▼Ccostmap_2d::Costmap2D [external] | |
Cfrontier_exploration::BoundedExploreLayer | Costmap_2d layer plugin that holds the state for a bounded frontier exploration task. Manages the boundary polygon, superimposes the polygon on the overall exploration costmap, and processes costmap to find next frontier to explore |
Cfrontier_exploration::FrontierExplorationClient | Client for FrontierExplorationServer that receives control points from rviz, and creates boundary polygon for frontier exploration |
Cfrontier_exploration::FrontierExplorationServer | Server for frontier exploration action, runs the state machine associated with a structured frontier exploration task and manages robot movement through move_base |
Cfrontier_exploration::FrontierSearch | Thread-safe implementation of a frontier-search task for an input costmap |
▼Ccostmap_2d::Layer [external] | |
Cfrontier_exploration::BoundedExploreLayer | Costmap_2d layer plugin that holds the state for a bounded frontier exploration task. Manages the boundary polygon, superimposes the polygon on the overall exploration costmap, and processes costmap to find next frontier to explore |
▼CTest | |
CNearestCellTest | |
CNeighborhoodFunctionTest | |
▼CTest | |
CPointInPolygonTest |