Public Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
BandLUMatrix Class Reference

LU decomposition of a band matrix. More...

#include <newmat.h>

Inheritance diagram for BandLUMatrix:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 BandLUMatrix ()
const Realconst_data2 () const
const int * const_data_indx () const
bool even_exchanges () const
void GetCol (MatrixRowCol &)
void GetCol (MatrixColX &c)
void GetRow (MatrixRowCol &)
bool is_singular () const
bool IsSingular () const
GeneralMatrixMakeSolver ()
int size2 () const
void cleanup ()
void MiniCleanUp ()
MatrixBandWidth bandwidth () const
void swap (BandLUMatrix &gm)
bool IsEqual (const GeneralMatrix &) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from GeneralMatrix
const Realconst_data () const
Realdata ()
const Realdata () const
ReturnMatrix ForReturn () const
void Inject (const GeneralMatrix &GM)
bool IsZero () const
int Ncols () const
int ncols () const
int Nrows () const
int nrows () const
void operator-= (Real r)
void operator/= (Real r)
void operator<< (const BaseMatrix &X)
MatrixInput operator<< (int f)
void protect ()
void Protect ()
void Release ()
void Release (int t)
void release ()
void release (int t)
void release_and_delete ()
void ReleaseAndDelete ()
virtual void ReSize (const GeneralMatrix &A)
virtual void RestoreCol (MatrixRowCol &)
virtual void RestoreCol (MatrixColX &)
virtual void RestoreRow (MatrixRowCol &)
virtual void SetParameters (const GeneralMatrix *)
int size () const
int Storage () const
RealStore () const
int tag () const
int Tag () const
MatrixType Type () const
virtual void NextRow (MatrixRowCol &)
virtual void NextCol (MatrixRowCol &)
virtual void NextCol (MatrixColX &)
Real sum_square () const
Real sum_absolute_value () const
Real sum () const
Real maximum_absolute_value1 (int &i) const
Real minimum_absolute_value1 (int &i) const
Real maximum1 (int &i) const
Real minimum1 (int &i) const
Real maximum_absolute_value () const
Real maximum_absolute_value2 (int &i, int &j) const
Real minimum_absolute_value () const
Real minimum_absolute_value2 (int &i, int &j) const
Real maximum () const
Real maximum2 (int &i, int &j) const
Real minimum () const
Real minimum2 (int &i, int &j) const
virtual ~GeneralMatrix ()
void tDelete ()
bool reuse ()
void inject (const GeneralMatrix &)
void CheckStore () const
 operator ReturnMatrix () const
ReturnMatrix for_return () const
virtual void resize (const GeneralMatrix &A)
MatrixInput operator<< (double)
MatrixInput operator<< (float)
void operator<< (const double *)
void operator<< (const float *)
void operator<< (const int *)
void operator+= (const BaseMatrix &)
void operator-= (const BaseMatrix &)
void operator*= (const BaseMatrix &)
void operator|= (const BaseMatrix &)
void operator&= (const BaseMatrix &)
void operator+= (Real)
void operator*= (Real)
bool is_zero () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseMatrix
ColedMatrix AsColumn () const
DiagedMatrix AsDiagonal () const
MatedMatrix AsMatrix (int m, int n) const
RowedMatrix AsRow () const
Real AsScalar () const
virtual MatrixBandWidth BandWidth () const
void CleanUp ()
GetSubMatrix Column (int f) const
GetSubMatrix Columns (int f, int l) const
Real Determinant () const
void IEQND () const
LogAndSign LogDeterminant () const
Real Maximum () const
Real Maximum1 (int &i) const
Real Maximum2 (int &i, int &j) const
Real MaximumAbsoluteValue () const
Real MaximumAbsoluteValue1 (int &i) const
Real MaximumAbsoluteValue2 (int &i, int &j) const
Real Minimum () const
Real Minimum1 (int &i) const
Real Minimum2 (int &i, int &j) const
Real MinimumAbsoluteValue () const
Real MinimumAbsoluteValue1 (int &i) const
Real MinimumAbsoluteValue2 (int &i, int &j) const
Real Norm1 () const
Real norm_frobenius () const
Real NormFrobenius () const
Real NormInfinity () const
ReversedMatrix Reverse () const
GetSubMatrix Row (int f) const
GetSubMatrix Rows (int f, int l) const
GetSubMatrix SubMatrix (int fr, int lr, int fc, int lc) const
virtual Real Sum () const
Real SumAbsoluteValue () const
Real SumSquare () const
GetSubMatrix SymSubMatrix (int f, int l) const
Real Trace () const
AddedMatrix operator+ (const BaseMatrix &) const
MultipliedMatrix operator* (const BaseMatrix &) const
SubtractedMatrix operator- (const BaseMatrix &) const
ConcatenatedMatrix operator| (const BaseMatrix &) const
StackedMatrix operator& (const BaseMatrix &) const
ShiftedMatrix operator+ (Real) const
ScaledMatrix operator* (Real) const
ScaledMatrix operator/ (Real) const
ShiftedMatrix operator- (Real) const
TransposedMatrix t () const
NegatedMatrix operator- () const
ReversedMatrix reverse () const
InvertedMatrix i () const
RowedMatrix as_row () const
ColedMatrix as_column () const
DiagedMatrix as_diagonal () const
MatedMatrix as_matrix (int, int) const
Real as_scalar () const
GetSubMatrix submatrix (int, int, int, int) const
GetSubMatrix sym_submatrix (int, int) const
GetSubMatrix row (int) const
GetSubMatrix rows (int, int) const
GetSubMatrix column (int) const
GetSubMatrix columns (int, int) const
Real determinant () const
Real norm_Frobenius () const
virtual Real trace () const
ReturnMatrix sum_square_columns () const
ReturnMatrix sum_square_rows () const
ReturnMatrix sum_columns () const
ReturnMatrix sum_rows () const
Real norm1 () const
Real norm_infinity () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Janitor
 Janitor ()
virtual ~Janitor ()

Private Attributes

bool d
int * indx
int m1
int m2
bool sing
int storage2
void ludcmp ()
void get_aux (BandLUMatrix &)
GeneralMatrixImage () const
 BandLUMatrix (const BaseMatrix &)
 BandLUMatrix (const BandLUMatrix &)
void operator= (const BandLUMatrix &)
GeneralMatrixEvaluate (MatrixType mt=MatrixTypeUnSp)
MatrixType type () const
void lubksb (Real *, int=0)
 ~BandLUMatrix ()
LogAndSign log_determinant () const
void Solver (MatrixColX &, const MatrixColX &)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from GeneralMatrix
void CheckConversion (const BaseMatrix &)
void MinusEqual (Real f)
void PlusEqual (Real f)
 GeneralMatrix ()
 GeneralMatrix (ArrayLengthSpecifier)
RealGetStore ()
GeneralMatrixBorrowStore (GeneralMatrix *, MatrixType)
void GetMatrix (const GeneralMatrix *)
void Eq (const BaseMatrix &, MatrixType)
void Eq (const GeneralMatrix &)
void Eq (const BaseMatrix &, MatrixType, bool)
void Eq2 (const BaseMatrix &, MatrixType)
int search (const BaseMatrix *) const
void resize (int, int, int)
virtual short SimpleAddOK (const GeneralMatrix *)
void swap (GeneralMatrix &gm)
void Add (GeneralMatrix *, Real)
void Add (Real)
void NegAdd (GeneralMatrix *, Real)
void NegAdd (Real)
void Multiply (GeneralMatrix *, Real)
void Multiply (Real)
void Negate (GeneralMatrix *)
void Negate ()
void ReverseElements ()
void ReverseElements (GeneralMatrix *)
virtual GeneralMatrixTranspose (TransposedMatrix *, MatrixType)
void operator= (Real)
void PlusEqual (const GeneralMatrix &gm)
void MinusEqual (const GeneralMatrix &gm)
- Protected Attributes inherited from GeneralMatrix
int ncols_val
int nrows_val
int storage
int tag_val

Detailed Description

LU decomposition of a band matrix.

Definition at line 1306 of file newmat.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BandLUMatrix::BandLUMatrix ( const BaseMatrix m)

Definition at line 248 of file bandmat.cpp.

BandLUMatrix::BandLUMatrix ( )

Definition at line 1319 of file newmat.h.

BandLUMatrix::BandLUMatrix ( const BandLUMatrix gm)

Definition at line 319 of file bandmat.cpp.

BandLUMatrix::~BandLUMatrix ( )

Definition at line 344 of file bandmat.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

MatrixBandWidth BandLUMatrix::bandwidth ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseMatrix.

Definition at line 684 of file newmat4.cpp.

void BandLUMatrix::cleanup ( )

Reimplemented from GeneralMatrix.

Definition at line 1142 of file newmat4.cpp.

const Real* BandLUMatrix::const_data2 ( ) const

Definition at line 1338 of file newmat.h.

const int* BandLUMatrix::const_data_indx ( ) const

Definition at line 1340 of file newmat.h.

GeneralMatrix * BandLUMatrix::Evaluate ( MatrixType  mt = MatrixTypeUnSp)

Reimplemented from GeneralMatrix.

Definition at line 274 of file bandmat.cpp.

bool BandLUMatrix::even_exchanges ( ) const

Definition at line 1341 of file newmat.h.

void BandLUMatrix::get_aux ( BandLUMatrix X)

Definition at line 285 of file bandmat.cpp.

void BandLUMatrix::GetCol ( MatrixRowCol )

Implements GeneralMatrix.

Definition at line 316 of file newmatex.cpp.

void BandLUMatrix::GetCol ( MatrixColX c)

Implements GeneralMatrix.

Definition at line 1332 of file newmat.h.

void BandLUMatrix::GetRow ( MatrixRowCol )

Implements GeneralMatrix.

Definition at line 314 of file newmatex.cpp.

GeneralMatrix * BandLUMatrix::Image ( ) const

Reimplemented from GeneralMatrix.

Definition at line 664 of file bandmat.cpp.

bool BandLUMatrix::is_singular ( ) const

Definition at line 1336 of file newmat.h.

bool BandLUMatrix::IsEqual ( const GeneralMatrix A) const

Reimplemented from GeneralMatrix.

Definition at line 924 of file newmat7.cpp.

bool BandLUMatrix::IsSingular ( ) const

Definition at line 1337 of file newmat.h.

LogAndSign BandLUMatrix::log_determinant ( ) const

Reimplemented from GeneralMatrix.

Definition at line 355 of file bandmat.cpp.

void BandLUMatrix::lubksb ( Real B,
int  mini = 0 

Definition at line 414 of file bandmat.cpp.

void BandLUMatrix::ludcmp ( )

Definition at line 373 of file bandmat.cpp.

GeneralMatrix* BandLUMatrix::MakeSolver ( )

Reimplemented from GeneralMatrix.

Definition at line 1327 of file newmat.h.

void BandLUMatrix::MiniCleanUp ( )

Reimplemented from GeneralMatrix.

Definition at line 1150 of file newmat4.cpp.

void BandLUMatrix::operator= ( const BandLUMatrix gm)

Definition at line 327 of file bandmat.cpp.

int BandLUMatrix::size2 ( ) const

Definition at line 1339 of file newmat.h.

void BandLUMatrix::Solver ( MatrixColX mcout,
const MatrixColX mcin 

Reimplemented from GeneralMatrix.

Definition at line 441 of file bandmat.cpp.

void BandLUMatrix::swap ( BandLUMatrix gm)

Definition at line 1309 of file newmat4.cpp.

MatrixType BandLUMatrix::type ( ) const

Implements GeneralMatrix.

Definition at line 352 of file bandmat.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

bool BandLUMatrix::d

Definition at line 1309 of file newmat.h.

int* BandLUMatrix::indx

Definition at line 1308 of file newmat.h.

int BandLUMatrix::m1

Definition at line 1313 of file newmat.h.

int BandLUMatrix::m2

Definition at line 1313 of file newmat.h.

bool BandLUMatrix::sing

Definition at line 1310 of file newmat.h.

int BandLUMatrix::storage2

Definition at line 1312 of file newmat.h.

Real* BandLUMatrix::store2

Definition at line 1311 of file newmat.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Martin Günther
autogenerated on Fri Jan 3 2020 04:01:17