A Gazebo model plugin to simulate water waves.
Add the SDF for the plugin to the <model> element of your wave model.
<plugin name=
"wavefield" filename=
<size>1000 1000</size>
<cell_count>50 50</cell_count>
<direction>1 1</direction>
- <static> (bool, default: false) Create a static wave field if set to true.
- <update_rate> (double, default: 30.0) The rate in Hz at which the wavefield is updated.
- <size> (Vector2D, default: (1000 1000)) A two component vector for the size of the wave field in each direction.
- <cell_count> (int, default: (50 50)) A two component vector for the number of grid cells in each direction.
- <number> (int, default: 1) The number of component waves.
- <scale> (double, default: 2.0) The scale between the mean and largest / smallest component waves.
- <angle> (double, default: 2*pi/10) The angle between the mean wave direction and the largest / smallest component waves.
- <steepness> (double, default: 1.0) A parameter in [0, 1] controlling the wave steepness with 1 being steepest.
- <amplitude> (double, default: 0.0) The amplitude of the mean wave in [m].
- <period> (double, default: 1.0) The period of the mean wave in [s].
- <phase> (double, default: 0.0) The phase of the mean wave.
- <direction> (Vector2D, default: (1 0)) A two component vector specifiying the direction of the mean wave.
- <model> (string, default: default) The model used to generate component waves. Should be either "PMS" or "CWR"
- <gain> (double, default: 1.0) For PMS, the multiplier applied to component amplitudes.
- <tau> (double, default: 1.0) Time constant used to gradually increase wavefield at startup.
Definition at line 114 of file WavefieldModelPlugin.hh.