) 1 Hz square wave

Definition at line 93 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_OUT0_FREQ32HZ   (0x2u << 16)

(RTC_MR) 32 Hz square wave

Definition at line 94 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_OUT0_FREQ512HZ   (0x4u << 16)

(RTC_MR) 512 Hz square wave

Definition at line 96 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_OUT0_FREQ64HZ   (0x3u << 16)

(RTC_MR) 64 Hz square wave

Definition at line 95 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_OUT0_Msk   (0x7u << RTC_MR_OUT0_Pos)

(RTC_MR) RTCOUT0 OutputSource Selection

Definition at line 90 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_OUT0_NO_WAVE   (0x0u << 16)

(RTC_MR) No waveform, stuck at '0'

Definition at line 92 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_OUT0_Pos   16

Definition at line 89 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_OUT0_PROG_PULSE   (0x7u << 16)

(RTC_MR) Duty cycle programmable pulse

Definition at line 99 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_OUT1 (   value)    ((RTC_MR_OUT1_Msk & ((value) << RTC_MR_OUT1_Pos)))

Definition at line 102 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_OUT1_ALARM_FLAG   (0x6u << 20)

(RTC_MR) Output is a copy of the alarm flag

Definition at line 109 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_OUT1_ALARM_TOGGLE   (0x5u << 20)

(RTC_MR) Output toggles when alarm flag rises

Definition at line 108 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_OUT1_FREQ1HZ   (0x1u << 20)

(RTC_MR) 1 Hz square wave

Definition at line 104 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_OUT1_FREQ32HZ   (0x2u << 20)

(RTC_MR) 32 Hz square wave

Definition at line 105 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_OUT1_FREQ512HZ   (0x4u << 20)

(RTC_MR) 512 Hz square wave

Definition at line 107 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_OUT1_FREQ64HZ   (0x3u << 20)

(RTC_MR) 64 Hz square wave

Definition at line 106 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_OUT1_Msk   (0x7u << RTC_MR_OUT1_Pos)

(RTC_MR) RTCOUT1 Output Source Selection

Definition at line 101 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_OUT1_NO_WAVE   (0x0u << 20)

(RTC_MR) No waveform, stuck at '0'

Definition at line 103 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_OUT1_Pos   20

Definition at line 100 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_OUT1_PROG_PULSE   (0x7u << 20)

(RTC_MR) Duty cycle programmable pulse

Definition at line 110 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_PERSIAN   (0x1u << 1)


Definition at line 83 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_THIGH (   value)    ((RTC_MR_THIGH_Msk & ((value) << RTC_MR_THIGH_Pos)))

Definition at line 113 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_THIGH_H_122US   (0x5u << 24)

(RTC_MR) 122 us

Definition at line 119 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_THIGH_H_15US   (0x7u << 24)

(RTC_MR) 15.2 us

Definition at line 121 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_THIGH_H_16MS   (0x1u << 24)

(RTC_MR) 15.6 ms

Definition at line 115 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_THIGH_H_30US   (0x6u << 24)

(RTC_MR) 30.5 us

Definition at line 120 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_THIGH_H_31MS   (0x0u << 24)

(RTC_MR) 31.2 ms

Definition at line 114 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_THIGH_H_488US   (0x4u << 24)

(RTC_MR) 488 us

Definition at line 118 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_THIGH_H_4MS   (0x2u << 24)

(RTC_MR) 3.91 ms

Definition at line 116 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_THIGH_H_976US   (0x3u << 24)

(RTC_MR) 976 us

Definition at line 117 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_THIGH_Msk   (0x7u << RTC_MR_THIGH_Pos)

(RTC_MR) High Duration of the Output Pulse

Definition at line 112 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_THIGH_Pos   24

Definition at line 111 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_TPERIOD (   value)    ((RTC_MR_TPERIOD_Msk & ((value) << RTC_MR_TPERIOD_Pos)))

Definition at line 124 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_TPERIOD_Msk   (0x3u << RTC_MR_TPERIOD_Pos)

(RTC_MR) Period of the Output Pulse

Definition at line 123 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_TPERIOD_P_125MS   (0x3u << 28)

(RTC_MR) 125 ms

Definition at line 128 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_TPERIOD_P_1S   (0x0u << 28)

(RTC_MR) 1 second

Definition at line 125 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_TPERIOD_P_250MS   (0x2u << 28)

(RTC_MR) 250 ms

Definition at line 127 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_TPERIOD_P_500MS   (0x1u << 28)

(RTC_MR) 500 ms

Definition at line 126 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_MR_TPERIOD_Pos   28

Definition at line 122 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_SCCR_ACKCLR   (0x1u << 0)

(RTC_SCCR) Acknowledge Clear

Definition at line 199 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_SCCR_ALRCLR   (0x1u << 1)

(RTC_SCCR) Alarm Clear

Definition at line 200 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_SCCR_CALCLR   (0x1u << 4)

(RTC_SCCR) Calendar Clear

Definition at line 203 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_SCCR_SECCLR   (0x1u << 2)

(RTC_SCCR) Second Clear

Definition at line 201 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_SCCR_TDERRCLR   (0x1u << 5)

(RTC_SCCR) Time and/or Date Free Running Error Clear

Definition at line 204 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_SCCR_TIMCLR   (0x1u << 3)

(RTC_SCCR) Time Clear

Definition at line 202 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_SR_ACKUPD   (0x1u << 0)

(RTC_SR) Acknowledge for Update

Definition at line 180 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_SR_ACKUPD_FREERUN   (0x0u << 0)

(RTC_SR) Time and calendar registers cannot be updated.

Definition at line 181 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_SR_ACKUPD_UPDATE   (0x1u << 0)

(RTC_SR) Time and calendar registers can be updated.

Definition at line 182 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_SR_ALARM   (0x1u << 1)

(RTC_SR) Alarm Flag

Definition at line 183 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_SR_ALARM_ALARMEVENT   (0x1u << 1)

(RTC_SR) An alarm matching condition has occurred.

Definition at line 185 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_SR_ALARM_NO_ALARMEVENT   (0x0u << 1)

(RTC_SR) No alarm matching condition occurred.

Definition at line 184 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_SR_CALEV   (0x1u << 4)

(RTC_SR) Calendar Event

Definition at line 192 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_SR_CALEV_CALEVENT   (0x1u << 4)

(RTC_SR) At least one calendar event has occurred since the last clear.

Definition at line 194 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_SR_CALEV_NO_CALEVENT   (0x0u << 4)

(RTC_SR) No calendar event has occurred since the last clear.

Definition at line 193 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_SR_SEC   (0x1u << 2)

(RTC_SR) Second Event

Definition at line 186 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_SR_SEC_NO_SECEVENT   (0x0u << 2)

(RTC_SR) No second event has occurred since the last clear.

Definition at line 187 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_SR_SEC_SECEVENT   (0x1u << 2)

(RTC_SR) At least one second event has occurred since the last clear.

Definition at line 188 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_SR_TDERR   (0x1u << 5)

(RTC_SR) Time and/or Date Free Running Error

Definition at line 195 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_SR_TDERR_CORRECT   (0x0u << 5)

(RTC_SR) The internal free running counters are carrying valid values since the last read of the Status Register (RTC_SR).

Definition at line 196 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_SR_TDERR_ERR_TIMEDATE   (0x1u << 5)

(RTC_SR) The internal free running counters have been corrupted (invalid date or time, non-BCD values) since the last read and/or they are still invalid.

Definition at line 197 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_SR_TIMEV   (0x1u << 3)

(RTC_SR) Time Event

Definition at line 189 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_SR_TIMEV_NO_TIMEVENT   (0x0u << 3)

(RTC_SR) No time event has occurred since the last clear.

Definition at line 190 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_SR_TIMEV_TIMEVENT   (0x1u << 3)

(RTC_SR) At least one time event has occurred since the last clear.

Definition at line 191 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_TIMALR_AMPM   (0x1u << 22)

(RTC_TIMALR) AM/PM Indicator

Definition at line 168 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_TIMALR_HOUR (   value)    ((RTC_TIMALR_HOUR_Msk & ((value) << RTC_TIMALR_HOUR_Pos)))

Definition at line 167 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_TIMALR_HOUR_Msk   (0x3fu << RTC_TIMALR_HOUR_Pos)

(RTC_TIMALR) Hour Alarm

Definition at line 166 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_TIMALR_HOUR_Pos   16

Definition at line 165 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_TIMALR_HOUREN   (0x1u << 23)

(RTC_TIMALR) Hour Alarm Enable

Definition at line 169 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_TIMALR_MIN (   value)    ((RTC_TIMALR_MIN_Msk & ((value) << RTC_TIMALR_MIN_Pos)))

Definition at line 163 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_TIMALR_MIN_Msk   (0x7fu << RTC_TIMALR_MIN_Pos)

(RTC_TIMALR) Minute Alarm

Definition at line 162 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_TIMALR_MIN_Pos   8

Definition at line 161 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_TIMALR_MINEN   (0x1u << 15)

(RTC_TIMALR) Minute Alarm Enable

Definition at line 164 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_TIMALR_SEC (   value)    ((RTC_TIMALR_SEC_Msk & ((value) << RTC_TIMALR_SEC_Pos)))

Definition at line 159 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_TIMALR_SEC_Msk   (0x7fu << RTC_TIMALR_SEC_Pos)

(RTC_TIMALR) Second Alarm

Definition at line 158 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_TIMALR_SEC_Pos   0

Definition at line 157 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_TIMALR_SECEN   (0x1u << 7)

(RTC_TIMALR) Second Alarm Enable

Definition at line 160 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_TIMR_AMPM   (0x1u << 22)

(RTC_TIMR) Ante Meridiem Post Meridiem Indicator

Definition at line 139 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_TIMR_HOUR (   value)    ((RTC_TIMR_HOUR_Msk & ((value) << RTC_TIMR_HOUR_Pos)))

Definition at line 138 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_TIMR_HOUR_Msk   (0x3fu << RTC_TIMR_HOUR_Pos)

(RTC_TIMR) Current Hour

Definition at line 137 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_TIMR_HOUR_Pos   16

Definition at line 136 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_TIMR_MIN (   value)    ((RTC_TIMR_MIN_Msk & ((value) << RTC_TIMR_MIN_Pos)))

Definition at line 135 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_TIMR_MIN_Msk   (0x7fu << RTC_TIMR_MIN_Pos)

(RTC_TIMR) Current Minute

Definition at line 134 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_TIMR_MIN_Pos   8

Definition at line 133 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_TIMR_SEC (   value)    ((RTC_TIMR_SEC_Msk & ((value) << RTC_TIMR_SEC_Pos)))

Definition at line 132 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_TIMR_SEC_Msk   (0x7fu << RTC_TIMR_SEC_Pos)

(RTC_TIMR) Current Second

Definition at line 131 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_TIMR_SEC_Pos   0

Definition at line 130 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_VER_NVCAL   (0x1u << 1)

(RTC_VER) Non-valid Calendar

Definition at line 228 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_VER_NVCALALR   (0x1u << 3)

(RTC_VER) Non-valid Calendar Alarm

Definition at line 230 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_VER_NVTIM   (0x1u << 0)

(RTC_VER) Non-valid Time

Definition at line 227 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_VER_NVTIMALR   (0x1u << 2)

(RTC_VER) Non-valid Time Alarm

Definition at line 229 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_VERSION_MFN_Msk   (0x7u << RTC_VERSION_MFN_Pos)

(RTC_VERSION) Metal Fix Number

Definition at line 241 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_VERSION_MFN_Pos   16

Definition at line 240 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.



(RTC_VERSION) Version of the Hardware Module

Definition at line 239 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.



Definition at line 238 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_WPMR_WPEN   (0x1u << 0)

(RTC_WPMR) Write Protection Enable

Definition at line 232 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_WPMR_WPKEY (   value)    ((RTC_WPMR_WPKEY_Msk & ((value) << RTC_WPMR_WPKEY_Pos)))

Definition at line 235 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_WPMR_WPKEY_Msk   (0xffffffu << RTC_WPMR_WPKEY_Pos)

(RTC_WPMR) Write Protection Key

Definition at line 234 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_WPMR_WPKEY_PASSWD   (0x525443u << 8)

(RTC_WPMR) Writing any other value in this field aborts the write operation of the WPEN bit.Always reads as 0.

Definition at line 236 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.


#define RTC_WPMR_WPKEY_Pos   8

Definition at line 233 of file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/rtc.h.

autogenerated on Sat Sep 19 2020 03:19:08