39 #ifdef __AVOID_MEXERRMSGTXT__ 40 #define myMexErrMsgTxt( TEXT ) mexPrintf( "%s\n\n",(TEXT) ); 42 #define myMexErrMsgTxt mexErrMsgTxt
Implements the online active set strategy for box-constrained QPs.
returnValue deleteQPMatrices()
BooleanType isSimplyBounded
Implements the online active set strategy for QPs with varying matrices.
Allows to pass back messages to the calling function.
QPInstance(uint_t _nV=0, uint_t _nC=0, HessianType _hessianType=HST_UNKNOWN, BooleanType _isSimplyBounded=BT_FALSE)
Abstract base class for interfacing tailored matrix-vector operations.
static int_t s_nexthandle
Abstract base class for interfacing matrix-vector operations tailored to symmetric matrices...