35 #ifndef ACADO_TOOLKIT_RK_SENSITIVITIES_EXPORT_HPP 36 #define ACADO_TOOLKIT_RK_SENSITIVITIES_EXPORT_HPP 161 #endif // ACADO_TOOLKIT_RK_SENSITIVITIES_EXPORT_HPP Allows to export a tailored Runge-Kutta sensitivity propagation for fast model predictive control...
Allows to pass back messages to the calling function.
Block< Derived > block(Index startRow, Index startCol, Index blockRows, Index blockCols)
BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ACADO typedef unsigned int uint
Defines a scalar-valued index variable to be used for exporting code.
virtual returnValue sensitivitiesOutputs(ExportStatementBlock *block, const ExportIndex &index0, const ExportIndex &index1, const ExportIndex &index2, const ExportIndex &tmp_index1, const ExportIndex &tmp_index2, const ExportIndex &tmp_index3, const ExportVariable &tmp_meas, const ExportVariable &time_tmp, bool STATES, uint base)=0
virtual returnValue sensitivitiesInputSystem(ExportStatementBlock *block, const ExportIndex &index1, const ExportIndex &index2, const ExportVariable &Bh, bool STATES)=0
virtual returnValue sensitivitiesImplicitSystem(ExportStatementBlock *block, const ExportIndex &index1, const ExportIndex &index2, const ExportIndex &index3, const ExportIndex &tmp_index1, const ExportIndex &tmp_index2, const ExportVariable &Ah, const ExportVariable &Bh, const ExportVariable &det, bool STATES, uint number)=0
virtual returnValue sensitivitiesOutputSystem(ExportStatementBlock *block, const ExportIndex &index1, const ExportIndex &index2, const ExportIndex &index3, const ExportIndex &index4, const ExportIndex &tmp_index1, const ExportIndex &tmp_index2, const ExportVariable &Ah, const ExportVariable &Bh, bool STATES, uint number)=0
Allows to export code for a block of statements.
Defines a matrix-valued variable to be used for exporting code.