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pose_prediction_ism::PredictorWithScore Class Referenceabstract

#include <predictor_with_score.h>

Inheritance diagram for pose_prediction_ism::PredictorWithScore:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 PredictorWithScore (std::string database_filename, std::string name_space, PredictorType predictor_type)
- Public Member Functions inherited from pose_prediction_ism::PosePredictor
void clearPointCloud ()
void disableRandom ()
void enableRandom (double sphere_radius, double max_projection_angle)
AttributedPointCloud getAttributedPointCloud () const
std::string getMarkerNameSpace () const
PredictorType getPredictorType () const
virtual AttributedPointCloud predictUnfoundPoses (ISM::PosePtr &reference_pose, std::string pattern_name, double percentage_of_records_for_prediction)=0
 predictUnfoundPoses Processes the following steps for each object in the objectpattern set. More...
void setFoundObjects (const FoundObjects &value)
void setPredictionGenerationFactor (double prediction_generation_factor_)
void traverseISM (std::string pattern_name, unsigned int level)

Protected Types

typedef std::pair< IsmObjects, double > PathWithScore
- Protected Types inherited from pose_prediction_ism::PosePredictor
typedef std::pair< std::string, std::string > IsmObject
typedef std::vector< IsmObjectIsmObjects
typedef std::set< IsmObjectIsmObjectSet
typedef std::map< IsmObject, unsigned int > SizeMap
typedef boost::variate_generator< boost::mt19937, boost::uniform_real<> > UniformDistributionGenerator

Protected Member Functions

virtual double calculatePathScore (IsmObjects path)=0
- Protected Member Functions inherited from pose_prediction_ism::PosePredictor
void addPointToPointCloud (ISM::PosePtr pose_to_add, std::string type, std::string identifier)
 RecognizerPredictionISM::addPointToPointCloud Adds an ISM Pose with object type and identifier as attributed point to the attributed point cloud if the number of hypotheses is higher than the threshold. More...
virtual void createAttributedPointCloud (ISM::PosePtr reference_pose_ptr, double percentage_of_records_for_prediction)=0
IsmObjectSet getObjectTypesAndIdsBelongingToPattern (std::string type)
bool isFoundObject (IsmObject object)
bool isPointCloudEmpty ()
bool isReferenceObject (IsmObject object)
 PosePredictor (std::string database_filename, std::string name_space, PredictorType predictor_type)
ISM::PosePtr predictPose (ISM::PosePtr reference_pose_ptr, IsmObjects path_to_object)
 ~PosePredictor ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from pose_prediction_ism::PosePredictor
AttributedPointCloud attributed_point_cloud_
double average_votes_ = 0
double prediction_generation_factor_ = 1
SizeMap specifiers_size_map_
ISM::PatternToObjectToVoteMap votes_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 24 of file predictor_with_score.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 32 of file predictor_with_score.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

pose_prediction_ism::PredictorWithScore::PredictorWithScore ( std::string  database_filename,
std::string  name_space,
PredictorType  predictor_type 

Definition at line 22 of file predictor_with_score.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

virtual double pose_prediction_ism::PredictorWithScore::calculatePathScore ( IsmObjects  path)
protectedpure virtual

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Heizmann Heinrich, Heller Florian, Meißner Pascal, Stöckle Patrick
autogenerated on Thu Jan 9 2020 07:19:57