Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CJointRelayHandlerMessage handler that relays joint positions (converts simple message types to ROS message types and publishes them)
 CJointTrajectoryDownloaderMessage handler that downloads joint trajectories to a robot controller that supports the trajectory downloading interface
 CJointTrajectoryInterfaceMessage handler that relays joint trajectories to the robot controller
 CJointTrajectoryStreamerMessage handler that streams joint trajectories to the robot controller
 CRobotStateInterfaceGeneric template that reads state-data from a robot controller and publishes matching messages to various ROS topics
 CRobotStatusRelayHandlerMessage handler that relays joint positions (converts simple message types to ROS message types and publishes them)

Author(s): Jeremy Zoss
autogenerated on Sat Sep 21 2019 03:30:13