Go to the documentation of this file.
12 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
13 // Squelch warnings about constant conditional expressions
14 # pragma warning (disable: 4127)
15 #endif
17 namespace GeographicLib {
19  using namespace std;
22  : eps_(numeric_limits<real>::epsilon())
23  , epsx_(Math::sq(eps_))
24  , epsx2_(Math::sq(epsx_))
25  , tol_(sqrt(eps_))
26  , tol0_(tol_ * sqrt(sqrt(eps_)))
27  , _a(a)
28  , _f(f)
29  , _fm(1 - _f)
30  , _e2(_f * (2 - _f))
31  , _e(sqrt(abs(_e2)))
32  , _e2m(1 - _e2)
33  , _qZ(1 + _e2m * atanhee(real(1)))
34  , _qx(_qZ / ( 2 * _e2m ))
35  {
36  if (!(Math::isfinite(_a) && _a > 0))
37  throw GeographicErr("Equatorial radius is not positive");
38  if (!(Math::isfinite(_f) && _f < 1))
39  throw GeographicErr("Polar semi-axis is not positive");
40  if (!(Math::isfinite(k0) && k0 > 0))
41  throw GeographicErr("Scale is not positive");
42  if (!(abs(stdlat) <= 90))
43  throw GeographicErr("Standard latitude not in [-90d, 90d]");
44  real sphi, cphi;
45  Math::sincosd(stdlat, sphi, cphi);
46  Init(sphi, cphi, sphi, cphi, k0);
47  }
50  real k1)
51  : eps_(numeric_limits<real>::epsilon())
52  , epsx_(Math::sq(eps_))
53  , epsx2_(Math::sq(epsx_))
54  , tol_(sqrt(eps_))
55  , tol0_(tol_ * sqrt(sqrt(eps_)))
56  , _a(a)
57  , _f(f)
58  , _fm(1 - _f)
59  , _e2(_f * (2 - _f))
60  , _e(sqrt(abs(_e2)))
61  , _e2m(1 - _e2)
62  , _qZ(1 + _e2m * atanhee(real(1)))
63  , _qx(_qZ / ( 2 * _e2m ))
64  {
65  if (!(Math::isfinite(_a) && _a > 0))
66  throw GeographicErr("Equatorial radius is not positive");
67  if (!(Math::isfinite(_f) && _f < 1))
68  throw GeographicErr("Polar semi-axis is not positive");
69  if (!(Math::isfinite(k1) && k1 > 0))
70  throw GeographicErr("Scale is not positive");
71  if (!(abs(stdlat1) <= 90))
72  throw GeographicErr("Standard latitude 1 not in [-90d, 90d]");
73  if (!(abs(stdlat2) <= 90))
74  throw GeographicErr("Standard latitude 2 not in [-90d, 90d]");
75  real sphi1, cphi1, sphi2, cphi2;
76  Math::sincosd(stdlat1, sphi1, cphi1);
77  Math::sincosd(stdlat2, sphi2, cphi2);
78  Init(sphi1, cphi1, sphi2, cphi2, k1);
79  }
82  real sinlat1, real coslat1,
83  real sinlat2, real coslat2,
84  real k1)
85  : eps_(numeric_limits<real>::epsilon())
86  , epsx_(Math::sq(eps_))
87  , epsx2_(Math::sq(epsx_))
88  , tol_(sqrt(eps_))
89  , tol0_(tol_ * sqrt(sqrt(eps_)))
90  , _a(a)
91  , _f(f)
92  , _fm(1 - _f)
93  , _e2(_f * (2 - _f))
94  , _e(sqrt(abs(_e2)))
95  , _e2m(1 - _e2)
96  , _qZ(1 + _e2m * atanhee(real(1)))
97  , _qx(_qZ / ( 2 * _e2m ))
98  {
99  if (!(Math::isfinite(_a) && _a > 0))
100  throw GeographicErr("Equatorial radius is not positive");
101  if (!(Math::isfinite(_f) && _f < 1))
102  throw GeographicErr("Polar semi-axis is not positive");
103  if (!(Math::isfinite(k1) && k1 > 0))
104  throw GeographicErr("Scale is not positive");
105  if (!(coslat1 >= 0))
106  throw GeographicErr("Standard latitude 1 not in [-90d, 90d]");
107  if (!(coslat2 >= 0))
108  throw GeographicErr("Standard latitude 2 not in [-90d, 90d]");
109  if (!(abs(sinlat1) <= 1 && coslat1 <= 1) || (coslat1 == 0 && sinlat1 == 0))
110  throw GeographicErr("Bad sine/cosine of standard latitude 1");
111  if (!(abs(sinlat2) <= 1 && coslat2 <= 1) || (coslat2 == 0 && sinlat2 == 0))
112  throw GeographicErr("Bad sine/cosine of standard latitude 2");
113  if (coslat1 == 0 && coslat2 == 0 && sinlat1 * sinlat2 <= 0)
114  throw GeographicErr
115  ("Standard latitudes cannot be opposite poles");
116  Init(sinlat1, coslat1, sinlat2, coslat2, k1);
117  }
119  void AlbersEqualArea::Init(real sphi1, real cphi1,
120  real sphi2, real cphi2, real k1) {
121  {
122  real r;
123  r = Math::hypot(sphi1, cphi1);
124  sphi1 /= r; cphi1 /= r;
125  r = Math::hypot(sphi2, cphi2);
126  sphi2 /= r; cphi2 /= r;
127  }
128  bool polar = (cphi1 == 0);
129  cphi1 = max(epsx_, cphi1); // Avoid singularities at poles
130  cphi2 = max(epsx_, cphi2);
131  // Determine hemisphere of tangent latitude
132  _sign = sphi1 + sphi2 >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
133  // Internally work with tangent latitude positive
134  sphi1 *= _sign; sphi2 *= _sign;
135  if (sphi1 > sphi2) {
136  swap(sphi1, sphi2); swap(cphi1, cphi2); // Make phi1 < phi2
137  }
138  real
139  tphi1 = sphi1/cphi1, tphi2 = sphi2/cphi2;
141  // q = (1-e^2)*(sphi/(1-e^2*sphi^2) - atanhee(sphi))
142  // qZ = q(pi/2) = (1 + (1-e^2)*atanhee(1))
143  // atanhee(x) = atanh(e*x)/e
144  // q = sxi * qZ
145  // dq/dphi = 2*(1-e^2)*cphi/(1-e^2*sphi^2)^2
146  //
147  // n = (m1^2-m2^2)/(q2-q1) -> sin(phi0) for phi1, phi2 -> phi0
148  // C = m1^2 + n*q1 = (m1^2*q2-m2^2*q1)/(q2-q1)
149  // let
150  // rho(pi/2)/rho(-pi/2) = (1-s)/(1+s)
151  // s = n*qZ/C
152  // = qZ * (m1^2-m2^2)/(m1^2*q2-m2^2*q1)
153  // = qZ * (scbet2^2 - scbet1^2)/(scbet2^2*q2 - scbet1^2*q1)
154  // = (scbet2^2 - scbet1^2)/(scbet2^2*sxi2 - scbet1^2*sxi1)
155  // = (tbet2^2 - tbet1^2)/(scbet2^2*sxi2 - scbet1^2*sxi1)
156  // 1-s = -((1-sxi2)*scbet2^2 - (1-sxi1)*scbet1^2)/
157  // (scbet2^2*sxi2 - scbet1^2*sxi1)
158  //
159  // Define phi0 to give same value of s, i.e.,
160  // s = sphi0 * qZ / (m0^2 + sphi0*q0)
161  // = sphi0 * scbet0^2 / (1/qZ + sphi0 * scbet0^2 * sxi0)
163  real tphi0, C;
164  if (polar || tphi1 == tphi2) {
165  tphi0 = tphi2;
166  C = 1; // ignored
167  } else {
168  real
169  tbet1 = _fm * tphi1, scbet12 = 1 + Math::sq(tbet1),
170  tbet2 = _fm * tphi2, scbet22 = 1 + Math::sq(tbet2),
171  txi1 = txif(tphi1), cxi1 = 1/hyp(txi1), sxi1 = txi1 * cxi1,
172  txi2 = txif(tphi2), cxi2 = 1/hyp(txi2), sxi2 = txi2 * cxi2,
173  dtbet2 = _fm * (tbet1 + tbet2),
174  es1 = 1 - _e2 * Math::sq(sphi1), es2 = 1 - _e2 * Math::sq(sphi2),
175  /*
176  dsxi = ( (_e2 * sq(sphi2 + sphi1) + es2 + es1) / (2 * es2 * es1) +
177  Datanhee(sphi2, sphi1) ) * Dsn(tphi2, tphi1, sphi2, sphi1) /
178  ( 2 * _qx ),
179  */
180  dsxi = ( (1 + _e2 * sphi1 * sphi2) / (es2 * es1) +
181  Datanhee(sphi2, sphi1) ) * Dsn(tphi2, tphi1, sphi2, sphi1) /
182  ( 2 * _qx ),
183  den = (sxi2 + sxi1) * dtbet2 + (scbet22 + scbet12) * dsxi,
184  // s = (sq(tbet2) - sq(tbet1)) / (scbet22*sxi2 - scbet12*sxi1)
185  s = 2 * dtbet2 / den,
186  // 1-s = -(sq(scbet2)*(1-sxi2) - sq(scbet1)*(1-sxi1)) /
187  // (scbet22*sxi2 - scbet12*sxi1)
188  // Write
189  // sq(scbet)*(1-sxi) = sq(scbet)*(1-sphi) * (1-sxi)/(1-sphi)
190  sm1 = -Dsn(tphi2, tphi1, sphi2, sphi1) *
191  ( -( ((sphi2 <= 0 ? (1 - sxi2) / (1 - sphi2) :
192  Math::sq(cxi2/cphi2) * (1 + sphi2) / (1 + sxi2)) +
193  (sphi1 <= 0 ? (1 - sxi1) / (1 - sphi1) :
194  Math::sq(cxi1/cphi1) * (1 + sphi1) / (1 + sxi1))) ) *
195  (1 + _e2 * (sphi1 + sphi2 + sphi1 * sphi2)) /
196  (1 + (sphi1 + sphi2 + sphi1 * sphi2)) +
197  (scbet22 * (sphi2 <= 0 ? 1 - sphi2 :
198  Math::sq(cphi2) / ( 1 + sphi2)) +
199  scbet12 * (sphi1 <= 0 ? 1 - sphi1 : Math::sq(cphi1) / ( 1 + sphi1)))
200  * (_e2 * (1 + sphi1 + sphi2 + _e2 * sphi1 * sphi2)/(es1 * es2)
201  +_e2m * DDatanhee(sphi1, sphi2) ) / _qZ ) / den;
202  // C = (scbet22*sxi2 - scbet12*sxi1) / (scbet22 * scbet12 * (sx2 - sx1))
203  C = den / (2 * scbet12 * scbet22 * dsxi);
204  tphi0 = (tphi2 + tphi1)/2;
205  real stol = tol0_ * max(real(1), abs(tphi0));
206  for (int i = 0; i < 2*numit0_ || GEOGRAPHICLIB_PANIC; ++i) {
207  // Solve (scbet0^2 * sphi0) / (1/qZ + scbet0^2 * sphi0 * sxi0) = s
208  // for tphi0 by Newton's method on
209  // v(tphi0) = (scbet0^2 * sphi0) - s * (1/qZ + scbet0^2 * sphi0 * sxi0)
210  // = 0
211  // Alt:
212  // (scbet0^2 * sphi0) / (1/qZ - scbet0^2 * sphi0 * (1-sxi0))
213  // = s / (1-s)
214  // w(tphi0) = (1-s) * (scbet0^2 * sphi0)
215  // - s * (1/qZ - scbet0^2 * sphi0 * (1-sxi0))
216  // = (1-s) * (scbet0^2 * sphi0)
217  // - S/qZ * (1 - scbet0^2 * sphi0 * (qZ-q0))
218  // Now
219  // qZ-q0 = (1+e2*sphi0)*(1-sphi0)/(1-e2*sphi0^2) +
220  // (1-e2)*atanhee((1-sphi0)/(1-e2*sphi0))
221  // In limit sphi0 -> 1, qZ-q0 -> 2*(1-sphi0)/(1-e2), so wrte
222  // qZ-q0 = 2*(1-sphi0)/(1-e2) + A + B
223  // A = (1-sphi0)*( (1+e2*sphi0)/(1-e2*sphi0^2) - (1+e2)/(1-e2) )
224  // = -e2 *(1-sphi0)^2 * (2+(1+e2)*sphi0) / ((1-e2)*(1-e2*sphi0^2))
225  // B = (1-e2)*atanhee((1-sphi0)/(1-e2*sphi0)) - (1-sphi0)
226  // = (1-sphi0)*(1-e2)/(1-e2*sphi0)*
227  // ((atanhee(x)/x-1) - e2*(1-sphi0)/(1-e2))
228  // x = (1-sphi0)/(1-e2*sphi0), atanhee(x)/x = atanh(e*x)/(e*x)
229  //
230  // 1 - scbet0^2 * sphi0 * (qZ-q0)
231  // = 1 - scbet0^2 * sphi0 * (2*(1-sphi0)/(1-e2) + A + B)
232  // = D - scbet0^2 * sphi0 * (A + B)
233  // D = 1 - scbet0^2 * sphi0 * 2*(1-sphi0)/(1-e2)
234  // = (1-sphi0)*(1-e2*(1+2*sphi0*(1+sphi0)))/((1-e2)*(1+sphi0))
235  // dD/dsphi0 = -2*(1-e2*sphi0^2*(2*sphi0+3))/((1-e2)*(1+sphi0)^2)
236  // d(A+B)/dsphi0 = 2*(1-sphi0^2)*e2*(2-e2*(1+sphi0^2))/
237  // ((1-e2)*(1-e2*sphi0^2)^2)
239  real
240  scphi02 = 1 + Math::sq(tphi0), scphi0 = sqrt(scphi02),
241  // sphi0m = 1-sin(phi0) = 1/( sec(phi0) * (tan(phi0) + sec(phi0)) )
242  sphi0 = tphi0 / scphi0, sphi0m = 1/(scphi0 * (tphi0 + scphi0)),
243  // scbet0^2 * sphi0
244  g = (1 + Math::sq( _fm * tphi0 )) * sphi0,
245  // dg/dsphi0 = dg/dtphi0 * scphi0^3
246  dg = _e2m * scphi02 * (1 + 2 * Math::sq(tphi0)) + _e2,
247  D = sphi0m * (1 - _e2*(1 + 2*sphi0*(1+sphi0))) / (_e2m * (1+sphi0)),
248  // dD/dsphi0
249  dD = -2 * (1 - _e2*Math::sq(sphi0) * (2*sphi0+3)) /
250  (_e2m * Math::sq(1+sphi0)),
251  A = -_e2 * Math::sq(sphi0m) * (2+(1+_e2)*sphi0) /
252  (_e2m*(1-_e2*Math::sq(sphi0))),
253  B = (sphi0m * _e2m / (1 - _e2*sphi0) *
254  (atanhxm1(_e2 *
255  Math::sq(sphi0m / (1-_e2*sphi0))) - _e2*sphi0m/_e2m)),
256  // d(A+B)/dsphi0
257  dAB = (2 * _e2 * (2 - _e2 * (1 + Math::sq(sphi0))) /
258  (_e2m * Math::sq(1 - _e2*Math::sq(sphi0)) * scphi02)),
259  u = sm1 * g - s/_qZ * ( D - g * (A + B) ),
260  // du/dsphi0
261  du = sm1 * dg - s/_qZ * (dD - dg * (A + B) - g * dAB),
262  dtu = -u/du * (scphi0 * scphi02);
263  tphi0 += dtu;
264  if (!(abs(dtu) >= stol))
265  break;
266  }
267  }
268  _txi0 = txif(tphi0); _scxi0 = hyp(_txi0); _sxi0 = _txi0 / _scxi0;
269  _n0 = tphi0/hyp(tphi0);
270  _m02 = 1 / (1 + Math::sq(_fm * tphi0));
271  _nrho0 = polar ? 0 : _a * sqrt(_m02);
272  _k0 = sqrt(tphi1 == tphi2 ? 1 : C / (_m02 + _n0 * _qZ * _sxi0)) * k1;
273  _k2 = Math::sq(_k0);
274  _lat0 = _sign * atan(tphi0)/Math::degree();
275  }
278  static const AlbersEqualArea
279  cylindricalequalarea(Constants::WGS84_a(), Constants::WGS84_f(),
280  real(0), real(1), real(0), real(1), real(1));
281  return cylindricalequalarea;
282  }
285  static const AlbersEqualArea
286  azimuthalequalareanorth(Constants::WGS84_a(), Constants::WGS84_f(),
287  real(1), real(0), real(1), real(0), real(1));
288  return azimuthalequalareanorth;
289  }
292  static const AlbersEqualArea
293  azimuthalequalareasouth(Constants::WGS84_a(), Constants::WGS84_f(),
294  real(-1), real(0), real(-1), real(0), real(1));
295  return azimuthalequalareasouth;
296  }
299  // sxi = ( sphi/(1-e2*sphi^2) + atanhee(sphi) ) /
300  // ( 1/(1-e2) + atanhee(1) )
301  //
302  // txi = ( sphi/(1-e2*sphi^2) + atanhee(sphi) ) /
303  // sqrt( ( (1+e2*sphi)*(1-sphi)/( (1-e2*sphi^2) * (1-e2) ) +
304  // atanhee((1-sphi)/(1-e2*sphi)) ) *
305  // ( (1-e2*sphi)*(1+sphi)/( (1-e2*sphi^2) * (1-e2) ) +
306  // atanhee((1+sphi)/(1+e2*sphi)) ) )
307  //
308  // subst 1-sphi = cphi^2/(1+sphi)
309  int s = tphi < 0 ? -1 : 1; // Enforce odd parity
310  tphi *= s;
311  real
312  cphi2 = 1 / (1 + Math::sq(tphi)),
313  sphi = tphi * sqrt(cphi2),
314  es1 = _e2 * sphi,
315  es2m1 = 1 - es1 * sphi,
316  sp1 = 1 + sphi,
317  es1m1 = (1 - es1) * sp1,
318  es2m1a = _e2m * es2m1,
319  es1p1 = sp1 / (1 + es1);
320  return s * ( sphi / es2m1 + atanhee(sphi) ) /
321  sqrt( ( cphi2 / (es1p1 * es2m1a) + atanhee(cphi2 / es1m1) ) *
322  ( es1m1 / es2m1a + atanhee(es1p1) ) );
323  }
326  real
327  tphi = txi,
328  stol = tol_ * max(real(1), abs(txi));
329  // CHECK: min iterations = 1, max iterations = 2; mean = 1.99
330  for (int i = 0; i < numit_ || GEOGRAPHICLIB_PANIC; ++i) {
331  // dtxi/dtphi = (scxi/scphi)^3 * 2*(1-e^2)/(qZ*(1-e^2*sphi^2)^2)
332  real
333  txia = txif(tphi),
334  tphi2 = Math::sq(tphi),
335  scphi2 = 1 + tphi2,
336  scterm = scphi2/(1 + Math::sq(txia)),
337  dtphi = (txi - txia) * scterm * sqrt(scterm) *
338  _qx * Math::sq(1 - _e2 * tphi2 / scphi2);
339  tphi += dtphi;
340  if (!(abs(dtphi) >= stol))
341  break;
342  }
343  return tphi;
344  }
346  // return atanh(sqrt(x))/sqrt(x) - 1 = y/3 + y^2/5 + y^3/7 + ...
347  // typical x < e^2 = 2*f
349  real s = 0;
350  if (abs(x) < real(0.5)) {
351  real os = -1, y = 1, k = 1;
352  while (os != s) {
353  os = s;
354  y *= x; // y = x^n
355  k += 2; // k = 2*n + 1
356  s += y/k; // sum( x^n/(2*n + 1) )
357  }
358  } else {
359  real xs = sqrt(abs(x));
360  s = (x > 0 ? Math::atanh(xs) : atan(xs)) / xs - 1;
361  }
362  return s;
363  }
365  // return (Datanhee(1,y) - Datanhee(1,x))/(y-x)
367  real s = 0;
368  if (_e2 * (abs(x) + abs(y)) < real(0.5)) {
369  real os = -1, z = 1, k = 1, t = 0, c = 0, en = 1;
370  while (os != s) {
371  os = s;
372  t = y * t + z; c += t; z *= x;
373  t = y * t + z; c += t; z *= x;
374  k += 2; en *= _e2;
375  // Here en[l] = e2^l, k[l] = 2*l + 1,
376  // c[l] = sum( x^i * y^j; i >= 0, j >= 0, i+j < 2*l)
377  s += en * c / k;
378  }
379  // Taylor expansion is
380  // s = sum( c[l] * e2^l / (2*l + 1), l, 1, N)
381  } else
382  s = (Datanhee(1, y) - Datanhee(x, y))/(1 - x);
383  return s;
384  }
387  real& x, real& y, real& gamma, real& k) const {
388  lon = Math::AngDiff(lon0, lon);
389  lat *= _sign;
390  real sphi, cphi;
391  Math::sincosd(Math::LatFix(lat) * _sign, sphi, cphi);
392  cphi = max(epsx_, cphi);
393  real
394  lam = lon * Math::degree(),
395  tphi = sphi/cphi, txi = txif(tphi), sxi = txi/hyp(txi),
396  dq = _qZ * Dsn(txi, _txi0, sxi, _sxi0) * (txi - _txi0),
397  drho = - _a * dq / (sqrt(_m02 - _n0 * dq) + _nrho0 / _a),
398  theta = _k2 * _n0 * lam, stheta = sin(theta), ctheta = cos(theta),
399  t = _nrho0 + _n0 * drho;
400  x = t * (_n0 != 0 ? stheta / _n0 : _k2 * lam) / _k0;
401  y = (_nrho0 *
402  (_n0 != 0 ?
403  (ctheta < 0 ? 1 - ctheta : Math::sq(stheta)/(1 + ctheta)) / _n0 :
404  0)
405  - drho * ctheta) / _k0;
406  k = _k0 * (t != 0 ? t * hyp(_fm * tphi) / _a : 1);
407  y *= _sign;
408  gamma = _sign * theta / Math::degree();
409  }
412  real& lat, real& lon,
413  real& gamma, real& k) const {
414  y *= _sign;
415  real
416  nx = _k0 * _n0 * x, ny = _k0 * _n0 * y, y1 = _nrho0 - ny,
417  den = Math::hypot(nx, y1) + _nrho0, // 0 implies origin with polar aspect
418  drho = den != 0 ? (_k0*x*nx - 2*_k0*y*_nrho0 + _k0*y*ny) / den : 0,
419  // dsxia = scxi0 * dsxi
420  dsxia = - _scxi0 * (2 * _nrho0 + _n0 * drho) * drho /
421  (Math::sq(_a) * _qZ),
422  txi = (_txi0 + dsxia) / sqrt(max(1 - dsxia * (2*_txi0 + dsxia), epsx2_)),
423  tphi = tphif(txi),
424  theta = atan2(nx, y1),
425  lam = _n0 != 0 ? theta / (_k2 * _n0) : x / (y1 * _k0);
426  gamma = _sign * theta / Math::degree();
427  lat = Math::atand(_sign * tphi);
428  lon = lam / Math::degree();
429  lon = Math::AngNormalize(lon + Math::AngNormalize(lon0));
430  k = _k0 * (den != 0 ? (_nrho0 + _n0 * drho) * hyp(_fm * tphi) / _a : 1);
431  }
434  if (!(Math::isfinite(k) && k > 0))
435  throw GeographicErr("Scale is not positive");
436  if (!(abs(lat) < 90))
437  throw GeographicErr("Latitude for SetScale not in (-90d, 90d)");
438  real x, y, gamma, kold;
439  Forward(0, lat, 0, x, y, gamma, kold);
440  k /= kold;
441  _k0 *= k;
442  _k2 = Math::sq(_k0);
443  }
445 } // namespace GeographicLib
static T AngNormalize(T x)
Definition: Math.hpp:440
static real Dsn(real x, real y, real sx, real sy)
#define max(a, b)
Definition: datatypes.h:20
void Reverse(real lon0, real x, real y, real &lat, real &lon, real &gamma, real &k) const
Scalar * y
static T atand(T x)
Definition: Math.hpp:723
static const double lat
AlbersEqualArea(real a, real f, real stdlat, real k0)
static bool isfinite(T x)
Definition: Math.hpp:806
static const AlbersEqualArea & CylindricalEqualArea()
static T LatFix(T x)
Definition: Math.hpp:467
Scalar Scalar * c
Definition: benchVecAdd.cpp:17
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const SqrtReturnType sqrt() const
Mathematical functions needed by GeographicLib.
Definition: Math.hpp:102
Definition: Half.h:150
static void sincosd(T x, T &sinx, T &cosx)
Definition: Math.hpp:558
static T AngDiff(T x, T y, T &e)
Definition: Math.hpp:486
static T atanh(T x)
Definition: Math.hpp:328
real DDatanhee(real x, real y) const
Rot2 theta
Matrix< SCALARB, Dynamic, Dynamic > B
Definition: bench_gemm.cpp:36
void g(const string &key, int i)
Definition: testBTree.cpp:43
static double epsilon
Definition: testRot3.cpp:39
Array33i a
Header for GeographicLib::AlbersEqualArea class.
Albers equal area conic projection.
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const CosReturnType cos() const
int EIGEN_BLAS_FUNC() swap(int *n, RealScalar *px, int *incx, RealScalar *py, int *incy)
Definition: level1_impl.h:152
static T hypot(T x, T y)
Definition: Math.hpp:243
const mpreal gamma(const mpreal &x, mp_rnd_t r=mpreal::get_default_rnd())
Definition: mpreal.h:2262
static const AlbersEqualArea & AzimuthalEqualAreaNorth()
static T sq(T x)
Definition: Math.hpp:232
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const AtanReturnType atan() const
Point2(* f)(const Point3 &, OptionalJacobian< 2, 3 >)
Namespace for GeographicLib.
RealScalar s
const double lon0
static T degree()
Definition: Math.hpp:216
Jet< T, N > atan2(const Jet< T, N > &g, const Jet< T, N > &f)
Definition: jet.h:556
Matrix< Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic > C
Definition: bench_gemm.cpp:37
void Init(real sphi1, real cphi1, real sphi2, real cphi2, real k1)
real Datanhee(real x, real y) const
Exception handling for GeographicLib.
Definition: Constants.hpp:389
ofstream os("timeSchurFactors.csv")
void Forward(real lon0, real lat, real lon, real &x, real &y, real &gamma, real &k) const
static const AlbersEqualArea & AzimuthalEqualAreaSouth()
static const double lon
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const SinReturnType sin() const
set noclip points set clip one set noclip two set bar set border lt lw set xdata set ydata set zdata set x2data set y2data set boxwidth set dummy x
#define abs(x)
Definition: datatypes.h:17
Point2 t(10, 10)
Definition: Math.hpp:87
void SetScale(real lat, real k=real(1))

autogenerated on Sat May 8 2021 02:41:36