Go to the documentation of this file.
32 #include <OGRE/OgreSceneNode.h>
33 #include <OGRE/OgreSceneManager.h>
35 #include <tf/transform_listener.h>
40 #include <rviz/frame_manager.h>
45 namespace tuw_multi_robot_rviz {
47 // The constructor must have no arguments, so we can't give the
48 // constructor the parameters it needs to fully initialize.
50  nh_ = ros::NodeHandle("");
53  property_scale_pose_.reset(new rviz::FloatProperty ( "Scale Pose", 0.4,
54  "Scale of the pose's pose.",
55  this, SLOT ( updateScalePose() ) ));
56  property_scale_pose_->setMin ( 0 );
57  property_scale_pose_->setMax ( 10 );
59  property_color_pose_.reset(new rviz::ColorProperty ( "Color Pose", QColor ( 204, 51, 0 ),
60  "Color to draw the pose's pose.",
61  this, SLOT ( updateColorPose())));
63  keep_alive_.reset(new rviz::IntProperty("Keep Alive (s)",
64  5,
65  "The amount of seconds in which a robot is still displayed after it does not publish anymore. This value should be greater or equal than 1.",
66  this,
67  SLOT(onKeepAliveChanged()),
68  this));
69  keep_alive_->setMin(1);
70  keep_alive_->setMax(20);
71  keep_measurements_.reset(new rviz::IntProperty("Keep Measurements",
72  5,
73  "The number of pose measurements that should be kept for each robot. Make sure that it is greater than 0.",
74  this,
76  this));
77  keep_measurements_->setMin(1);
78  keep_measurements_->setMax(10000);
80  robot_bool_properties_.reset(new rviz::Property("Robots",
81  QVariant(),
82  "A tree view of all the available robots",
83  this));
84 }
86 void MultiRobotInfoDisplay::callbackRobotInfo(const tuw_multi_robot_msgs::RobotInfoConstPtr &msg )
87 {
88  if (!visual_) return;
90  ros::Time tic = ros::Time::now();
91  // Here we call the rviz::FrameManager to get the transform from the
92  // fixed frame to the frame in the header of this Imu message. If
93  // it fails, we can't do anything else so we return.
94  Ogre::Quaternion orientation(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
95  Ogre::Vector3 position(0,0,0);
97  if ( !context_->getFrameManager()->getTransform ( msg->header.frame_id, msg->header.stamp, position, orientation ) ) {
98  ROS_DEBUG ( "Error transforming from frame '%s' to frame '%s'",
99  msg->header.frame_id.c_str(), qPrintable ( fixed_frame_ ) );
100  return;
101  }
103  // Now set or update the contents of the visual.
104  visual_->setMessage ( msg );
105  //visual_->setFramePosition ( position );
106  //visual_->setFrameOrientation ( orientation );
107  //visual_->setScalePose ( property_scale_pose_->getFloat() );
108  //visual_->setColorPose ( property_color_pose_->getOgreColor() );
110  //auto dur = ros::Time::now() - tic;
111  //std::cout << "process message call took " << dur << "sec" << std::endl;
112  auto it = bool_properties_.find(msg->robot_name);
113  if (it == bool_properties_.end())
114  {
115  std::unique_ptr<rviz::BoolProperty> bp;
116  bp.reset(new rviz::BoolProperty(QString(msg->robot_name.c_str()),
117  true,
118  QString("display this robot?"),
120  SLOT(updateBoolProperty()),
121  this));
122  bool_properties_.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::unique_ptr<rviz::BoolProperty>>(msg->robot_name, std::move(bp)));
123  }
124 }
125 // After the top-level rviz::Display::initialize() does its own setup,
126 // it calls the subclass's onInitialize() function. This is where we
127 // instantiate all the workings of the class. We make sure to also
128 // call our immediate super-class's onInitialize() function, since it
129 // does important stuff setting up the message filter.
130 //
131 // Note that "MFDClass" is a typedef of
132 // ``MessageFilterDisplay<message type>``, to save typing that long
133 // templated class name every time you need to refer to the
134 // superclass.
138 }
141 }
143 // Clear the visual by deleting its object.
145  MFDClass::reset();
146 }
148 // Set the current scale for the visual's pose.
150  float scale = property_scale_pose_->getFloat();
151  visual_->setScalePose ( scale );
152 }
154 // Set the current color for the visual's pose.
156  Ogre::ColourValue color = property_color_pose_->getOgreColor();
157  visual_->setColorPose ( color );
158 }
161 {
162  if (!visual_) return;
163  for (const auto &it : bool_properties_)
164  {
165  if(!it.second->getBool())
166  {
167  visual_->disableRobot(it.first);
168  } else {
169  visual_->enableRobot(it.first);
170  }
171  }
172 }
175 {
176  if (!visual_) return;
177  visual_->resetDuration(ros::Duration(keep_measurements_->getInt(),0));
178 }
181 {
182  if (!visual_) return;
183  visual_->resetKeepMeasurementsCount(keep_alive_->getInt());
184 }
186 // This is our callback to handle an incoming message.
187 void MultiRobotInfoDisplay::processMessage (const tuw_multi_robot_msgs::RobotInfoConstPtr &msg ) {
188 }
190 } // end namespace tuw_geometry_rviz
192 // Tell pluginlib about this class. It is important to do this in
193 // global scope, outside our package's namespace.
Subscriber subscribe(const std::string &topic, uint32_t queue_size, void(T::*fp)(M), T *obj, const TransportHints &transport_hints=TransportHints())
DisplayContext * context_
std::map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< rviz::BoolProperty > > bool_properties_
std::shared_ptr< rviz::IntProperty > keep_alive_
Ogre::SceneNode * scene_node_
std::shared_ptr< MultiRobotInfoVisual > visual_
QString fixed_frame_
std::shared_ptr< rviz::ColorProperty > property_color_pose_
std::shared_ptr< rviz::IntProperty > keep_measurements_
virtual FrameManager * getFrameManager() const =0
virtual Ogre::SceneManager * getSceneManager() const =0
std::shared_ptr< rviz::Property > robot_bool_properties_
bool getTransform(const Header &header, Ogre::Vector3 &position, Ogre::Quaternion &orientation)
std::shared_ptr< rviz::FloatProperty > property_scale_pose_
static Time now()
void callbackRobotInfo(const tuw_multi_robot_msgs::RobotInfoConstPtr &msg)
#define PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS(class_type, base_class_type)
void processMessage(const tuw_multi_robot_msgs::RobotInfoConstPtr &msg)
#define ROS_DEBUG(...)

Author(s): Benjamin Binder
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 15:42:40