32 #ifndef ACADO_TOOLKIT_EXPORT_EXACT_HESSIAN_CN2_HPP 33 #define ACADO_TOOLKIT_EXPORT_EXACT_HESSIAN_CN2_HPP 59 const std::string& _commonHeaderName =
"" 102 #endif // ACADO_TOOLKIT_EXPORT_EXACT_HESSIAN_CN2_HPP virtual returnValue getFunctionDeclarations(ExportStatementBlock &declarations) const
Allows to pass back messages to the calling function.
virtual returnValue setupHessianRegularization(void)
virtual returnValue setup()
Encapsulates all user interaction for setting options, logging data and plotting results.
An OCP solver based on the N^2 condensing algorithm.
virtual ~ExportExactHessianCN2()
Allows to export code for a block of statements.
ExportExactHessianCN2(UserInteraction *_userInteraction=0, const std::string &_commonHeaderName="")
virtual returnValue setupObjectiveEvaluation(void)