Go to the documentation of this file.
7 // Copyright (C) 1991,2,3,4: R B Davies
9 #ifndef NEWMATRM_LIB
10 #define NEWMATRM_LIB 0
12 #ifdef use_namespace
13 namespace NEWMAT {
14 #endif
17 class RectMatrixCol;
22 {
23 protected:
24 #ifdef use_namespace // to make namespace work
25 public:
26 #endif
27  Real* store; // pointer to storage
28  int n; // number of elements
29  int spacing; // space between elements
30  int shift; // space between cols or rows
31  RectMatrixRowCol(Real* st, int nx, int sp, int sh)
32  : store(st), n(nx), spacing(sp), shift(sh) {}
33  void Reset(Real* st, int nx, int sp, int sh)
34  { store=st; n=nx; spacing=sp; shift=sh; }
35 public:
36  Real operator*(const RectMatrixRowCol&) const; // dot product
37  void AddScaled(const RectMatrixRowCol&, Real); // add scaled
38  void Divide(const RectMatrixRowCol&, Real); // scaling
39  void Divide(Real); // scaling
40  void Negate(); // change sign
41  void Zero(); // zero row col
42  Real& operator[](int i) { return *(store+i*spacing); } // element
43  Real SumSquare() const; // sum of squares
44  Real& First() { return *store; } // get first element
45  void DownDiag() { store += (shift+spacing); n--; }
46  void UpDiag() { store -= (shift+spacing); n++; }
48  friend void Rotate(RectMatrixCol&, RectMatrixCol&, Real, Real);
50 };
55 {
56 public:
57  RectMatrixRow(const Matrix&, int, int, int);
58  RectMatrixRow(const Matrix&, int);
59  void Reset(const Matrix&, int, int, int);
60  void Reset(const Matrix&, int);
61  Real& operator[](int i) { return *(store+i); }
62  void Down() { store += shift; }
63  void Right() { store++; n--; }
64  void Up() { store -= shift; }
65  void Left() { store--; n++; }
67 };
72 {
73 public:
74  RectMatrixCol(const Matrix&, int, int, int);
75  RectMatrixCol(const Matrix&, int);
76  void Reset(const Matrix&, int, int, int);
77  void Reset(const Matrix&, int);
78  void Down() { store += spacing; n--; }
79  void Right() { store++; }
80  void Up() { store -= spacing; n++; }
81  void Left() { store--; }
83  friend void Rotate(RectMatrixCol&, RectMatrixCol&, Real, Real);
85 };
90 {
91 public:
93  : RectMatrixRowCol(D.Store(), D.Nrows(), 1, 1) {}
94  Real& operator[](int i) { return *(store+i); }
95  void DownDiag() { store++; n--; }
96  void UpDiag() { store--; n++; }
98 };
104  (const Matrix& M, int row, int skip, int length)
105  : RectMatrixRowCol( M.Store()+row*M.Ncols()+skip, length, 1, M.Ncols() ) {}
107 inline RectMatrixRow::RectMatrixRow (const Matrix& M, int row)
108  : RectMatrixRowCol( M.Store()+row*M.Ncols(), M.Ncols(), 1, M.Ncols() ) {}
111  (const Matrix& M, int skip, int col, int length)
112  : RectMatrixRowCol( M.Store()+col+skip*M.Ncols(), length, M.Ncols(), 1 ) {}
114 inline RectMatrixCol::RectMatrixCol (const Matrix& M, int col)
115  : RectMatrixRowCol( M.Store()+col, M.Nrows(), M.Ncols(), 1 ) {}
117 inline Real square(Real x) { return x*x; }
118 inline Real sign(Real x, Real y)
119  { return (y>=0) ? x : -x; } // assume x >=0
122 // Misc numerical things
124 Real pythag(Real f, Real g, Real& c, Real& s);
126 inline void GivensRotation(Real cGivens, Real sGivens, Real& x, Real& y)
127 {
128  // allow for possibility &x = &y
129  Real tmp0 = cGivens * x + sGivens * y;
130  Real tmp1 = -sGivens * x + cGivens * y;
131  x = tmp0; y = tmp1;
132 }
134 inline void GivensRotationR(Real cGivens, Real sGivens, Real& x, Real& y)
135 {
136  // also change sign of y
137  // allow for possibility &x = &y
138  Real tmp0 = cGivens * x + sGivens * y;
139  Real tmp1 = sGivens * x - cGivens * y;
140  x = tmp0; y = tmp1;
141 }
147 #ifdef use_namespace
148 }
149 #endif
151 #endif
153 // body file: newmatrm.cpp
void GivensRotation(Real cGivens, Real sGivens, Real &x, Real &y)
Definition: newmatrm.h:126
void GivensRotationR(Real cGivens, Real sGivens, Real &x, Real &y)
Definition: newmatrm.h:134
Real sign(Real x, Real y)
Definition: newmatrm.h:118
void Reset(Real *st, int nx, int sp, int sh)
Definition: newmatrm.h:33
Real square(Real x)
Definition: newmatrm.h:117
void Rotate(RectMatrixCol &U, RectMatrixCol &V, Real tau, Real s)
Definition: newmatrm.cpp:159
double Real
Definition: include.h:307
void Up()
Definition: newmatrm.h:80
#define FREE_CHECK(Class)
Definition: myexcept.h:328
Real & operator[](int i)
Definition: newmatrm.h:42
Real SumSquare(const BaseMatrix &B)
Definition: newmat.h:2095
Real pythag(Real f, Real g, Real &c, Real &s)
Definition: newmatrm.cpp:189
RectMatrixDiag(const DiagonalMatrix &D)
Definition: newmatrm.h:92
RectMatrixRow(const Matrix &, int, int, int)
Definition: newmatrm.h:104
RectMatrixCol(const Matrix &, int, int, int)
Definition: newmatrm.h:111
void ComplexScale(RectMatrixCol &U, RectMatrixCol &V, Real x, Real y)
Definition: newmatrm.cpp:135
Real * Store() const
Definition: newmat.h:497
RectMatrixRowCol(Real *st, int nx, int sp, int sh)
Definition: newmatrm.h:31
Real & operator[](int i)
Definition: newmatrm.h:61
void DownDiag()
Definition: newmatrm.h:95
void Left()
Definition: newmatrm.h:81
ScaledMatrix operator*(Real f, const BaseMatrix &BM)
Definition: newmat6.cpp:314
The usual rectangular matrix.
Definition: newmat.h:625
void Left()
Definition: newmatrm.h:65
void UpDiag()
Definition: newmatrm.h:46
Real & First()
Definition: newmatrm.h:44
int Ncols() const
Definition: newmat.h:495
Diagonal matrix.
Definition: newmat.h:896
void DownDiag()
Definition: newmatrm.h:45
void Up()
Definition: newmatrm.h:64
Real * store
Definition: newmatrm.h:27
void Right()
Definition: newmatrm.h:63
void Down()
Definition: newmatrm.h:62
void UpDiag()
Definition: newmatrm.h:96
void Right()
Definition: newmatrm.h:79
void Down()
Definition: newmatrm.h:78
Real & operator[](int i)
Definition: newmatrm.h:94

Author(s): Martin Günther
autogenerated on Fri Jan 3 2020 04:01:16