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ApproxMVBB Namespace Reference

These are some container definitions. More...


 This These are some small matrix definitions.


class  AABB
class  ConvexHull2D
class  DiameterEstimator
class  Exception
struct  GlobalConfigs
class  MinAreaRectangle
struct  MyMatrixIOFormat
class  OOBB
class  ProjectedPointSet


using AABB2d = AABB< 2 >
using AABB3d = AABB< 3 >


template<typename Derived >
APPROXMVBB_EXPORT OOBB approximateMVBB (const MatrixBase< Derived > &points, const PREC epsilon, const unsigned int pointSamples=400, const unsigned int gridSize=5, const unsigned int mvbbDiamOptLoops=0, const unsigned int mvbbGridSearchOptLoops=6, std::size_t seed=ApproxMVBB::RandomGenerators::defaultSeed)
template<typename Derived >
APPROXMVBB_EXPORT OOBB approximateMVBBDiam (const MatrixBase< Derived > &points, const PREC epsilon, const unsigned int optLoops=10, std::size_t seed=ApproxMVBB::RandomGenerators::defaultSeed)
template<typename Derived >
APPROXMVBB_EXPORT OOBB approximateMVBBGridSearch (const MatrixBase< Derived > &points, OOBB oobb, PREC epsilon, const unsigned int gridSize=5, const unsigned int optLoops=6, PREC volumeAcceptFactor=1e-6, PREC minBoxExtent=1e-12)
template<typename Derived >
APPROXMVBB_EXPORT OOBB optimizeMVBB (const MatrixBase< Derived > &points, OOBB oobb, unsigned int nLoops=10, PREC volumeAcceptFactor=1e-6, PREC minBoxExtent=1e-12)
template<typename Derived >
ApproxMVBB_DEFINE_MATRIX_TYPES ApproxMVBB_DEFINE_POINTS_CONFIG_TYPES APPROXMVBB_EXPORT void samplePointsGrid (Matrix3Dyn &newPoints, const MatrixBase< Derived > &points, const unsigned int nPoints, OOBB &oobb, std::size_t seed=ApproxMVBB::RandomGenerators::defaultSeed)

Detailed Description

These are some container definitions.

Typedef Documentation

using ApproxMVBB::AABB2d = typedef AABB<2>

Definition at line 259 of file AABB.hpp.

using ApproxMVBB::AABB3d = typedef AABB<3>

Definition at line 258 of file AABB.hpp.

Function Documentation

template<typename Derived >
APPROXMVBB_EXPORT OOBB ApproxMVBB::approximateMVBB ( const MatrixBase< Derived > &  points,
const PREC  epsilon,
const unsigned int  pointSamples = 400,
const unsigned int  gridSize = 5,
const unsigned int  mvbbDiamOptLoops = 0,
const unsigned int  mvbbGridSearchOptLoops = 6,
std::size_t  seed = ApproxMVBB::RandomGenerators::defaultSeed 

Definition at line 339 of file ComputeApproxMVBB.hpp.

template<typename Derived >
APPROXMVBB_EXPORT OOBB ApproxMVBB::approximateMVBBDiam ( const MatrixBase< Derived > &  points,
const PREC  epsilon,
const unsigned int  optLoops = 10,
std::size_t  seed = ApproxMVBB::RandomGenerators::defaultSeed 

Function to optimize oriented bounding box volume. This constructs an approximation of a tightly fitted bounding box by computing the diameter d in 3d and afterwards the projection of the points in the plane perpendicular to direction d and then the diameter f in 2d and extruding the OOBB in 2d to the final OOBB approximation in 3d.

Definition at line 301 of file ComputeApproxMVBB.hpp.

template<typename Derived >
APPROXMVBB_EXPORT OOBB ApproxMVBB::approximateMVBBGridSearch ( const MatrixBase< Derived > &  points,
OOBB  oobb,
PREC  epsilon,
const unsigned int  gridSize = 5,
const unsigned int  optLoops = 6,
PREC  volumeAcceptFactor = 1e-6,
PREC  minBoxExtent = 1e-12 

Function to optimize oriented bounding box volume. This performs an exhaustive grid search over a given tighly fitted bounding box (use approximateMVBBDiam) to find a tighter volume.

gridSizeis half the grid size of the 3d test grid in each direction, for example gridDimX , gridDimY, gridDimZ = [-gridSize,gridSize]
optLoopshow many optimization loops are preformed for the oobb computed in the given discrete sampled direction in the grid (see optimizeMVBB)
volumeAcceptFactoris volumeAcceptTol = oobb.volume * volumeAcceptFactor, which determines the tolerance when a new volume is accepted
minBoxExtentis the minmum extent direction a box must have, to make the volume not zero and comparable to other volumes which is useful for degenerate cases, such as all points in a surface

Definition at line 234 of file ComputeApproxMVBB.hpp.

template<typename Derived >
APPROXMVBB_EXPORT OOBB ApproxMVBB::optimizeMVBB ( const MatrixBase< Derived > &  points,
OOBB  oobb,
unsigned int  nLoops = 10,
PREC  volumeAcceptFactor = 1e-6,
PREC  minBoxExtent = 1e-12 

Function to optimize oriented bounding box volume. Projecting nLoops times into the direction of the axis of the current oobb, constructing the mvbb and overwriting the current oobb if volume is smaller

volumeAcceptFactoris volumeAcceptTol = oobb.volume * volumeAcceptFactor, which determines the tolerance when a new volume is accepted
minBoxExtentis the minmum extent direction a box must have, to make the volume not zero and comparable to other volumes which is useful for degenerate cases, such as all points in a surface

Definition at line 164 of file ComputeApproxMVBB.hpp.

template<typename Derived >
const MatrixBase< Derived > &  points,
const unsigned int  nPoints,
OOBB oobb,
std::size_t  seed = ApproxMVBB::RandomGenerators::defaultSeed 

We are given a point set, and (hopefully) a tight fitting bounding box. We compute a sample of the given size nPoints that represents the point-set. The only guarenteed is that if we use sample of size m, we get an approximation of quality about 1/{m}. Note that we pad the sample if necessary to get the desired size. This function changes the oobb and sets the z Axis to the greates extent!

nPointsneeds to be greater or equal than 2

Definition at line 40 of file ComputeApproxMVBB.hpp.

Author(s): Gassner Nikolai
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 12:38:09