Classes | Macros
Image Sensor Interface


struct  Isi
 Isi hardware registers. More...


#define ISI_CFG1_CRC_SYNC   (0x1u << 7)
 (ISI_CFG1) Embedded Synchronization Correction More...
#define ISI_CFG1_DISCR   (0x1u << 11)
 (ISI_CFG1) Disable Codec Request More...
#define ISI_CFG1_EMB_SYNC   (0x1u << 6)
 (ISI_CFG1) Embedded Synchronization More...
#define ISI_CFG1_FRATE(value)   ((ISI_CFG1_FRATE_Msk & ((value) << ISI_CFG1_FRATE_Pos)))
#define ISI_CFG1_FRATE_Msk   (0x7u << ISI_CFG1_FRATE_Pos)
 (ISI_CFG1) Frame Rate [0..7] More...
#define ISI_CFG1_FRATE_Pos   8
#define ISI_CFG1_FULL   (0x1u << 12)
 (ISI_CFG1) Full Mode is Allowed More...
#define ISI_CFG1_GRAYLE   (0x1u << 5)
 (ISI_CFG1) Grayscale Little Endian More...
#define ISI_CFG1_HSYNC_POL   (0x1u << 2)
 (ISI_CFG1) Horizontal Synchronization Polarity More...
#define ISI_CFG1_PIXCLK_POL   (0x1u << 4)
 (ISI_CFG1) Pixel Clock Polarity More...
#define ISI_CFG1_SFD(value)   ((ISI_CFG1_SFD_Msk & ((value) << ISI_CFG1_SFD_Pos)))
#define ISI_CFG1_SFD_Msk   (0xffu << ISI_CFG1_SFD_Pos)
 (ISI_CFG1) Start of Frame Delay More...
#define ISI_CFG1_SFD_Pos   24
#define ISI_CFG1_SLD(value)   ((ISI_CFG1_SLD_Msk & ((value) << ISI_CFG1_SLD_Pos)))
#define ISI_CFG1_SLD_Msk   (0xffu << ISI_CFG1_SLD_Pos)
 (ISI_CFG1) Start of Line Delay More...
#define ISI_CFG1_SLD_Pos   16
#define ISI_CFG1_THMASK(value)   ((ISI_CFG1_THMASK_Msk & ((value) << ISI_CFG1_THMASK_Pos)))
#define ISI_CFG1_THMASK_BEATS_16   (0x2u << 13)
 (ISI_CFG1) 4, 8 and 16 beats AHB burst allowed More...
#define ISI_CFG1_THMASK_BEATS_4   (0x0u << 13)
 (ISI_CFG1) Only 4 beats AHB burst allowed More...
#define ISI_CFG1_THMASK_BEATS_8   (0x1u << 13)
 (ISI_CFG1) Only 4 and 8 beats AHB burst allowed More...
#define ISI_CFG1_THMASK_Msk   (0x3u << ISI_CFG1_THMASK_Pos)
 (ISI_CFG1) Threshold Mask More...
#define ISI_CFG1_THMASK_Pos   13
#define ISI_CFG1_VSYNC_POL   (0x1u << 3)
 (ISI_CFG1) Vertical Synchronization Polarity More...
#define ISI_CFG2_COL_SPACE   (0x1u << 15)
 (ISI_CFG2) Color Space for the Image Data More...
#define ISI_CFG2_GRAYSCALE   (0x1u << 13)
 (ISI_CFG2) Grayscale Mode Format Enable More...
#define ISI_CFG2_GS_MODE   (0x1u << 11)
 (ISI_CFG2) Grayscale Pixel Format Mode More...
#define ISI_CFG2_IM_HSIZE(value)   ((ISI_CFG2_IM_HSIZE_Msk & ((value) << ISI_CFG2_IM_HSIZE_Pos)))
#define ISI_CFG2_IM_HSIZE_Msk   (0x7ffu << ISI_CFG2_IM_HSIZE_Pos)
 (ISI_CFG2) Horizontal Size of the Image Sensor [0..2047] More...
#define ISI_CFG2_IM_HSIZE_Pos   16
#define ISI_CFG2_IM_VSIZE(value)   ((ISI_CFG2_IM_VSIZE_Msk & ((value) << ISI_CFG2_IM_VSIZE_Pos)))
#define ISI_CFG2_IM_VSIZE_Msk   (0x7ffu << ISI_CFG2_IM_VSIZE_Pos)
 (ISI_CFG2) Vertical Size of the Image Sensor [0..2047] More...
#define ISI_CFG2_IM_VSIZE_Pos   0
#define ISI_CFG2_RGB_CFG(value)   ((ISI_CFG2_RGB_CFG_Msk & ((value) << ISI_CFG2_RGB_CFG_Pos)))
#define ISI_CFG2_RGB_CFG_DEFAULT   (0x0u << 30)
 (ISI_CFG2) Byte 0 R/G(MSB)Byte 1 G(LSB)/BByte 2 R/G(MSB)Byte 3 G(LSB)/B More...
#define ISI_CFG2_RGB_CFG_MODE1   (0x1u << 30)
 (ISI_CFG2) Byte 0 B/G(MSB)Byte 1 G(LSB)/RByte 2 B/G(MSB)Byte 3 G(LSB)/R More...
#define ISI_CFG2_RGB_CFG_MODE2   (0x2u << 30)
 (ISI_CFG2) Byte 0 G(LSB)/RByte 1 B/G(MSB)Byte 2 G(LSB)/RByte 3 B/G(MSB) More...
#define ISI_CFG2_RGB_CFG_MODE3   (0x3u << 30)
 (ISI_CFG2) Byte 0 G(LSB)/BByte 1 R/G(MSB)Byte 2 G(LSB)/BByte 3 R/G(MSB) More...
#define ISI_CFG2_RGB_CFG_Msk   (0x3u << ISI_CFG2_RGB_CFG_Pos)
 (ISI_CFG2) RGB Pixel Mapping Configuration More...
#define ISI_CFG2_RGB_CFG_Pos   30
#define ISI_CFG2_RGB_MODE   (0x1u << 12)
 (ISI_CFG2) RGB Input Mode More...
#define ISI_CFG2_RGB_SWAP   (0x1u << 14)
 (ISI_CFG2) RGB Format Swap Mode More...
#define ISI_CFG2_YCC_SWAP(value)   ((ISI_CFG2_YCC_SWAP_Msk & ((value) << ISI_CFG2_YCC_SWAP_Pos)))
#define ISI_CFG2_YCC_SWAP_DEFAULT   (0x0u << 28)
 (ISI_CFG2) Byte 0 Cb(i)Byte 1 Y(i)Byte 2 Cr(i)Byte 3 Y(i+1) More...
#define ISI_CFG2_YCC_SWAP_MODE1   (0x1u << 28)
 (ISI_CFG2) Byte 0 Cr(i)Byte 1 Y(i)Byte 2 Cb(i)Byte 3 Y(i+1) More...
#define ISI_CFG2_YCC_SWAP_MODE2   (0x2u << 28)
 (ISI_CFG2) Byte 0 Y(i)Byte 1 Cb(i)Byte 2 Y(i+1)Byte 3 Cr(i) More...
#define ISI_CFG2_YCC_SWAP_MODE3   (0x3u << 28)
 (ISI_CFG2) Byte 0 Y(i)Byte 1 Cr(i)Byte 2 Y(i+1)Byte 3 Cb(i) More...
#define ISI_CFG2_YCC_SWAP_Msk   (0x3u << ISI_CFG2_YCC_SWAP_Pos)
 (ISI_CFG2) YCrCb Format Swap Mode More...
#define ISI_CFG2_YCC_SWAP_Pos   28
#define ISI_CR_ISI_CDC   (0x1u << 8)
 (ISI_CR) ISI Codec Request More...
#define ISI_CR_ISI_DIS   (0x1u << 1)
 (ISI_CR) ISI Module Disable Request More...
#define ISI_CR_ISI_EN   (0x1u << 0)
 (ISI_CR) ISI Module Enable Request More...
#define ISI_CR_ISI_SRST   (0x1u << 2)
 (ISI_CR) ISI Software Reset Request More...
#define ISI_DMA_C_ADDR_C_ADDR(value)   ((ISI_DMA_C_ADDR_C_ADDR_Msk & ((value) << ISI_DMA_C_ADDR_C_ADDR_Pos)))
#define ISI_DMA_C_ADDR_C_ADDR_Msk   (0x3fffffffu << ISI_DMA_C_ADDR_C_ADDR_Pos)
 (ISI_DMA_C_ADDR) Codec Image Base Address More...
#define ISI_DMA_C_ADDR_C_ADDR_Pos   2
#define ISI_DMA_C_CTRL_C_DONE   (0x1u << 3)
 (ISI_DMA_C_CTRL) Codec Transfer Done More...
#define ISI_DMA_C_CTRL_C_FETCH   (0x1u << 0)
 (ISI_DMA_C_CTRL) Descriptor Fetch Control Bit More...
#define ISI_DMA_C_CTRL_C_IEN   (0x1u << 2)
 (ISI_DMA_C_CTRL) Transfer Done Flag Control More...
#define ISI_DMA_C_CTRL_C_WB   (0x1u << 1)
 (ISI_DMA_C_CTRL) Descriptor Writeback Control Bit More...
#define ISI_DMA_C_DSCR_C_DSCR(value)   ((ISI_DMA_C_DSCR_C_DSCR_Msk & ((value) << ISI_DMA_C_DSCR_C_DSCR_Pos)))
#define ISI_DMA_C_DSCR_C_DSCR_Msk   (0x3fffffffu << ISI_DMA_C_DSCR_C_DSCR_Pos)
 (ISI_DMA_C_DSCR) Codec Descriptor Base Address More...
#define ISI_DMA_C_DSCR_C_DSCR_Pos   2
#define ISI_DMA_CHDR_C_CH_DIS   (0x1u << 1)
 (ISI_DMA_CHDR) Codec Channel Disable Request More...
#define ISI_DMA_CHDR_P_CH_DIS   (0x1u << 0)
 (ISI_DMA_CHDR) Preview Channel Disable Request More...
#define ISI_DMA_CHER_C_CH_EN   (0x1u << 1)
 (ISI_DMA_CHER) Codec Channel Enable More...
#define ISI_DMA_CHER_P_CH_EN   (0x1u << 0)
 (ISI_DMA_CHER) Preview Channel Enable More...
#define ISI_DMA_CHSR_C_CH_S   (0x1u << 1)
 (ISI_DMA_CHSR) Code DMA Channel Status More...
#define ISI_DMA_CHSR_P_CH_S   (0x1u << 0)
 (ISI_DMA_CHSR) Preview DMA Channel Status More...
#define ISI_DMA_P_ADDR_P_ADDR(value)   ((ISI_DMA_P_ADDR_P_ADDR_Msk & ((value) << ISI_DMA_P_ADDR_P_ADDR_Pos)))
#define ISI_DMA_P_ADDR_P_ADDR_Msk   (0x3fffffffu << ISI_DMA_P_ADDR_P_ADDR_Pos)
 (ISI_DMA_P_ADDR) Preview Image Base Address More...
#define ISI_DMA_P_ADDR_P_ADDR_Pos   2
#define ISI_DMA_P_CTRL_P_DONE   (0x1u << 3)
 (ISI_DMA_P_CTRL) Preview Transfer Done More...
#define ISI_DMA_P_CTRL_P_FETCH   (0x1u << 0)
 (ISI_DMA_P_CTRL) Descriptor Fetch Control Bit More...
#define ISI_DMA_P_CTRL_P_IEN   (0x1u << 2)
 (ISI_DMA_P_CTRL) Transfer Done Flag Control More...
#define ISI_DMA_P_CTRL_P_WB   (0x1u << 1)
 (ISI_DMA_P_CTRL) Descriptor Writeback Control Bit More...
#define ISI_DMA_P_DSCR_P_DSCR(value)   ((ISI_DMA_P_DSCR_P_DSCR_Msk & ((value) << ISI_DMA_P_DSCR_P_DSCR_Pos)))
#define ISI_DMA_P_DSCR_P_DSCR_Msk   (0x3fffffffu << ISI_DMA_P_DSCR_P_DSCR_Pos)
 (ISI_DMA_P_DSCR) Preview Descriptor Base Address More...
#define ISI_DMA_P_DSCR_P_DSCR_Pos   2
#define ISI_IDR_C_OVR   (0x1u << 25)
 (ISI_IDR) Codec Datapath Overflow Interrupt Disable More...
#define ISI_IDR_CRC_ERR   (0x1u << 26)
 (ISI_IDR) Embedded Synchronization CRC Error Interrupt Disable More...
#define ISI_IDR_CXFR_DONE   (0x1u << 17)
 (ISI_IDR) Codec DMA Transfer Done Interrupt Disable More...
#define ISI_IDR_DIS_DONE   (0x1u << 1)
 (ISI_IDR) Disable Done Interrupt Disable More...
#define ISI_IDR_FR_OVR   (0x1u << 27)
 (ISI_IDR) Frame Rate Overflow Interrupt Disable More...
#define ISI_IDR_P_OVR   (0x1u << 24)
 (ISI_IDR) Preview Datapath Overflow Interrupt Disable More...
#define ISI_IDR_PXFR_DONE   (0x1u << 16)
 (ISI_IDR) Preview DMA Transfer Done Interrupt Disable More...
#define ISI_IDR_SRST   (0x1u << 2)
 (ISI_IDR) Software Reset Interrupt Disable More...
#define ISI_IDR_VSYNC   (0x1u << 10)
 (ISI_IDR) Vertical Synchronization Interrupt Disable More...
#define ISI_IER_C_OVR   (0x1u << 25)
 (ISI_IER) Codec Datapath Overflow Interrupt Enable More...
#define ISI_IER_CRC_ERR   (0x1u << 26)
 (ISI_IER) Embedded Synchronization CRC Error Interrupt Enable More...
#define ISI_IER_CXFR_DONE   (0x1u << 17)
 (ISI_IER) Codec DMA Transfer Done Interrupt Enable More...
#define ISI_IER_DIS_DONE   (0x1u << 1)
 (ISI_IER) Disable Done Interrupt Enable More...
#define ISI_IER_FR_OVR   (0x1u << 27)
 (ISI_IER) Frame Rate Overflow Interrupt Enable More...
#define ISI_IER_P_OVR   (0x1u << 24)
 (ISI_IER) Preview Datapath Overflow Interrupt Enable More...
#define ISI_IER_PXFR_DONE   (0x1u << 16)
 (ISI_IER) Preview DMA Transfer Done Interrupt Enable More...
#define ISI_IER_SRST   (0x1u << 2)
 (ISI_IER) Software Reset Interrupt Enable More...
#define ISI_IER_VSYNC   (0x1u << 10)
 (ISI_IER) Vertical Synchronization Interrupt Enable More...
#define ISI_IMR_C_OVR   (0x1u << 25)
 (ISI_IMR) Codec FIFO Overflow More...
#define ISI_IMR_CRC_ERR   (0x1u << 26)
 (ISI_IMR) CRC Synchronization Error More...
#define ISI_IMR_CXFR_DONE   (0x1u << 17)
 (ISI_IMR) Codec DMA Transfer Completed More...
#define ISI_IMR_DIS_DONE   (0x1u << 1)
 (ISI_IMR) Module Disable Operation Completed More...
#define ISI_IMR_FR_OVR   (0x1u << 27)
 (ISI_IMR) Frame Rate Overrun More...
#define ISI_IMR_P_OVR   (0x1u << 24)
 (ISI_IMR) Preview FIFO Overflow More...
#define ISI_IMR_PXFR_DONE   (0x1u << 16)
 (ISI_IMR) Preview DMA Transfer Completed More...
#define ISI_IMR_SRST   (0x1u << 2)
 (ISI_IMR) Software Reset Completed More...
#define ISI_IMR_VSYNC   (0x1u << 10)
 (ISI_IMR) Vertical Synchronization More...
#define ISI_PDECF_DEC_FACTOR(value)   ((ISI_PDECF_DEC_FACTOR_Msk & ((value) << ISI_PDECF_DEC_FACTOR_Pos)))
 (ISI_PDECF) Decimation Factor More...
#define ISI_PDECF_DEC_FACTOR_Pos   0
#define ISI_PSIZE_PREV_HSIZE(value)   ((ISI_PSIZE_PREV_HSIZE_Msk & ((value) << ISI_PSIZE_PREV_HSIZE_Pos)))
 (ISI_PSIZE) Horizontal Size for the Preview Path More...
#define ISI_PSIZE_PREV_HSIZE_Pos   16
#define ISI_PSIZE_PREV_VSIZE(value)   ((ISI_PSIZE_PREV_VSIZE_Msk & ((value) << ISI_PSIZE_PREV_VSIZE_Pos)))
 (ISI_PSIZE) Vertical Size for the Preview Path More...
#define ISI_PSIZE_PREV_VSIZE_Pos   0
#define ISI_R2Y_SET0_C0(value)   ((ISI_R2Y_SET0_C0_Msk & ((value) << ISI_R2Y_SET0_C0_Pos)))
#define ISI_R2Y_SET0_C0_Msk   (0x7fu << ISI_R2Y_SET0_C0_Pos)
 (ISI_R2Y_SET0) Color Space Conversion Matrix Coefficient C0 More...
#define ISI_R2Y_SET0_C0_Pos   0
#define ISI_R2Y_SET0_C1(value)   ((ISI_R2Y_SET0_C1_Msk & ((value) << ISI_R2Y_SET0_C1_Pos)))
#define ISI_R2Y_SET0_C1_Msk   (0x7fu << ISI_R2Y_SET0_C1_Pos)
 (ISI_R2Y_SET0) Color Space Conversion Matrix Coefficient C1 More...
#define ISI_R2Y_SET0_C1_Pos   8
#define ISI_R2Y_SET0_C2(value)   ((ISI_R2Y_SET0_C2_Msk & ((value) << ISI_R2Y_SET0_C2_Pos)))
#define ISI_R2Y_SET0_C2_Msk   (0x7fu << ISI_R2Y_SET0_C2_Pos)
 (ISI_R2Y_SET0) Color Space Conversion Matrix Coefficient C2 More...
#define ISI_R2Y_SET0_C2_Pos   16
#define ISI_R2Y_SET0_Roff   (0x1u << 24)
 (ISI_R2Y_SET0) Color Space Conversion Red Component Offset More...
#define ISI_R2Y_SET1_C3(value)   ((ISI_R2Y_SET1_C3_Msk & ((value) << ISI_R2Y_SET1_C3_Pos)))
#define ISI_R2Y_SET1_C3_Msk   (0x7fu << ISI_R2Y_SET1_C3_Pos)
 (ISI_R2Y_SET1) Color Space Conversion Matrix Coefficient C3 More...
#define ISI_R2Y_SET1_C3_Pos   0
#define ISI_R2Y_SET1_C4(value)   ((ISI_R2Y_SET1_C4_Msk & ((value) << ISI_R2Y_SET1_C4_Pos)))
#define ISI_R2Y_SET1_C4_Msk   (0x7fu << ISI_R2Y_SET1_C4_Pos)
 (ISI_R2Y_SET1) Color Space Conversion Matrix Coefficient C4 More...
#define ISI_R2Y_SET1_C4_Pos   8
#define ISI_R2Y_SET1_C5(value)   ((ISI_R2Y_SET1_C5_Msk & ((value) << ISI_R2Y_SET1_C5_Pos)))
#define ISI_R2Y_SET1_C5_Msk   (0x7fu << ISI_R2Y_SET1_C5_Pos)
 (ISI_R2Y_SET1) Color Space Conversion Matrix Coefficient C5 More...
#define ISI_R2Y_SET1_C5_Pos   16
#define ISI_R2Y_SET1_Goff   (0x1u << 24)
 (ISI_R2Y_SET1) Color Space Conversion Green Component Offset More...
#define ISI_R2Y_SET2_Boff   (0x1u << 24)
 (ISI_R2Y_SET2) Color Space Conversion Blue Component Offset More...
#define ISI_R2Y_SET2_C6(value)   ((ISI_R2Y_SET2_C6_Msk & ((value) << ISI_R2Y_SET2_C6_Pos)))
#define ISI_R2Y_SET2_C6_Msk   (0x7fu << ISI_R2Y_SET2_C6_Pos)
 (ISI_R2Y_SET2) Color Space Conversion Matrix Coefficient C6 More...
#define ISI_R2Y_SET2_C6_Pos   0
#define ISI_R2Y_SET2_C7(value)   ((ISI_R2Y_SET2_C7_Msk & ((value) << ISI_R2Y_SET2_C7_Pos)))
#define ISI_R2Y_SET2_C7_Msk   (0x7fu << ISI_R2Y_SET2_C7_Pos)
 (ISI_R2Y_SET2) Color Space Conversion Matrix Coefficient C7 More...
#define ISI_R2Y_SET2_C7_Pos   8
#define ISI_R2Y_SET2_C8(value)   ((ISI_R2Y_SET2_C8_Msk & ((value) << ISI_R2Y_SET2_C8_Pos)))
#define ISI_R2Y_SET2_C8_Msk   (0x7fu << ISI_R2Y_SET2_C8_Pos)
 (ISI_R2Y_SET2) Color Space Conversion Matrix Coefficient C8 More...
#define ISI_R2Y_SET2_C8_Pos   16
#define ISI_SR_C_OVR   (0x1u << 25)
 (ISI_SR) Codec Datapath Overflow (cleared on read) More...
#define ISI_SR_CDC_PND   (0x1u << 8)
 (ISI_SR) Pending Codec Request More...
#define ISI_SR_CRC_ERR   (0x1u << 26)
 (ISI_SR) CRC Synchronization Error (cleared on read) More...
#define ISI_SR_CXFR_DONE   (0x1u << 17)
 (ISI_SR) Codec DMA Transfer has Terminated (cleared on read) More...
#define ISI_SR_DIS_DONE   (0x1u << 1)
 (ISI_SR) Module Disable Request has Terminated (cleared on read) More...
#define ISI_SR_ENABLE   (0x1u << 0)
 (ISI_SR) Module Enable More...
#define ISI_SR_FR_OVR   (0x1u << 27)
 (ISI_SR) Frame Rate Overrun (cleared on read) More...
#define ISI_SR_P_OVR   (0x1u << 24)
 (ISI_SR) Preview Datapath Overflow (cleared on read) More...
#define ISI_SR_PXFR_DONE   (0x1u << 16)
 (ISI_SR) Preview DMA Transfer has Terminated (cleared on read) More...
#define ISI_SR_SIP   (0x1u << 19)
 (ISI_SR) Synchronization in Progress More...
#define ISI_SR_SRST   (0x1u << 2)
 (ISI_SR) Module Software Reset Request has Terminated (cleared on read) More...
#define ISI_SR_VSYNC   (0x1u << 10)
 (ISI_SR) Vertical Synchronization (cleared on read) More...
#define ISI_VERSION_MFN_Msk   (0x7u << ISI_VERSION_MFN_Pos)
 (ISI_VERSION) Metal Fix Number More...
#define ISI_VERSION_MFN_Pos   16
 (ISI_VERSION) Version of the Hardware Module More...
#define ISI_WPMR_WPEN   (0x1u << 0)
 (ISI_WPMR) Write Protection Enable More...
#define ISI_WPMR_WPKEY(value)   ((ISI_WPMR_WPKEY_Msk & ((value) << ISI_WPMR_WPKEY_Pos)))
#define ISI_WPMR_WPKEY_Msk   (0xffffffu << ISI_WPMR_WPKEY_Pos)
 (ISI_WPMR) Write Protection Key Password More...
#define ISI_WPMR_WPKEY_PASSWD   (0x495349u << 8)
 (ISI_WPMR) Writing any other value in this field aborts the write operation of the WPEN bit.Always reads as 0. More...
#define ISI_WPMR_WPKEY_Pos   8
#define ISI_WPSR_WPVS   (0x1u << 0)
 (ISI_WPSR) Write Protection Violation Status More...
#define ISI_WPSR_WPVSRC_Msk   (0xffffu << ISI_WPSR_WPVSRC_Pos)
 (ISI_WPSR) Write Protection Violation Source More...
#define ISI_WPSR_WPVSRC_Pos   8
#define ISI_Y2R_SET0_C0(value)   ((ISI_Y2R_SET0_C0_Msk & ((value) << ISI_Y2R_SET0_C0_Pos)))
#define ISI_Y2R_SET0_C0_Msk   (0xffu << ISI_Y2R_SET0_C0_Pos)
 (ISI_Y2R_SET0) Color Space Conversion Matrix Coefficient C0 More...
#define ISI_Y2R_SET0_C0_Pos   0
#define ISI_Y2R_SET0_C1(value)   ((ISI_Y2R_SET0_C1_Msk & ((value) << ISI_Y2R_SET0_C1_Pos)))
#define ISI_Y2R_SET0_C1_Msk   (0xffu << ISI_Y2R_SET0_C1_Pos)
 (ISI_Y2R_SET0) Color Space Conversion Matrix Coefficient C1 More...
#define ISI_Y2R_SET0_C1_Pos   8
#define ISI_Y2R_SET0_C2(value)   ((ISI_Y2R_SET0_C2_Msk & ((value) << ISI_Y2R_SET0_C2_Pos)))
#define ISI_Y2R_SET0_C2_Msk   (0xffu << ISI_Y2R_SET0_C2_Pos)
 (ISI_Y2R_SET0) Color Space Conversion Matrix Coefficient C2 More...
#define ISI_Y2R_SET0_C2_Pos   16
#define ISI_Y2R_SET0_C3(value)   ((ISI_Y2R_SET0_C3_Msk & ((value) << ISI_Y2R_SET0_C3_Pos)))
#define ISI_Y2R_SET0_C3_Msk   (0xffu << ISI_Y2R_SET0_C3_Pos)
 (ISI_Y2R_SET0) Color Space Conversion Matrix Coefficient C3 More...
#define ISI_Y2R_SET0_C3_Pos   24
#define ISI_Y2R_SET1_C4(value)   ((ISI_Y2R_SET1_C4_Msk & ((value) << ISI_Y2R_SET1_C4_Pos)))
#define ISI_Y2R_SET1_C4_Msk   (0x1ffu << ISI_Y2R_SET1_C4_Pos)
 (ISI_Y2R_SET1) Color Space Conversion Matrix Coefficient C4 More...
#define ISI_Y2R_SET1_C4_Pos   0
#define ISI_Y2R_SET1_Cboff   (0x1u << 14)
 (ISI_Y2R_SET1) Color Space Conversion Blue Chrominance Default Offset More...
#define ISI_Y2R_SET1_Croff   (0x1u << 13)
 (ISI_Y2R_SET1) Color Space Conversion Red Chrominance Default Offset More...
#define ISI_Y2R_SET1_Yoff   (0x1u << 12)
 (ISI_Y2R_SET1) Color Space Conversion Luminance Default Offset More...

Detailed Description


Macro Definition Documentation


#define ISI_CFG1_CRC_SYNC   (0x1u << 7)

(ISI_CFG1) Embedded Synchronization Correction

Definition at line 83 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG1_DISCR   (0x1u << 11)

(ISI_CFG1) Disable Codec Request

Definition at line 87 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG1_EMB_SYNC   (0x1u << 6)

(ISI_CFG1) Embedded Synchronization

Definition at line 82 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG1_FRATE (   value)    ((ISI_CFG1_FRATE_Msk & ((value) << ISI_CFG1_FRATE_Pos)))

Definition at line 86 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG1_FRATE_Msk   (0x7u << ISI_CFG1_FRATE_Pos)

(ISI_CFG1) Frame Rate [0..7]

Definition at line 85 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG1_FRATE_Pos   8

Definition at line 84 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG1_FULL   (0x1u << 12)

(ISI_CFG1) Full Mode is Allowed

Definition at line 88 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG1_GRAYLE   (0x1u << 5)

(ISI_CFG1) Grayscale Little Endian

Definition at line 81 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG1_HSYNC_POL   (0x1u << 2)

(ISI_CFG1) Horizontal Synchronization Polarity

Definition at line 78 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG1_PIXCLK_POL   (0x1u << 4)

(ISI_CFG1) Pixel Clock Polarity

Definition at line 80 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG1_SFD (   value)    ((ISI_CFG1_SFD_Msk & ((value) << ISI_CFG1_SFD_Pos)))

Definition at line 100 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG1_SFD_Msk   (0xffu << ISI_CFG1_SFD_Pos)

(ISI_CFG1) Start of Frame Delay

Definition at line 99 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG1_SFD_Pos   24

Definition at line 98 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG1_SLD (   value)    ((ISI_CFG1_SLD_Msk & ((value) << ISI_CFG1_SLD_Pos)))

Definition at line 97 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG1_SLD_Msk   (0xffu << ISI_CFG1_SLD_Pos)

(ISI_CFG1) Start of Line Delay

Definition at line 96 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG1_SLD_Pos   16

Definition at line 95 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG1_THMASK (   value)    ((ISI_CFG1_THMASK_Msk & ((value) << ISI_CFG1_THMASK_Pos)))

Definition at line 91 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG1_THMASK_BEATS_16   (0x2u << 13)

(ISI_CFG1) 4, 8 and 16 beats AHB burst allowed

Definition at line 94 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG1_THMASK_BEATS_4   (0x0u << 13)

(ISI_CFG1) Only 4 beats AHB burst allowed

Definition at line 92 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG1_THMASK_BEATS_8   (0x1u << 13)

(ISI_CFG1) Only 4 and 8 beats AHB burst allowed

Definition at line 93 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG1_THMASK_Msk   (0x3u << ISI_CFG1_THMASK_Pos)

(ISI_CFG1) Threshold Mask

Definition at line 90 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG1_THMASK_Pos   13

Definition at line 89 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG1_VSYNC_POL   (0x1u << 3)

(ISI_CFG1) Vertical Synchronization Polarity

Definition at line 79 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG2_COL_SPACE   (0x1u << 15)

(ISI_CFG2) Color Space for the Image Data

Definition at line 109 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG2_GRAYSCALE   (0x1u << 13)

(ISI_CFG2) Grayscale Mode Format Enable

Definition at line 107 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG2_GS_MODE   (0x1u << 11)

(ISI_CFG2) Grayscale Pixel Format Mode

Definition at line 105 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG2_IM_HSIZE (   value)    ((ISI_CFG2_IM_HSIZE_Msk & ((value) << ISI_CFG2_IM_HSIZE_Pos)))

Definition at line 112 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG2_IM_HSIZE_Msk   (0x7ffu << ISI_CFG2_IM_HSIZE_Pos)

(ISI_CFG2) Horizontal Size of the Image Sensor [0..2047]

Definition at line 111 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG2_IM_HSIZE_Pos   16

Definition at line 110 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG2_IM_VSIZE (   value)    ((ISI_CFG2_IM_VSIZE_Msk & ((value) << ISI_CFG2_IM_VSIZE_Pos)))

Definition at line 104 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG2_IM_VSIZE_Msk   (0x7ffu << ISI_CFG2_IM_VSIZE_Pos)

(ISI_CFG2) Vertical Size of the Image Sensor [0..2047]

Definition at line 103 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG2_IM_VSIZE_Pos   0

Definition at line 102 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG2_RGB_CFG (   value)    ((ISI_CFG2_RGB_CFG_Msk & ((value) << ISI_CFG2_RGB_CFG_Pos)))

Definition at line 122 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG2_RGB_CFG_DEFAULT   (0x0u << 30)

(ISI_CFG2) Byte 0 R/G(MSB)Byte 1 G(LSB)/BByte 2 R/G(MSB)Byte 3 G(LSB)/B

Definition at line 123 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG2_RGB_CFG_MODE1   (0x1u << 30)

(ISI_CFG2) Byte 0 B/G(MSB)Byte 1 G(LSB)/RByte 2 B/G(MSB)Byte 3 G(LSB)/R

Definition at line 124 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG2_RGB_CFG_MODE2   (0x2u << 30)

(ISI_CFG2) Byte 0 G(LSB)/RByte 1 B/G(MSB)Byte 2 G(LSB)/RByte 3 B/G(MSB)

Definition at line 125 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG2_RGB_CFG_MODE3   (0x3u << 30)

(ISI_CFG2) Byte 0 G(LSB)/BByte 1 R/G(MSB)Byte 2 G(LSB)/BByte 3 R/G(MSB)

Definition at line 126 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG2_RGB_CFG_Msk   (0x3u << ISI_CFG2_RGB_CFG_Pos)

(ISI_CFG2) RGB Pixel Mapping Configuration

Definition at line 121 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG2_RGB_CFG_Pos   30

Definition at line 120 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG2_RGB_MODE   (0x1u << 12)

(ISI_CFG2) RGB Input Mode

Definition at line 106 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG2_RGB_SWAP   (0x1u << 14)

(ISI_CFG2) RGB Format Swap Mode

Definition at line 108 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG2_YCC_SWAP (   value)    ((ISI_CFG2_YCC_SWAP_Msk & ((value) << ISI_CFG2_YCC_SWAP_Pos)))

Definition at line 115 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG2_YCC_SWAP_DEFAULT   (0x0u << 28)

(ISI_CFG2) Byte 0 Cb(i)Byte 1 Y(i)Byte 2 Cr(i)Byte 3 Y(i+1)

Definition at line 116 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG2_YCC_SWAP_MODE1   (0x1u << 28)

(ISI_CFG2) Byte 0 Cr(i)Byte 1 Y(i)Byte 2 Cb(i)Byte 3 Y(i+1)

Definition at line 117 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG2_YCC_SWAP_MODE2   (0x2u << 28)

(ISI_CFG2) Byte 0 Y(i)Byte 1 Cb(i)Byte 2 Y(i+1)Byte 3 Cr(i)

Definition at line 118 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG2_YCC_SWAP_MODE3   (0x3u << 28)

(ISI_CFG2) Byte 0 Y(i)Byte 1 Cr(i)Byte 2 Y(i+1)Byte 3 Cb(i)

Definition at line 119 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG2_YCC_SWAP_Msk   (0x3u << ISI_CFG2_YCC_SWAP_Pos)

(ISI_CFG2) YCrCb Format Swap Mode

Definition at line 114 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CFG2_YCC_SWAP_Pos   28

Definition at line 113 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CR_ISI_CDC   (0x1u << 8)

(ISI_CR) ISI Codec Request

Definition at line 195 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CR_ISI_DIS   (0x1u << 1)

(ISI_CR) ISI Module Disable Request

Definition at line 193 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CR_ISI_EN   (0x1u << 0)

(ISI_CR) ISI Module Enable Request

Definition at line 192 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_CR_ISI_SRST   (0x1u << 2)

(ISI_CR) ISI Software Reset Request

Definition at line 194 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_DMA_C_ADDR_C_ADDR (   value)    ((ISI_DMA_C_ADDR_C_ADDR_Msk & ((value) << ISI_DMA_C_ADDR_C_ADDR_Pos)))

Definition at line 264 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_DMA_C_ADDR_C_ADDR_Msk   (0x3fffffffu << ISI_DMA_C_ADDR_C_ADDR_Pos)

(ISI_DMA_C_ADDR) Codec Image Base Address

Definition at line 263 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_DMA_C_ADDR_C_ADDR_Pos   2

Definition at line 262 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_DMA_C_CTRL_C_DONE   (0x1u << 3)

(ISI_DMA_C_CTRL) Codec Transfer Done

Definition at line 269 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_DMA_C_CTRL_C_FETCH   (0x1u << 0)

(ISI_DMA_C_CTRL) Descriptor Fetch Control Bit

Definition at line 266 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_DMA_C_CTRL_C_IEN   (0x1u << 2)

(ISI_DMA_C_CTRL) Transfer Done Flag Control

Definition at line 268 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_DMA_C_CTRL_C_WB   (0x1u << 1)

(ISI_DMA_C_CTRL) Descriptor Writeback Control Bit

Definition at line 267 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_DMA_C_DSCR_C_DSCR (   value)    ((ISI_DMA_C_DSCR_C_DSCR_Msk & ((value) << ISI_DMA_C_DSCR_C_DSCR_Pos)))

Definition at line 273 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_DMA_C_DSCR_C_DSCR_Msk   (0x3fffffffu << ISI_DMA_C_DSCR_C_DSCR_Pos)

(ISI_DMA_C_DSCR) Codec Descriptor Base Address

Definition at line 272 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_DMA_C_DSCR_C_DSCR_Pos   2

Definition at line 271 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_DMA_CHDR_C_CH_DIS   (0x1u << 1)

(ISI_DMA_CHDR) Codec Channel Disable Request

Definition at line 244 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_DMA_CHDR_P_CH_DIS   (0x1u << 0)

(ISI_DMA_CHDR) Preview Channel Disable Request

Definition at line 243 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_DMA_CHER_C_CH_EN   (0x1u << 1)

(ISI_DMA_CHER) Codec Channel Enable

Definition at line 241 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_DMA_CHER_P_CH_EN   (0x1u << 0)

(ISI_DMA_CHER) Preview Channel Enable

Definition at line 240 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_DMA_CHSR_C_CH_S   (0x1u << 1)

(ISI_DMA_CHSR) Code DMA Channel Status

Definition at line 247 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_DMA_CHSR_P_CH_S   (0x1u << 0)

(ISI_DMA_CHSR) Preview DMA Channel Status

Definition at line 246 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_DMA_P_ADDR_P_ADDR (   value)    ((ISI_DMA_P_ADDR_P_ADDR_Msk & ((value) << ISI_DMA_P_ADDR_P_ADDR_Pos)))

Definition at line 251 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_DMA_P_ADDR_P_ADDR_Msk   (0x3fffffffu << ISI_DMA_P_ADDR_P_ADDR_Pos)

(ISI_DMA_P_ADDR) Preview Image Base Address

Definition at line 250 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_DMA_P_ADDR_P_ADDR_Pos   2

Definition at line 249 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_DMA_P_CTRL_P_DONE   (0x1u << 3)

(ISI_DMA_P_CTRL) Preview Transfer Done

Definition at line 256 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_DMA_P_CTRL_P_FETCH   (0x1u << 0)

(ISI_DMA_P_CTRL) Descriptor Fetch Control Bit

Definition at line 253 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_DMA_P_CTRL_P_IEN   (0x1u << 2)

(ISI_DMA_P_CTRL) Transfer Done Flag Control

Definition at line 255 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_DMA_P_CTRL_P_WB   (0x1u << 1)

(ISI_DMA_P_CTRL) Descriptor Writeback Control Bit

Definition at line 254 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_DMA_P_DSCR_P_DSCR (   value)    ((ISI_DMA_P_DSCR_P_DSCR_Msk & ((value) << ISI_DMA_P_DSCR_P_DSCR_Pos)))

Definition at line 260 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_DMA_P_DSCR_P_DSCR_Msk   (0x3fffffffu << ISI_DMA_P_DSCR_P_DSCR_Pos)

(ISI_DMA_P_DSCR) Preview Descriptor Base Address

Definition at line 259 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_DMA_P_DSCR_P_DSCR_Pos   2

Definition at line 258 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_IDR_C_OVR   (0x1u << 25)

(ISI_IDR) Codec Datapath Overflow Interrupt Disable

Definition at line 226 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_IDR_CRC_ERR   (0x1u << 26)

(ISI_IDR) Embedded Synchronization CRC Error Interrupt Disable

Definition at line 227 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_IDR_CXFR_DONE   (0x1u << 17)

(ISI_IDR) Codec DMA Transfer Done Interrupt Disable

Definition at line 224 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_IDR_DIS_DONE   (0x1u << 1)

(ISI_IDR) Disable Done Interrupt Disable

Definition at line 220 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_IDR_FR_OVR   (0x1u << 27)

(ISI_IDR) Frame Rate Overflow Interrupt Disable

Definition at line 228 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_IDR_P_OVR   (0x1u << 24)

(ISI_IDR) Preview Datapath Overflow Interrupt Disable

Definition at line 225 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_IDR_PXFR_DONE   (0x1u << 16)

(ISI_IDR) Preview DMA Transfer Done Interrupt Disable

Definition at line 223 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_IDR_SRST   (0x1u << 2)

(ISI_IDR) Software Reset Interrupt Disable

Definition at line 221 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_IDR_VSYNC   (0x1u << 10)

(ISI_IDR) Vertical Synchronization Interrupt Disable

Definition at line 222 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_IER_C_OVR   (0x1u << 25)

(ISI_IER) Codec Datapath Overflow Interrupt Enable

Definition at line 216 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_IER_CRC_ERR   (0x1u << 26)

(ISI_IER) Embedded Synchronization CRC Error Interrupt Enable

Definition at line 217 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_IER_CXFR_DONE   (0x1u << 17)

(ISI_IER) Codec DMA Transfer Done Interrupt Enable

Definition at line 214 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_IER_DIS_DONE   (0x1u << 1)

(ISI_IER) Disable Done Interrupt Enable

Definition at line 210 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_IER_FR_OVR   (0x1u << 27)

(ISI_IER) Frame Rate Overflow Interrupt Enable

Definition at line 218 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_IER_P_OVR   (0x1u << 24)

(ISI_IER) Preview Datapath Overflow Interrupt Enable

Definition at line 215 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_IER_PXFR_DONE   (0x1u << 16)

(ISI_IER) Preview DMA Transfer Done Interrupt Enable

Definition at line 213 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_IER_SRST   (0x1u << 2)

(ISI_IER) Software Reset Interrupt Enable

Definition at line 211 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_IER_VSYNC   (0x1u << 10)

(ISI_IER) Vertical Synchronization Interrupt Enable

Definition at line 212 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_IMR_C_OVR   (0x1u << 25)

(ISI_IMR) Codec FIFO Overflow

Definition at line 236 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_IMR_CRC_ERR   (0x1u << 26)

(ISI_IMR) CRC Synchronization Error

Definition at line 237 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_IMR_CXFR_DONE   (0x1u << 17)

(ISI_IMR) Codec DMA Transfer Completed

Definition at line 234 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_IMR_DIS_DONE   (0x1u << 1)

(ISI_IMR) Module Disable Operation Completed

Definition at line 230 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_IMR_FR_OVR   (0x1u << 27)

(ISI_IMR) Frame Rate Overrun

Definition at line 238 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_IMR_P_OVR   (0x1u << 24)

(ISI_IMR) Preview FIFO Overflow

Definition at line 235 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_IMR_PXFR_DONE   (0x1u << 16)

(ISI_IMR) Preview DMA Transfer Completed

Definition at line 233 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_IMR_SRST   (0x1u << 2)

(ISI_IMR) Software Reset Completed

Definition at line 231 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_IMR_VSYNC   (0x1u << 10)

(ISI_IMR) Vertical Synchronization

Definition at line 232 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_PDECF_DEC_FACTOR (   value)    ((ISI_PDECF_DEC_FACTOR_Msk & ((value) << ISI_PDECF_DEC_FACTOR_Pos)))

Definition at line 137 of file component/isi.h.



(ISI_PDECF) Decimation Factor

Definition at line 136 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_PDECF_DEC_FACTOR_Pos   0

Definition at line 135 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_PSIZE_PREV_HSIZE (   value)    ((ISI_PSIZE_PREV_HSIZE_Msk & ((value) << ISI_PSIZE_PREV_HSIZE_Pos)))

Definition at line 133 of file component/isi.h.



(ISI_PSIZE) Horizontal Size for the Preview Path

Definition at line 132 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_PSIZE_PREV_HSIZE_Pos   16

Definition at line 131 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_PSIZE_PREV_VSIZE (   value)    ((ISI_PSIZE_PREV_VSIZE_Msk & ((value) << ISI_PSIZE_PREV_VSIZE_Pos)))

Definition at line 130 of file component/isi.h.



(ISI_PSIZE) Vertical Size for the Preview Path

Definition at line 129 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_PSIZE_PREV_VSIZE_Pos   0

Definition at line 128 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_R2Y_SET0_C0 (   value)    ((ISI_R2Y_SET0_C0_Msk & ((value) << ISI_R2Y_SET0_C0_Pos)))

Definition at line 161 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_R2Y_SET0_C0_Msk

#define ISI_R2Y_SET0_C0_Msk   (0x7fu << ISI_R2Y_SET0_C0_Pos)

(ISI_R2Y_SET0) Color Space Conversion Matrix Coefficient C0

Definition at line 160 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_R2Y_SET0_C0_Pos

#define ISI_R2Y_SET0_C0_Pos   0

Definition at line 159 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_R2Y_SET0_C1 (   value)    ((ISI_R2Y_SET0_C1_Msk & ((value) << ISI_R2Y_SET0_C1_Pos)))

Definition at line 164 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_R2Y_SET0_C1_Msk

#define ISI_R2Y_SET0_C1_Msk   (0x7fu << ISI_R2Y_SET0_C1_Pos)

(ISI_R2Y_SET0) Color Space Conversion Matrix Coefficient C1

Definition at line 163 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_R2Y_SET0_C1_Pos

#define ISI_R2Y_SET0_C1_Pos   8

Definition at line 162 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_R2Y_SET0_C2 (   value)    ((ISI_R2Y_SET0_C2_Msk & ((value) << ISI_R2Y_SET0_C2_Pos)))

Definition at line 167 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_R2Y_SET0_C2_Msk

#define ISI_R2Y_SET0_C2_Msk   (0x7fu << ISI_R2Y_SET0_C2_Pos)

(ISI_R2Y_SET0) Color Space Conversion Matrix Coefficient C2

Definition at line 166 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_R2Y_SET0_C2_Pos

#define ISI_R2Y_SET0_C2_Pos   16

Definition at line 165 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_R2Y_SET0_Roff

#define ISI_R2Y_SET0_Roff   (0x1u << 24)

(ISI_R2Y_SET0) Color Space Conversion Red Component Offset

Definition at line 168 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_R2Y_SET1_C3 (   value)    ((ISI_R2Y_SET1_C3_Msk & ((value) << ISI_R2Y_SET1_C3_Pos)))

Definition at line 172 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_R2Y_SET1_C3_Msk

#define ISI_R2Y_SET1_C3_Msk   (0x7fu << ISI_R2Y_SET1_C3_Pos)

(ISI_R2Y_SET1) Color Space Conversion Matrix Coefficient C3

Definition at line 171 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_R2Y_SET1_C3_Pos

#define ISI_R2Y_SET1_C3_Pos   0

Definition at line 170 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_R2Y_SET1_C4 (   value)    ((ISI_R2Y_SET1_C4_Msk & ((value) << ISI_R2Y_SET1_C4_Pos)))

Definition at line 175 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_R2Y_SET1_C4_Msk

#define ISI_R2Y_SET1_C4_Msk   (0x7fu << ISI_R2Y_SET1_C4_Pos)

(ISI_R2Y_SET1) Color Space Conversion Matrix Coefficient C4

Definition at line 174 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_R2Y_SET1_C4_Pos

#define ISI_R2Y_SET1_C4_Pos   8

Definition at line 173 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_R2Y_SET1_C5 (   value)    ((ISI_R2Y_SET1_C5_Msk & ((value) << ISI_R2Y_SET1_C5_Pos)))

Definition at line 178 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_R2Y_SET1_C5_Msk

#define ISI_R2Y_SET1_C5_Msk   (0x7fu << ISI_R2Y_SET1_C5_Pos)

(ISI_R2Y_SET1) Color Space Conversion Matrix Coefficient C5

Definition at line 177 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_R2Y_SET1_C5_Pos

#define ISI_R2Y_SET1_C5_Pos   16

Definition at line 176 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_R2Y_SET1_Goff

#define ISI_R2Y_SET1_Goff   (0x1u << 24)

(ISI_R2Y_SET1) Color Space Conversion Green Component Offset

Definition at line 179 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_R2Y_SET2_Boff

#define ISI_R2Y_SET2_Boff   (0x1u << 24)

(ISI_R2Y_SET2) Color Space Conversion Blue Component Offset

Definition at line 190 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_R2Y_SET2_C6 (   value)    ((ISI_R2Y_SET2_C6_Msk & ((value) << ISI_R2Y_SET2_C6_Pos)))

Definition at line 183 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_R2Y_SET2_C6_Msk

#define ISI_R2Y_SET2_C6_Msk   (0x7fu << ISI_R2Y_SET2_C6_Pos)

(ISI_R2Y_SET2) Color Space Conversion Matrix Coefficient C6

Definition at line 182 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_R2Y_SET2_C6_Pos

#define ISI_R2Y_SET2_C6_Pos   0

Definition at line 181 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_R2Y_SET2_C7 (   value)    ((ISI_R2Y_SET2_C7_Msk & ((value) << ISI_R2Y_SET2_C7_Pos)))

Definition at line 186 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_R2Y_SET2_C7_Msk

#define ISI_R2Y_SET2_C7_Msk   (0x7fu << ISI_R2Y_SET2_C7_Pos)

(ISI_R2Y_SET2) Color Space Conversion Matrix Coefficient C7

Definition at line 185 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_R2Y_SET2_C7_Pos

#define ISI_R2Y_SET2_C7_Pos   8

Definition at line 184 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_R2Y_SET2_C8 (   value)    ((ISI_R2Y_SET2_C8_Msk & ((value) << ISI_R2Y_SET2_C8_Pos)))

Definition at line 189 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_R2Y_SET2_C8_Msk

#define ISI_R2Y_SET2_C8_Msk   (0x7fu << ISI_R2Y_SET2_C8_Pos)

(ISI_R2Y_SET2) Color Space Conversion Matrix Coefficient C8

Definition at line 188 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_R2Y_SET2_C8_Pos

#define ISI_R2Y_SET2_C8_Pos   16

Definition at line 187 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_SR_C_OVR   (0x1u << 25)

(ISI_SR) Codec Datapath Overflow (cleared on read)

Definition at line 206 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_SR_CDC_PND   (0x1u << 8)

(ISI_SR) Pending Codec Request

Definition at line 200 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_SR_CRC_ERR   (0x1u << 26)

(ISI_SR) CRC Synchronization Error (cleared on read)

Definition at line 207 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_SR_CXFR_DONE   (0x1u << 17)

(ISI_SR) Codec DMA Transfer has Terminated (cleared on read)

Definition at line 203 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_SR_DIS_DONE   (0x1u << 1)

(ISI_SR) Module Disable Request has Terminated (cleared on read)

Definition at line 198 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_SR_ENABLE   (0x1u << 0)

(ISI_SR) Module Enable

Definition at line 197 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_SR_FR_OVR   (0x1u << 27)

(ISI_SR) Frame Rate Overrun (cleared on read)

Definition at line 208 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_SR_P_OVR   (0x1u << 24)

(ISI_SR) Preview Datapath Overflow (cleared on read)

Definition at line 205 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_SR_PXFR_DONE   (0x1u << 16)

(ISI_SR) Preview DMA Transfer has Terminated (cleared on read)

Definition at line 202 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_SR_SIP   (0x1u << 19)

(ISI_SR) Synchronization in Progress

Definition at line 204 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_SR_SRST   (0x1u << 2)

(ISI_SR) Module Software Reset Request has Terminated (cleared on read)

Definition at line 199 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_SR_VSYNC   (0x1u << 10)

(ISI_SR) Vertical Synchronization (cleared on read)

Definition at line 201 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_VERSION_MFN_Msk   (0x7u << ISI_VERSION_MFN_Pos)

(ISI_VERSION) Metal Fix Number

Definition at line 288 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_VERSION_MFN_Pos   16

Definition at line 287 of file component/isi.h.



(ISI_VERSION) Version of the Hardware Module

Definition at line 286 of file component/isi.h.



Definition at line 285 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_WPMR_WPEN   (0x1u << 0)

(ISI_WPMR) Write Protection Enable

Definition at line 275 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_WPMR_WPKEY (   value)    ((ISI_WPMR_WPKEY_Msk & ((value) << ISI_WPMR_WPKEY_Pos)))

Definition at line 278 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_WPMR_WPKEY_Msk   (0xffffffu << ISI_WPMR_WPKEY_Pos)

(ISI_WPMR) Write Protection Key Password

Definition at line 277 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_WPMR_WPKEY_PASSWD   (0x495349u << 8)

(ISI_WPMR) Writing any other value in this field aborts the write operation of the WPEN bit.Always reads as 0.

Definition at line 279 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_WPMR_WPKEY_Pos   8

Definition at line 276 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_WPSR_WPVS   (0x1u << 0)

(ISI_WPSR) Write Protection Violation Status

Definition at line 281 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_WPSR_WPVSRC_Msk   (0xffffu << ISI_WPSR_WPVSRC_Pos)

(ISI_WPSR) Write Protection Violation Source

Definition at line 283 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_WPSR_WPVSRC_Pos   8

Definition at line 282 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_Y2R_SET0_C0 (   value)    ((ISI_Y2R_SET0_C0_Msk & ((value) << ISI_Y2R_SET0_C0_Pos)))

Definition at line 141 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_Y2R_SET0_C0_Msk

#define ISI_Y2R_SET0_C0_Msk   (0xffu << ISI_Y2R_SET0_C0_Pos)

(ISI_Y2R_SET0) Color Space Conversion Matrix Coefficient C0

Definition at line 140 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_Y2R_SET0_C0_Pos

#define ISI_Y2R_SET0_C0_Pos   0

Definition at line 139 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_Y2R_SET0_C1 (   value)    ((ISI_Y2R_SET0_C1_Msk & ((value) << ISI_Y2R_SET0_C1_Pos)))

Definition at line 144 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_Y2R_SET0_C1_Msk

#define ISI_Y2R_SET0_C1_Msk   (0xffu << ISI_Y2R_SET0_C1_Pos)

(ISI_Y2R_SET0) Color Space Conversion Matrix Coefficient C1

Definition at line 143 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_Y2R_SET0_C1_Pos

#define ISI_Y2R_SET0_C1_Pos   8

Definition at line 142 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_Y2R_SET0_C2 (   value)    ((ISI_Y2R_SET0_C2_Msk & ((value) << ISI_Y2R_SET0_C2_Pos)))

Definition at line 147 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_Y2R_SET0_C2_Msk

#define ISI_Y2R_SET0_C2_Msk   (0xffu << ISI_Y2R_SET0_C2_Pos)

(ISI_Y2R_SET0) Color Space Conversion Matrix Coefficient C2

Definition at line 146 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_Y2R_SET0_C2_Pos

#define ISI_Y2R_SET0_C2_Pos   16

Definition at line 145 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_Y2R_SET0_C3 (   value)    ((ISI_Y2R_SET0_C3_Msk & ((value) << ISI_Y2R_SET0_C3_Pos)))

Definition at line 150 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_Y2R_SET0_C3_Msk

#define ISI_Y2R_SET0_C3_Msk   (0xffu << ISI_Y2R_SET0_C3_Pos)

(ISI_Y2R_SET0) Color Space Conversion Matrix Coefficient C3

Definition at line 149 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_Y2R_SET0_C3_Pos

#define ISI_Y2R_SET0_C3_Pos   24

Definition at line 148 of file component/isi.h.


#define ISI_Y2R_SET1_C4 (   value)    ((ISI_Y2R_SET1_C4_Msk & ((value) << ISI_Y2R_SET1_C4_Pos)))

Definition at line 154 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_Y2R_SET1_C4_Msk

#define ISI_Y2R_SET1_C4_Msk   (0x1ffu << ISI_Y2R_SET1_C4_Pos)

(ISI_Y2R_SET1) Color Space Conversion Matrix Coefficient C4

Definition at line 153 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_Y2R_SET1_C4_Pos

#define ISI_Y2R_SET1_C4_Pos   0

Definition at line 152 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_Y2R_SET1_Cboff

#define ISI_Y2R_SET1_Cboff   (0x1u << 14)

(ISI_Y2R_SET1) Color Space Conversion Blue Chrominance Default Offset

Definition at line 157 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_Y2R_SET1_Croff

#define ISI_Y2R_SET1_Croff   (0x1u << 13)

(ISI_Y2R_SET1) Color Space Conversion Red Chrominance Default Offset

Definition at line 156 of file component/isi.h.

◆ ISI_Y2R_SET1_Yoff

#define ISI_Y2R_SET1_Yoff   (0x1u << 12)

(ISI_Y2R_SET1) Color Space Conversion Luminance Default Offset

Definition at line 155 of file component/isi.h.

autogenerated on Sat Sep 19 2020 03:19:08